• 这项研究经费一部分纽约洛克·维尔中心查尔·斯科恩基金会提供的。

    The study was funded, in part, by the Charles Cohn Foundation of Rockville Centre, N.Y..


  • 科恩抱怨克莱正强行插足生意

    Cohen complained that Kravis was muscling in on his deal.


  • 荷兰人亚历克·科勒维恩的熏制室里,山毛榉橡木上烧制鳗鱼

    Eels are cooked over a beech and oak fire at Dutchman Alex Koelewijn's smokehouse.


  • 奥林匹亚经历埃瓦德里恩恩,期待本周结束签署这位边锋,“除非重大意外,不然无疑成为我们球员”,他

    The Olympiakos manager, Ewald Lienen, is expecting to sign the winger by the end of the week. "Unless there is a major surprise then he will be our player," he said.


  • 科菲尔假装无辜声称认识盖恩,也不知道杰克家人在哪。

    Cofell feigns innocence, claiming not to know about either Gaines or Jack's family.


  • 科恩法官耐心得所剩无几表示如果科恩接受这笔钱,那么考虑开始新一轮聆讯,判断科恩的精神状态是否正常。

    Meanwhile, Judge Cohn, his patience wearing thin, suggested that if Kearns did not reappear and accept the money he might begin proceedings to determine whether or not Kearns was mentally competent.


  • 法学教授马丁·阿德尔曼福特专家证人告诉科恩案子开审,事态就朝着有利于的方向戏剧性地逆转了。

    Marty Adelman, the Wayne State law professor, was an expert witness in the Ford case. He told me that once Kearns got into the courtroom the odds of his winning shifted dramatically in his favor.


  • 第一去年七月为电影制片人罗恩 耶科萨所有,第二八月艺人杰米··科电影人丈夫克里多夫 贾特。

    The first car went to Ron Yerxa, a film producer, last July, and the second in August to the actress Jamie Lee Curtis and her filmmaker husband, Christopher Guest.


  • 德拉威胁称,如果搞不定,他指示菲尔将盖恩得到酬劳银行账户清零

    Drazen threatens that he will instruct Cofell to empty the bank account from which Gaines was to be paid.


  • 很少如此老练人物记录如此放荡不羁的、浪漫堕落揉和寻常地步的生活方式”,班巴·盖·科恩他的《莫卧儿王朝》中

    "Rarely can such a sophisticated mind", says Bamber Gascoigne in "the Great Moghuls", "have recorded so wild an existence which combined to an extraordinary degree the romantic and the sordid."


  • 糟糕恩尼科西的晚上,那是一个漂亮多山小镇,坐落拉尼河岸在那里看见了一个满脸胡子家伙,他还戴着一顶很时髦的帽子。

    The worst was the night in Enniscorthy, a pretty, hilly town on the Banks of the River Slaney, where I spotted on the street a bearded guy wearing a trendy straw hat.


  • 荷兰人亚历克·科勒维恩熏制山毛榉橡木上烧烤鳗鱼

    Eels cook over a beech and oak fire at Dutchman Alex Koelewijn's smokehouse.


  • 最终认定科恩专利有效而且福特公司侵权成立。

    It found that Kearns' patents were valid and that Ford had infringed them.


  • 马友友大提琴,艾丽丝·沃特烹饪,乔尔·科恩聊聊《大地惊雷》,梅丽尔·特里普则要进行一场朗读会。

    Yo-Yo Ma will play the cello. Alice Waters will cook. Joel Coen will chat about "True Grit," and Meryl Streep will do a reading.


  • 长着头篷松头发弗兰西人伊万·多尔记得年前兄弟瑞恩驾驶一辆1981产的VW大巴车驶哥伦比亚的这座城市。

    Evan Dore, a shaggy-haired native of San Francisco, remembers driving through this part of Colombia four years ago with his brother, Ryan, in a 1981 VW bus.


  • 俄罗克市的阿纳托利·克纳恩科最新的杰出创作

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia.


  • 讽刺,当年排在1116位的是弗兰·瓦兹·奎,亚罗拉夫科罗廖夫肖恩梅拉沙德·麦坎茨,安东尼·莱特乔伊·格拉汉姆

    The irony, of course, is that Fran Vazquez, Yaroslav Korolev, Sean May, Rashad McCants, Antoine Wright and Joey Graham were taken with picks 11 through 16.


  • 《绅士季刊》网站编辑肖恩·凡妮塞告诉《每日邮报》网站说:“我们选并不是因为他著装随意有钱不一定要穿西装,或者穿得多摆阔,看看温科吾兄弟知道

    Sean Fennessey, editor of GQ.com, told MailOnline: 'It's not necessarily the casual nature of his look - wealth doesn't insist on suits and opulence.Look where that got the Winklevoss twins.


  • 萨德勒伸长,叹息说:“科恩博士真把自己当成福特设计队伍成员了,福特公司可不这样认为。”

    Sadler stretched his long legs out in front of him, rocked back in his chair, and sighed. "I think Dr. Kearns honestly believed he was part of the Ford design team," he said.


  • 科尼受到意大利唯一一名黑人议员吉恩·伦纳德•多瓦迪批评,这名议员具有刚果血统

    Berlusconi was also criticised by Italy's only black parliamentarian Jean Leonard Touadi, who is of Congolese origin.


  • 血凝素一个诱饵”,波士顿哈佛医学院免疫学家韦恩·马拉,“这些球状头部可以很多变异还不对病毒产生不好影响。”

    "Haemagglutinin's a decoy," says Wayne Marasco, an immunologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "Those globular heads can undergo many mutations without the virus suffering any ill effects."


  • almerica.blogspot.com,索科恩写了如何理解为什么苹果剔除开发的应用,就因为复制了iTunes里相似功能

    On almerica.blogspot.com, Sokirynsky wrote how he doesn't understand why Apple can reject his app for duplicating iTunes functionality when similar apps do the same.


  • 20多年之后,当时的那个男孩,他的孙子克里.恩科夫成为白宫私人助理

    More than twenty years later, that little boy, Kris Engskov, would become my personal aide in the White House.


  • 福特侵权案于19901月开庭审理,距离科恩提出上诉已经过去了12年,而且大多数专利已经过期了。

    The Ford case came to trial in January, 1990-twelve years after it was filed. Most of Kearns' patents had expired by then.


  • 二审开始科恩赢得了五千两百万美金,相当于福特公司卖出一个雨刷,就给他30美分,税后。

    So there was a second trial, and the second trial awarded Kearns $5.2 million, or about thirty cents a wiper plus interest.


  • 1992年610克莱裁定公布之前科恩家人一起了,和他一起的有丹尼蒂姆、蒂姆的女朋友弗朗莫林、莫林的未婚夫保罗以及凯西

    On June 10, 1992, the night before the Chrysler verdict was announced, Kearns went out on the town with his family: Dennis; Tim; Tim’s girlfriend, Francine; Maureen; Maureen’s fiancé, Paul; and Kathy.


  • 1992年610克莱裁定公布之前科恩家人一起了,和他一起的有丹尼蒂姆、蒂姆的女朋友弗朗莫林、莫林的未婚夫保罗以及凯西

    On June 10, 1992, the night before the Chrysler verdict was announced, Kearns went out on the town with his family: Dennis; Tim; Tim’s girlfriend, Francine; Maureen; Maureen’s fiancé, Paul; and Kathy.


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