• 安娜塔西娅斯维达专家组成员,她过去很多妇女来说婚姻身份,一个妻子的身份,但是现在婚姻中侧重的是伴侣关系。

    Anastasia DE Waal, of the think-tank Civitas, said that in the past, 'for many women, marriage was their identity - you were a wife - but now it's much more about partnership'.


  • 意味着我们可以一种无创方式开发下一代接口设备,”孔特雷·拉·维达尔说

    "This means we can use a noninvasive method to develop the next generation of brain-computer interface machines," Contreras-Vidal says.


  • 如果打到了我会变得无比强大,强大到你无法想象。”欧比旺这样警告·维达

    If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine, ” Obi-Wan warns Darth Vader.


  • 多娜同事玛丽莲·维达人力资源总监,受过中等教育强调选择职位候选人通常一个经理做的重要决定

    Donna's colleague, Maryellen Valaitis, vice President of human resources, school education, emphasizes that selecting a job candidate is often the most critical decision a manager can make.


  • 就算被达·维达了,还是有力气滴。

    The force is strong, even after Darth Vader kills you.


  • 内向坚定阿瓦洛可以平静地下的气氛;唠叨乐观塞普尔维达向大家的救生圈一样那样的烦闷的时间里)。

    The presence of the shy, steady Avalos helped keep things tranquil below; but the garrulous, cheerful Sepúlveda played just as important a role in keeping the group buoyed (and at times annoyed).


  • 我们开始考虑为患者群体解答这个问题,”孔特雷·拉·维达,他已确定把中风患者肘部以下截肢患者作为首批测试对象

    "We're starting to look at patient populations to answer that question," Contreras-Vidal says, naming stroke patients and below-elbow amputees as the first test subjects.


  • 这套“黑暗镜头系列图片将暴风突击队员、机器人AT-AT、达·维达等角色放置于怪异衰败的景象之中,仿佛他们来自遥远的另一个银河系

    The Dark Lensseries places stormtroopers, droids, AT-ATs, Darth Vader and more in eerie, blighted landscapes that seem as if they could be from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


  • 我们希望证明中风或者截肢的人能够控制辅助设备。”孔特雷·拉·维达

    "We hope to show that a person with a stroke or an amputee would be able to control an assistive device," Contreras-Vidal says.


  • 星球大战传奇兴趣绝地武士成为保护人相反地·维达(DarthVader)却成为了一个黑暗武士

    The thing that intrigued me about the Star Wars saga was the idea of the Jedi as protector knights and conversely of Darth Vader as a kind of dark knight.


  • 可以开始拼图拼凑一起,看出如何变成达·维达的,有趣。

    You can start to put the pieces together of how he got to be Darth Vader, and that's fun.


  • ·维达搜索一下感觉知道真的了。

    Darth Vader: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.


  • 那么上一集莫蒂故事线的时候·维达出现剧中,即使仅仅只是鸿一瞥,你们这些人来说,究竟有

    IGN: so how cool was it for you guys, even for just a glimpse, to get to put Darth Vader on the show during the Mortis storyline last season?


  • 不过真的·维达出身开始彻底讲述这个故事

    But I really wanted to be thorough about telling the story about where Darth Vader came from.


  • 根据帝国反击战》的“制作”系列之一,《曾经银河系一书,波·形象最初是从·维达这个角色里脱离出来的。

    According to Empire's "making of" book, Once Upon a Galaxy, Boba Fett's character had originally emerged from that of Darth Vader.


  • 当然一直都喜欢·维达很久以前在发现一个纯粹的恶棍转变一个忏悔的悲剧英雄时起就对他感兴趣了。

    Sure, I've always liked Darth Vader and I have long since found his progression from scary villain to redeemed tragic hero interesting.


  • 中国佛教菩萨印度王子佛教不过维达一个末节。

    China has the Buddhism but Buddha was an Indian Prince and Buddhism is nothing more than a split end of the Vedas.


  • 布赖顿时尼克·吉拉德一起,因此吉拉德开玩笑说他本书书名是:《达·维达在我家地下室》。

    He is staying with Nick Gillard in Brighton, so Gillard jokes about writing a book titled, Darth Vader is Living in My Basement.


  • 知道在下一部会发生什么,”,“我猜想发生了一些可怕——阿纳金变成了·维达放弃了。”

    "I don't know what's going to happen in the next one," he said. "I imagine something awful happens - Anakin becomes Darth Vader and I give up."


  • ·维达欧比旺永远不会告诉你你父亲发生了什么

    Darth Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.


  • 其中包括基人服装带扣复制品,一张DVD,一件达斯-维达披风面料样本,以及一真品证明书。

    These include a reproduction Wookiee costume buckle, a DVD, a swatch of Darth Vader cape material, and a certificate of authenticity.


  • 除此以外,唯一不断乔治唠叨起的就是不能我穿上达·维达盔甲

    Aside from that, the only thing that I ever nag at George is whether or not I'm going to get to wear Darth Vader's outfit.


  • 就是帕萨迪纳·维达

    I'm the Darth Vader of Pasadena.


  • 告诉人们前传I主角是一个10岁小男孩的时候,人们惊慌失措他们不会成功因为每个的都是达·维达到处杀人

    When I told people that Episode I was about a ten-year-old boy, people panicked, and they said it wasn't going to work because everyone wanted to see Darth Vader going around and killing people.


  • 买了床单实在望而生畏,晚上老是睡不好。我讨厌达·维达那样

    I bought these star Wars sheets, but they turned out to be much too stimulating to be compatible with a good night's sleep. I don't like the way Darth Vader stares at me.


  • 非常老实地说从来没有任何EP6之后发生事,”卢卡,“·维达故事。”

    "To be very honest with you, I never ever thought of anything that happened beyond Episode VI," Lucas said. "it's the Darth Vader story."


  • 非常老实地说从来没有任何EP6之后发生事,”卢卡,“·维达故事。”

    "To be very honest with you, I never ever thought of anything that happened beyond Episode VI," Lucas said. "it's the Darth Vader story."


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