• 马基雅维利奉献开场白让人回想希腊修辞学家伊索卡特(Isocrates组成经典演说《尼科莱》。

    The opening lines of Machiavelli’sdedication recall the classical oration To Nicoles composed by the Greek rhetorician Isocrates.


  • 唯一可以相信事实如果看到听到一消息,即是塔沃·阿帮助阿尔瓦罗·罗姆桑德拉·罗姆杀害了

    But the only reality that counts is this: if you saw and heard this message, it is because I was killed by alvaro Colom and Sandra DE Colom, with the help of Gustavo Alejos.


  • 作为回应莫拉下令暂时中止条道路的修建,许诺给予波及省份贝尼恰班巴的居民问题公民投票权。

    Mr Morales responded by ordering a temporary halt to work on the road, and promised a referendum on the issue in Beni and Cochabamba, the two affected regions.


  • 先生的这本著作没赶上好时候——贝鲁刚刚落选离任,69岁要想东山再起机会渺茫

    Mr Stille's book is ill-timed: Mr Berlusconi has just been voted out of office and, at 69, his chances of returning are slim.


  • 罗姆正在开会,这时私人秘书塔沃·阿进来打断了会议。

    Colom was in a meeting when he was interrupted by Gustavo Alejos, his private secretary.


  • 上月贝卢人拍到出席在那不勒郊外举行的蒂奇娅18岁生日聚会之后妻子指责“与未成年鬼混在一起”,打算和他离婚

    After Berlusconi was photographed last month attending Letizia's 18th birthday party outside Naples, his wife said she intended to divorce him, accusing him of "frequenting minors".


  • 卡杰有着迷人而朴素性格可以用名字称呼首相或者分析·维克是否正常精神医生。

    Kjaerstad, who's a charmingly understated character, is also on first-name terms with the prime minister and the psychiatrist who is analysing Breivik to decide whether or not he is sane.


  • 阿尔巴尼亚活动人士薇拉·达黎加活动人士玛丽莲娜·莫拉·巴里欧代表名2009年报告中称为反贩卖人口英雄的活动人士。

    Activists Vera Lesko of Albania and Mariliana Morales Barrios of Costa Rica represented the nine activists hailed in the 2009 report as anti-trafficking heroes.


  • 圣彼得堡国立大学教授尼德·洛夫指出,“2029年4月13日时,“阿波菲小时3700到3800公里时速接近地球

    Professor Leonid Sokolov of the St Petersburg State University told the RiaNovosti website: ‘Apophis will approach Earth at a distance of 37,000-38,000 kilometres (per hour) on April 13, 2029.


  • 保罗·莫塔夫(Paul Murtaugh)迈克尔·施(MichaelSchlax)曾计算美国每个儿童增加每位家长9441足迹

    Paul Murtaugh and Michael Schlax calculated that every child in the US adds 9, 441 tonnes to each parent's carbon footprint.


  • 今年四月以来,尼先生一直麻烦不断,当时同床共枕二十妻子宣布离婚部分原因是此人与一位十八岁内衣模特诺埃米·蒂奇亚的不当关系

    Mr Berlusconi has been mired in scandal since April, when his wife of 20 years announced she was divorcing him, in part over his alleged relationship with an 18-year-old lingerie model, Noemi Letizia.


  • 栖息马达加诺西阿纳沙滩漂流木上雌性变色龙Furciferoustaleti)。

    Female Oustalet's chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti) perched on a piece of driftwood at a beach on Nosy Anako, Madagascar.


  • 得克萨伊. 森尼尔.莫里1991因伪造罪缓刑3并处1200美元罚金.

    Scoey Lathaniel Morris, of Crosby, Texas, sentenced in 1991 to three years of probation and $1, 200 restitution for counterfeiting offenses.


  • 之后,查维兹同鲁戈莫拉以及雷亚一伙人一起唱起了卡拉OK,歌名叫“Hastasiemprecommandante” —是首纪念切•格拉瓦功绩歌曲。

    Mr Chávez joined Messrs Lugo, Morales and Correa in a karaoke rendition of “Hasta siempre commandante”—a dirge about the exploits of Che Guevara—before disappearing.


  • 贝卢那不勒参加一个漂亮18岁姑娘纳奥米齐亚生日之后73丈夫贝卢尼的关系就破裂了。

    She broke with her 73-year-old husband after he attended the birthday party of a pretty 18-year-old, Noemi Letizia, in Naples.


  • 汤姆·科莱布诺(TomScribner左侧)加入了笔者的旅程,他来自拉·瓦拉的律师。他们正在华盛顿东南部的一条小路上。

    The author was joined by Tom Scribner, left, a lawyer from Walla Walla, on a back road route in southeast Washington.


  • 已经有这么多时间足以发现菲思这个姓·格上流社会大门敲门砖

    He had time to discover that the name of Griffiths in Lycurgus was one that would open the door of Lycurgus exclusive circles.


  • 小鬼周二埃尔球场和芬洛球星中场队员肯·进行了一训练之后拿到了这份“象征性”的合约

    The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans during a training session in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract.


  • 的那个晚上的第二《玛·》送给了

    It was on the day following the evening when she had come seeking me out that I sent her Manon Lescaut.


  • 捷克选手茨基2008年810日举行男子双向飞碟决赛夺得了金牌

    Gold medalist David Kostelecky of the Czech Republic in action during the finals of the men's trap shooting competition at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games August 10, 2008.


  • 卢修寄给德拉剪报有效地使波特们感到尴尬和恼怒。

    Lucius sends Draco press clippings which could prove useful in embarrassing or harassing Potter or the Weasleys.


  • 这样一来,贝卢那不勒年轻女子诺埃米•齐亚说不清道不明的关系反倒退居次席了。

    This has pushed questions about Mr Berlusconi's relations with a young woman from Naples called Noemi Letizia into the background.


  • 摘要巴巴·皮埃蒙特产区内冉冉升起新星誉为“皮埃蒙特之后”。

    ABSTRACT: Barbaresco is one of the most shinning rising stars of Piedmont, which is titled as the Queen of Piedmont.


  • 同时代理旭硝子大、迈、的纺织助剂产品

    In addition we have the agents of Asahi, Croda, Huntsman and Clariant product.


  • 尼家族拥有份杂志随后刊登了一次活动齐亚母亲碰杯照片

    A magazine owned by Mr. Berlusconis family then published photos of the prime minister toasting with Ms. Letizia and her mother at the event.


  • ·玛蒙·西尔(1948—)当代美国本土作家中的杰出代表之一,她第一部小说《典仪》使成为美国本土文学复兴中的重要领军人物。

    Leslie Marmon Silko (1948 -), dedicated to the cause of reviving Native American culture, is reputed as one of most prominent contemporary Native American writers.


  • ·玛蒙·西尔(1948—)当代美国本土作家中的杰出代表之一,她第一部小说《典仪》使成为美国本土文学复兴中的重要领军人物。

    Leslie Marmon Silko (1948 -), dedicated to the cause of reviving Native American culture, is reputed as one of most prominent contemporary Native American writers.


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