• 桑普拉以61、62和61战胜了卡尔-尤韦·蒂布,证明了挑战冠军头衔合理性

    Sampras beat Carl-Uwe Steeb by 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to underline the legitimacy of his challenge for the title.


  • 为了韦德波什詹姆米勒腾出足够薪资空间热火必须交易出大前锋迈克尔.利是2008年NBA选秀第2球员。

    To clear the needed salary cap space for Wade, Bosh, James and Miller, the Heat would need to trade forward Michael Beasley, the No. 2 overall selection in the 2008 NBA Draft.


  • 众弟兄尊贵,他母亲他起名叫意思说甚是痛苦

    And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.


  • 2004年卖出《药房以后斯比每次伦敦举办大型当代艺术品销售活动时,都会提供作品。然而,在今年六月的晚间销售中,索斯比没有提供的任何一件作品。

    Even Sotheby's, which has had a Hirst in every major contemporary sale in London sincePharmacy” in 2004, offered none of his art in this year's evening sale in June.


  • 去年,79岁的先生去世后,太太决定出售

    Mr Beeston, 79, died last year and his wife decided to put it up for sale.


  • 弟兄尊贵,他母亲名叫意思说他甚是痛苦

    Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, 'I gave birth to him in pain.'


  • 自称是同性恋者的Dani因为长相酷似·伯,无论走到哪都以为汀·伯,但是自己却澄清自己有自己的风格。

    Dani, who describes herself as' a lesbian who looks like Justin Bieber, but is uniquely different in her own ways, 'says:' I am stopped everywhere I go because people think I am Justin Bieber.


  • 英国在一八二七年警力武装,或者是一八二九年,记不清是哪个了,罗伯特·皮尔创建了第一个伦敦警局,叫做警署,后来,罗伯特·皮尔,博发现

    The British don't have a police force until 1827 or 1829, I can't remember which, when Robert Peale creates a London police force which they call the Bobbies, after, like, Robert, Bob, bobbies.


  • ·告诉警方认识周五她家那个女人,她借用电话为名进入了奥切·拉的家中

    Ochsenbine told police she did not know the woman who came to her door Friday and entered the house after asking to use the telephone.


  • 丈夫——居住伦敦丹麦贵族克劳··宣告有罪,克劳·冯·洛还妻子注射大量胰岛素以掩盖谋杀的真相。

    Her husband, Danish aristocrat Claus von Bulow, who lives in London, was convicted and then cleared of trying to murder her by injecting her with an overdose of insulin.


  • 潘多拉人间送给·米修欣然收下这位美丽女人普罗米修却说伊·米修必须小心天神送来的这个礼物

    Pandora was sent to the earth and was presented to Epimetheus. He gladly received the beautiful woman. But Prometheus said that Epimetheus had to be careful with Zeus' gift.


  • 图书馆加入社区其他形建筑队列,社区是一座动感对齐铁轨穿而过的城市。

    The new library joins with the other long buildings of the Billings community, informed by the dynamic and angular alignment of the rail tracks through the city.


  • :早上名字· 图尔特。是亚历克·帕帕

    Robbie: Good morning . My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas.


  • 连接两个部分在整个空间曲线中很明显包括墙壁天花板衬里地板引用了莫带。

    Linking the two parts, the mobius reference is manifest in the curved lines throughout the space, including the walls, ceiling lining and floor.


  • ·艾利小酒馆·克下一条胳膊,但侥幸逃生。

    He barely escaped alive, having his arm cleaved off by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Mos Eisley Cantina.


  • 斯比告诉警方认识周五去她家的那个女人,她借用电话为名进入了奥切斯比拉的家中

    Ochsenbine told police she did not know the woman who came to her door Fridayentered the house after asking to use the telephone.


  • 扎瓦这番评说源于帕尔·争论,后者是加州大学教授,也是临床遗传学专家教授坚决反对任何关于克隆人计划

    The remarks from Zavos came during a debate with Dr. Paul r. Billings, a University of California professor and an expert on clinical genetics, who bluntly rejected any plans to clone humans.


  • 时分马哈拉模型作为混合经济体例计划的守旧模型遭到尊崇,哈拉也因此而非常有影响力

    MEGHNAD DESAI: And at that time, Mahalanobis's model was hailed as one of the pioneering mathematical models for planning a mixed economy. And that made Mahalanobis very influential.


  • 千千万万道德崇高将会同意托马-肯,然而托马-肯病态的。

    There are thousands of saints down the ages who will agree with Thomas a Kempis. And Thomas a Kempis is pathological.


  • 旁白尼赫鲁请求哈拉·诺考虑如作甚经济体例计划这位才华横溢的马哈拉诺成功地将整个印度经济一个数学表示出来。

    NARRATOR: Nehru asked Mahalanobis to think about how to plan an economy. The brilliant Mahalanobis succeeded in expressing the entire Indian economy in a single mathematical formula.


  • 1958年8月正式接过管理权。巴斯比价钱签约了不少本地天才

    After taking up the managerial reigns again in August 1958, Busby began to add some big money purchases to his homegrown talent.


  • 特拉教会修羽士颠末变革上帝教西妥修道会的次要一支成员苦行赌咒缄默为特性,1664年树立于法国东南部的特拉修道院

    A member of the main, reformed branch of Cistercian monks, characterized by austerity and a vow of silence, established in1664 at La Trappe Monastery in northwest France.


  • 过来,随之是混战,格雷斯比家族很是懊恼林肯是混战胜利者

    The Grigsby crowd rushed him and a free-for-all followed, much to the regret of the Grigsbys . Lincoln came out the winner.


  • 多谢支持2009-「盲侠行」,抱歉名额有任何查询,致电2595-0263联络。

    Thank you for supporting ORBIS-Bupa Moonwalkers 2009. We are sorry that our quota of applications is full. For enquiry, please contact ORBIS at 2595-0263.


  • 考虑到爵士对于挖掘年轻球员有特殊的奉献曼联预备队这次派出最有前途的年轻球员,以最合适的方式来纪念斯比爵士。

    The Reds Reserves side will feature many of United's promising young players, a fitting tribute considering Sir Matt's famed dedication to youth development.


  • 弟兄尊贵,他母亲名叫意思说他甚是痛苦

    Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, "I gave birth to him in pain."


  • 有一部NBC电视台1984 至1992 年流行电视节目叫“斯比“,明星-斯比由克利夫- 哈克代博扮演菲莉西亚- 雷沙德扮演妻子克莱尔

    One of the most popular TV shows ever was "The Cosby Show, " on NBC from nineteen eighty-four to nineteen ninety-two. It starred Bill Cosby as Cliff Huxtable and Phylicia Rashad as his wife, Clair.


  • 有一部NBC电视台1984 至1992 年流行电视节目叫“斯比“,明星-斯比由克利夫- 哈克代博扮演菲莉西亚- 雷沙德扮演妻子克莱尔

    One of the most popular TV shows ever was "The Cosby Show, " on NBC from nineteen eighty-four to nineteen ninety-two. It starred Bill Cosby as Cliff Huxtable and Phylicia Rashad as his wife, Clair.


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