• 从科学层面上讲,技术转移不是难题,”克雷斯蒂博士

    "Scientifically, it is not difficult to transfer the technology, " reckons Dr Crestana.


  • 1989年,蒂姆·伯斯·李发明了万维网,这完全他自己发明的。

    In 1989, Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web all by himself.


  • 这本资料收集时候,我读查尔斯.艾伦.波蒂斯所写的《东山再起小子关于纽约州初选描述

    When I was doing research for this book, I read the account of the New York primary in The Comeback Kid by Charles Allen and Jonathan Portis.


  • 很显然引起了茱蒂·科林斯注意敦促首诗基础一首歌

    But apparently it got into the attention of Judy Collins, who urged Leonard to write a song based on the poem.


  • 作为该片执行制片人,蒂代表特拉遗产授权斯科塞斯影片中使用父亲所有著名歌曲,因此她的意见有着巨大的影响力

    As the executive producer who has granted permission on behalf of the Sinatra estate for Scorsese to use all of her father's famous songs, it is Tina's opinion that could hold sway.


  • 美国军人丹尼尔·法教练乔治·斯蒂南卡罗来切斯特在一起,在地面降落的过程中,后者突然停止了说话

    The US soldier Daniel Pharr was tied to skydiving veteran George Steele when the instructor stopped talking as the pair hurtled towards the ground over Chester County in South Carolina.


  • 斯蒂维也学习后,这位女伯爵送到斯蒂家族所在萨尔瓦尔,也是婚后独自生活时间最长地方

    When Nádasdy left to study in Vienna, the Countess was sent to Sárvár, where the Nádasdy family lived.This is also where she spent much of her married days on her own.


  • ·阿尼亚公园广阔沼泽地下,研究人员们发现了一奇怪纪念性城市”,逃离那场破坏性海啸的难民按照亚特兰蒂斯建造的。

    Buried in the vast marshlands of the Dona Ana Park they found a strange series of 'memorial cities,' built in Atlantis' image by the refugees who fled the destructive tsunami.


  • 坐落地中海马雷奥·蒂斯之间古城马格克里·欧佩·时代有名港口城市

    Located between the Mediterranean and Lake Mareotis, the ancient city of Taposiris Magna had been a prominent port town during Cleopatra's time.


  • 沃尔玛通过建造更多来解决食物荒漠”这问题——诸如斯蒂亚这类基础设施不足的城市广大乡村缺少便利店销售新鲜产品

    The company says it will also address the problem offood deserts” — a dearth of grocery stores selling fresh produce in rural and underserved urban areas like Anacostiaby building more stores.


  • 一方面,梅西却已经可以球王贝利马拉多-斯蒂法诺一高低。

    Messi on the other hand could be legitimately compared to Pele, Diego Maradona and Alfredo Di Stefano.


  • 如果没有蒂姆·伯斯·,也许今天就看不到篇文章了。

    If it weren't for Tim Berners-Lee, you would not be able to read this article.


  • 只有那些沸蚁动地方他们不会去,比如印度东部蒂斯·加尔的部分地区,那里称为萨尔派分子的尼共游击队员四处流窜

    They may avoid only those areas infested with insurgents, such as parts of Chhattisgarh in eastern India that are prowled by Maoist guerrillas known as Naxalites.


  • 可以宣称自己看到布莱·德曼露丝贝利塔娜,费德勒芙拉蒂诺娃,尼克劳斯伍兹。又或者你可以满怀激动地宣称自己看到明日之星。

    You can say that you saw Bradman or Ruth, pele or Montana, Federer or Navratilova, Nicklaus or woods-or you may have the tingling feeling that you have seen the next of the greats.


  • 蒂娜斯蒂哈姆一对20多岁的年轻夫妇,解释他们为什么支持穆萨维

    Tina and Nastiham, a couple in their 20s, explained why they were backing Mousavi.


