• 说:“因为沃力是来自沃利斯海滩的。”

    "Wally from Wallis Sands," she said.


  • 位于英国赛特韦茅海滩第一世界酒店

    World's first sand castle hotel at Weymouth beach in the seaside Town of Dorset in the UK.


  • 太平洋海岸图片。北斗七星过山车明星表演加州克鲁海滩木板路。

    The Giant Dipper roller coaster is the star of the show at California's Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.


  • 起初拉是允许公众使用海滩的,2010年,他锁上了马丁海滩路上大门,并部署了保安。

    At first, Mr. Khosla let people use the beach, but in 2010 locked the gate on Martins Beach Road and posted guards.


  • 马耳他布拉海滩戈佐岛-可以岛上发现一些海滩的那样,偏远之一也是最美丽,最宁静

    Malta: San Blas beach, Gozo - Out of the several beaches that can be found on the island, this is one of the most remote as well as the prettiest and most tranquil.


  • 约会地点LAX主题建筑屋顶360城市观景台,戈蒂博物馆泰普中心湖人比赛布雷焦油佩吉博物馆,威尼海滩浮桥

    Date spots: Rooftop observation deck at LAX’sTheme Building for 360-degree views of the city, Getty Museum, Lakers Game atStaples Center, Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, Venice Beach Boardwalk


  • 英国著名土地艺术家的“石头”是波蒂黑德海滩紫色石头组成的完美圆环放置画廊地板上展现了构造优雅脱俗一面

    Long is Britain's best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form.


  • 7月12日,2008世界沙雕英国海滩开幕主题"走遍全球"。

    The 2008 World Sand Sculpture Festival opened on Weston beach on July 12, with the theme of "travel around the world".


  • 兰工程专业的学生拉特在16岁时去希腊度假,他开始思考所有被水冲到海滩上的垃圾。

    When he was 16, Dutch engineering student Slat was on vacation in Greece, and he started to think about all the rubbish that is pushed onto beaches by water.


  • 西边兰奴这样的邻居是因为靠近海滩闹市区有着时髦而年轻个性人欢迎的。

    Neighbourhoods on the West Side, like Kitsilano, are popular because they are near the beach, close to downtown and have a funky, youthful character.


  • 澳洲海滩.希望活力四射的假期.我们可以看艾尔巨石大堡礁.一定很刺激.

    There are beaches in Australia too, but I would prefer a more active holiday this year. We could visit Ayers Rock and the Great Barrier Reef.


  • 白天我们河上划船,看见海龟苍鹰海狸然后我们跳进莱普·弗特海滩棕黄色的海水游泳

    By day we canoed the waterways, spotting turtles, eagles and beavers before swimming in the dark brown waters off Slapfoot Beach.


  • 马蒂·马可·维迪看来康尼莱顿海滩九英亩大小的公园时候做一些改变

    The way Marty Markowitz sees it, the rundown nine-acre park where Coney Island and Brighton Beach meet is ripe for a sparkling transformation.


  • 美国宇航局计划而建造的附近城镇- - -卡纳维拉尔角可可海滩,泰特维尔——已经处于防御性收缩,就像一个摇摆拳击手击倒重拳

    Nearby towns that were built around NASA's programs-cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, titusville-are already in a defensive crouch, like wobbly boxers waiting for a knockout punch.


  • 佛罗里达西海滩世界第一白而闻名

    Florida's Siesta Beach is known for having the whitest sand in the world.


  • 市中心开车15分钟到了,有着美丽的坎普海滩背依,海岸边沿街布满各种高档的餐馆,时尚而浪漫。

    Drive 15 minutes out of the city centre, and you come to Camps Bay (“a beautiful beach with gorgeous restaurants, nestled below Table Mountain”).


  • 环绕海滩航行90英里之后,巴西南方向发现了一块高地,正着的海极为险峻——这里后来被称为威尔逊角。

    After sailing along the Ninety-mile Beach, he saw high land to the south-west; and, standing out towards it, discovered the bold headland which was afterwards named Wilson's Promontory.


  • 2010年12月20号,下的大雪覆盖英格兰滨海韦顿的海滩

    Freshly fallen snow covers the beach on December 20, 2010 in Weston-Super-Mare, England.


  • 澳大利亚黄金海岸是个冲浪者天堂grommets澳洲口语冲浪者的意思)著名冲浪海滩诸如Spit(比特),冲浪者天堂(黄金海岸)美人鱼海滩冲浪。

    Australia’s Gold Coast is a surfing paradise where grommets (Aussie slang for surfers) hang ten in the waves that flow into famous surfing beaches like the Spit, Surfers Paradise, and Mermaid Beach.


  • 希腊热门度假岛屿米克·诺国际游客们不仅可以欣赏到基克拉迪式的建筑未受污染海滩而且享受到异常丰富的夜生活

    International travelers love the Cycladic architecture, unspoiled beaches, and vivid nightlife of Greece's most popular island, Mykonos.


  • 安妮·顿于2005年3月提出离婚显然是因为看到了布拉德安吉丽娜马多肯尼亚海滩照片

    She filed for divorce in March 2005, apparently after seeing pictures of Brad, Angelina and Maddox on a beach in Kenya.


  • 这种事谁都受不了,”埃说道,“看着海滩跟别人约会,还又又抱,另一半能受得了么?”

    "It is hard to see those," says Estes. "For your partner to see you cuddling on the beach on a date?"


  • 公司创始人兼总裁阿兰·吉布曾希望能够位于新西兰门前海滩驾驶该车。通常因为较大的潮汐而难以实现。

    The company's founder and President, Alan Gibbs, wanted to be able to drive onto the beach in front of his home in New Zealand, which is often inaccessible because of high tides.


  • 曾经上演过《大鲨鱼》里经典镜头,把条长75英尺大白叉到了孩子们正在游玩的海滩上。

    Mr Mundus, too, once made the centrepiece of a classic "Jaws" scene, harpooning a great white in 75 feet of water off a beach where children played.


  • 巴黎布达佩都市海滩当地搞的红火。

    From Paris to Budapest, these urban beaches have been quite a hit with the locals.


  • 巴黎布达佩都市海滩当地搞的红火。

    From Paris to Budapest, these urban beaches have been quite a hit with the locals.


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