• 有些粉丝开始推测那个问题女孩可能·西漫画书中蜘蛛另一位女朋友蜘蛛3》中出现过,布里·达拉·哈沃德饰演

    Some fans have begun speculating that the gal in question might be Gwen Stacy, another of Spidey's girlfriends from the comics, who was played by Bryce Dallas Howard in "Spider-Man 3."


  • 前面提到西大门开始,所有顿·特人都熟悉的那条大道,向上延伸到长达一英里长方形斜坡渐渐地那些房屋抛在后面

    From the western gate aforesaid the highway, as every Wintoncestrian knows, ascends a long and regular incline of the exact length of a measured mile, leaving the houses gradually behind.


  • 弗朗西.特雷瑟姆12月病死伦敦the Tower),罗伯特.新年被铺入狱。

    Francis Tresham died of illness in the Tower in December, and Robert Wintour was captured in the New Year.


  • 这位强大武士不仅为共和国最高办公室出谋划策,也是·组织绝地特遣队成员,去吉奥西营救被困在分离势力堡垒里的俘虏。

    The mighty warrior not only advised the highest office of the Republic, but was also part of the Jedi taskforce assembled by Mace Windu to rescue captives from the Separatist stronghold on Geonosis.


  • 波尔书中的主角之一苏格兰生物学家、分子数学家达西·特沃·汤姆逊1917年写了关于生长形成》。

    One of Mr Ball's heroes is Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, a Scottish biologist and polymath, who in 1917 wrote "On Growth and Form".


  • 得知半决赛抽签结果之后,问及才是最好球员法布雷加还是西

    After hearing news of the Gunner's Champions League Quarter-Final draw arsene Wenger was asked who was the better player - Fabregas or Messi.


  • 绝地大师顿时失去防卫能力,西迪厄放出西闪电致命能量汹涌地袭向

    Defenseless, Windu was bombarded with Sith lightning as Sidious unleashed a torrent of deadly energy at the Jedi Master.


  • 苏格拉底柏拉图·拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生与亨利·大卫罗。马娅·安杰卢与奥普拉·弗瑞。查尔西·琼·鲍勃·诺与史蒂夫·乔布

    Socrates and Plato. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey. Ray Charles and Quincy Jones. Bob Noyce and Steve Jobs.


  • 议长办公室发现·正要杀死西

    He rushed to the Chancellor's office, to discover that Mace Windu was about to kill the Sith Lord.


  • 帝国阴影》资料书提到塔科,书中披露人物香料商人德尔·莱特—西顾客之一

    Takel was also mentioned in the Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook, which revealed that the character was one of the customers of the spice-runner Wendell Wright-Sims.


  • 德尔·莱特—西一位拥有尔·帕丁本人特许进口令洛桑精英阶层提供香料进出口商,为提供高品质的香料。

    He was supplied with high-quality spice by Wendell Wright-Sims, an importer with express permission from Palpatine himself to provide spice to Coruscant's elite.


  • 又碰到麻烦,联赛间歇期碰到了伤病。威廉·加拉范佩西两辆车又在被国家队时候坏了。

    Arsene Wenger, the Arsenal manager, has suffered a double injury setback with the news that both William Gallas and Robin van Persie have been injured while away on international duty.


  • 如果这位多哥射手确实要离开从罗宾·范佩西西奥·沃尔科特、尼克拉·本特纳卡洛·贝拉中作出选择

    If the Togo striker does leave, Wenger would have Robin Van Persie, Theo Walcott, Nicklas Bendtner and Carlos Vela to choose from.


  • 来自维也纳西维京人34-25战胜了来自西班牙里弗维奇队,赢得欧洲学校决赛冠军,并且代表奥地利前往奥良参赛。

    The Wenzgasse Vikings from Vienna emerged as the champion of the European Schools Final by beating Spain's Pere Vives Viches 34-25 and will represent Austria in New Orleans.


  • 这个故事约翰弗朗西克里托弗布恩名15岁斯温顿,威尔特郡自闭症男孩生活第一人称叙事

    The story is written in the first-person narrative of Christopher John Francis Boone, a 15-year-old autistic boy living in Swindon, Wiltshire.


  • 最新的《蜘蛛侠》电影中扮演·西超级英雄的第一个女朋友

    In the latest Spiderman movie, she plays Gwen Stacy, the superhero's first girlfriend.


  • 罗宾·范佩西受伤给阿森纳锋线力量造成一个巨大缺口阿瑟·打算大人物朱力奥·巴塔来填补

    Robin van Persie's injury has left a large gap in the Arsenal strike force and Arsène Wenger intends to fill it with the imposing figure of Julio Baptista.


  • 可是,年轻球员培养世界级国际球星的精彩往绩可能戴维很有诱惑特别是如果西布·罗姆·维奇下个赛季冠比赛的话。

    Wenger's strong record of grooming young players into world-class international's may tempt Davies, though, especially if the Baggies are playing in the Championship next season.


  • 可是,年轻球员培养世界级国际球星的精彩往绩可能戴维很有诱惑特别是如果西布·罗姆·维奇下个赛季冠比赛的话。

    Wenger's strong record of grooming young players into world-class international's may tempt Davies, though, especially if the Baggies are playing in the Championship next season.


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