  • 发射名宇航员执行亚特兰蒂斯号的此次历史性任务指挥官克里斯-弗格森驾驶员道格-赫利,宇航专家桑迪-马格瑞克斯-沃尔海姆。

    Whenever it launches, four astronauts will make the historic ride to orbit in Atlantis: commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, and mission specialists Sandy Magnus and Rex Walheim.


  • 报告纽约州哥伦比亚大学法尔·兹·凯格霍巴蒂、密歇根州奥克兰大学的托德·沙克尔福德维维安·韦克斯·沙克尔福德合作完成。

    The report was compiled by Farnaz Kaighobadi of Columbia University in New York state and Todd Shackelford and Viviana Weekes-Shackelford, from Oakland University in Michigan.


  • 亚拉巴马州理查德·谢尔比、华盛顿州的斯莱德·戈顿、阿拉斯加州特德·史蒂文西州弗雷德·汤普森弗吉尼亚州的约翰·了作伪证罪的反对票。

    Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.


  • 远在社交网站出现之前万维网发明者,蒂莫西·斯·李就首次提到语义概念一个内嵌含义网络

    The inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee first mentioned the concept of a semantic web, a web with inbuilt meaning, long before the advent of social sites, but it is yet to become reality.


  • 塞隆庞培法布拉大学的雅克波·彭蒂塞利汉斯·约阿希姆·沃斯最近份文件指出可能是有道理的。

    A recent paper by Jacopo Ponticelli and Hans-Joachim Voth of Barcelona's UniversitatPompeuFabra suggests he may have a point.


  • 1575年58日,斯蒂弗拉诺夫一个名为瓦拉诺的宫殿举行了婚礼

    She married Nádasdy in a palace named Varanno on May 8, 1575 in Vranov.


  • 诺哈伯公司的厂房成为了斯维亚半岛最大电影制片厂好莱坞影星克尔斯滕·邓斯去年曾在这里拍摄惊悚末日》,凭借这部影片获得了嘎电影节最佳女演员奖

    The old Nohab premises now house Scandinavia’s largest film studio, where Hollywood star Kirsten Dunst last year shot "Melancholia, " for which she won best actress at Cannes.


  • 万维网发明人蒂姆·伯斯•(Tim Berners - Lee)爵士领导英国行动反映了任何数据可能有用”的看法

    The British initiative, led by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web, reflects his belief that any data can be useful.


  • 其中催眠的画面是从丽丽 卡扎尼“午夜守门人卢奇诺·维斯康的“恐怖诅咒”一类虐待电影中得来。

    Its hypnotic images are drawn from such sado-masochistic films as Lililana Cazani's"The Night Porter" and Luchino Visconti's "The Damned."


  • 开始时,哈弗斯蒂克实现愿望想法,范围也局限得多,只在靠近家乡印第安波利斯的地方进行。

    Haverstick's wish-granting idea started much smaller and more local, near his hometown of Indianpolis.


  • 而且不要忘了还有网球明星玛蒂娜·芙拉蒂诺娃六次蝉联铁人冠军戴夫·斯特,四次获得环球先生的比尔·珀尔,卧推的世界纪录保持者斯坦·普里斯。

    And let's not forget about tennis star Martina Navratilova, six-time Ironman winner Dave Scott, four-time Mr. Universe Bill Pearl, or Stan Price, the world-record holder in bench press.


  • 世界足坛10号也是标志性球衣——普斯·卡贝利普拉蒂尼马拉多巴乔齐达内尔迪尼奥穿10号——考虑这些吗?

    It's also an iconic shirt throughout world football - Puskas, Pele, Platini, Maradona, Baggio, Zidane and now Ronaldinho have all worn it - was that in your mind too?


  • 万维网(WWW)之父蒂姆·伯斯-李(Tim Berners - Lee)就是这种态度经典例子

    Tim Berners-Lee, the man responsible more than any other for the initiation of the world wide web, is a classic example of this attitude.


  • 万维网(WWW)之父蒂姆·伯斯-李(Tim Berners - Lee)就是这种态度经典例子

    Tim Berners-Lee, the man responsible more than any other for the initiation of the world wide web, is a classic example of this attitude.


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