• 许多科学家反应则诸如此类科幻故事深感悲哀,认为不是玛丽·雪莱以及阿尔·赫胥利将自己的想象付诸文字,哪里这些麻烦。

    The reaction of many scientists is to lament these "science fiction" stories, to imagine that if Mary Shelley and Aldous Huxley had never committed their imaginings to paper all would have been well.


  • 26岁作家爱林•杜法儿去年为了毕业生学校去了洛杉矶发现电子邮件帮助和一个在纳什维尔的朋友爱什丽•科娃桃亲近了。

    After Erin Duvall, a 26-year-old writer, moved to los Angeles last year for grad school, she found that email helped her become closer to a good friend in Nashville, Ashley Schwartau.


  • 曾于1968年1994年科赫工业集团公司工作的菲尔·杜博告诉陪审团计划如何运行。

    Phil Dubose, who worked for Koch Industries from 1968 to 1994, told the jury how the scheme worked.


  • 昨日声称选举中出现大规模舞弊现象的阿卜杜拉讲话中对加尔布雷阻止选举作弊下台一事表现出关切

    Speaking yesterday Abdullah, who alleges fraud took place on a massive scale, expressed concern that Galbraith had been pushed out for campaigning to prevent electoral fraud.


  • 1886年巴黎商人保罗·杜兰德-鲁埃尔,用袋子装了300多幅印象派画作——包括成堆雷诺阿、毕沙西莱等大家的作品——带到美国

    In 1886 Paul Durand-Ruel, a Paris dealer, packed his bags with 300 Impressionist paintings-including piles of Renoirs, Pissarros and Sisleys-to take to America.


  • 阿富汗中通卡尔扎伊沙特国王阿卜杜拉或许安吉拉·默克尔或西尔维奥·贝卢科尼严肃地看待这次事件

    Afghanistan's President Karzai or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia may take the issue much more seriously than Angela Merkel or Silvio Berlusconi.


  • 罗的老师.杜尔曼。

    Philo's teacher was Justin Tolman.


  • 杜尔一整套连衣裙需要6牛奶造价150 - 200欧元

    Domaske said it would take about 6 litres of milk to produce an entire dress, which costs about 150 to 200 euros.


  • 普纳尔可以乔杜里实施的各种处罚里选择了最一种,那就是对其训斥一番,因为有关人员在对乔杜里的电脑文档进行了仔细搜索发现其实只是浏览几个新闻旅游网站

    Spooner dispensed the lightest possible punishment on Choudhri, a reprimand, after a search of Choudhri's computer files revealed he had visited several news and travel sites.


  • 微软公司提出了求职申请,同时也向软件解决方案提供商阿尔杜Aldus)公司申请另一职位

    She applied for a job with Microsoft, and another position at software solutions provider Aldus.


  • 20的乔·杜尔来自肯塔基州路易维尔。

    This isJoe Durso, twenty years old, from Louisville, Kentucky.


  • 苹果公司史蒂夫·乔布一个个人电脑”,风险处理资本家约翰·杜尔若有所思地说,这“比互联网更大的”。

    Steve Jobs of Apple said it was "as big a deal as the PC" and John Doerr, a venture capitalist, mused that it would be "bigger than the Internet".


  • 主教杜弗尔:彭巴草原当然了,本来知道那里。最近在一关于拉美的书上看到了。还有很多你们古老金字塔图片

    Bishop Dufour: The pampas. Of course. I should've known that. Recently I saw a book on Latin America. There were photos of your ancient pyramids.


  • 有一个精灵名字叫杜莉”——“杜莉”戴维·赫德尔顿的母亲婚前姓氏。赫德尔顿是片中圣诞老人的饰演者

    One of the elves is named "Dooley". That is the maiden name of the mother of David Huddleston, who plays Santa.


  • 火车布丁杜佛尔向东转弯,沿着哈莱东岸行驶时,紧张地提醒他们已经到了纽约城边

    As the train turned east at Spuyten Duyvil and followed the east bank of the Harlem River, Hurstwood nervously called her attention to the fact that they were on the edge of the city.


  • 阿比·杜小亚细亚一个城镇,位于今天土耳其达达·尼尔海峡亚洲海岸

    An town of Asia Minor on the Asiatic coast of the Hellespont in modern day Turkey.


  • 阿比·杜亚细亚一个古老城镇,位于今天土耳其达达·尼尔海峡亚洲海岸

    An ancient town of Asia Minor on the Asiatic coast of the Hellespont in modern day Turkey.


  • 去年一月开张杜尔·弗林宾馆一样,海滨雨后春笋般出现奢华建筑群使匹战后沉睡多年旅游业得以复苏。

    Luxurious real-estate developments like the Dolfin Hotel, which opened last January, have emerged along the seafront, waking Pitsunda's tourist industry from years of comatose postwar decay.


  • 自从比赛开始,意大利转播公司Rai报道协议将和切拉签署,他今年36岁,将在下一站的扎站比赛代替杜尔参赛。

    During the race, the Italian broadcaster Rai reported that a deal has been struck to see Fisichella, 36, switch to replace the hapless Luca Badoer at the next race at Monza.


  • 十来岁时喜欢杜妥也夫基、卡夫卡巴尔札克等作家不敢想像,我能写出一些东西他们传世之作媲美。

    In my teens I loved writers like Dostoyevsky, Kafka and Balzac, but I never imagined I could write anything that would measure up to the works they left us.


  • 干酪是在墨西哥城购买的,之前坐长途公车便宜旅行穿越萨卡特卡市,杜兰戈奇瓦瓦市直边境厄尔巴索市,远远两千里

    I'd bought the cheese three days ago in Mexico City before the long cheap bus trip across Zacatecas and Durango and Chihuahua two thousand long miles to the border at El Paso.


  • 《 大卫·科波菲尔艾格尼、《荒凉山庄》中杜丽》中 的艾米位女主人公都是典型 的维多利亚时代 的家庭天使

    For most part, the three female figures, Agnes in David Copperfield, Esther in Bleak House and Amy in Little Dorrit, are the emblems of the typical Victorian "angel in the house".


  • 条新闻打击喜鹊主帅阿兰·帕杜留下恩里克,现在看来很可能报价西后卫尼尔·泰勒

    The news will be a blow for Magpies boss Alan Pardew, who wanted to keep Enrique, but now looks likely to re-bid for Swansea City defender Neil Taylor.


  • 1911年,UnitedStates雪佛兰汽车公司1911年11月路易。雪佛兰,威廉。利特尔,艾得温。肯贝以及威廉。杜兰特的女婿创立总部设在底特律

    In 1911, Chevrolet Motor Company of Michigan is incorporated in November of 1911 by Louis Chevrolet, William Little and Edwin Cambell, William Durant's son-in-law. Headquarters are in Detroit.


  • 由于相似埃尔维·普雷1950帕杜尔理发,恐龙称为非正式的Elvisaurus

    Due to the resemblance to Elvis Presley's pompadour haircut in the 1950s, the dinosaur is also informally known as the Elvisaurus.


  • 由于相似埃尔维·普雷1950帕杜尔理发,恐龙称为非正式的Elvisaurus

    Due to the resemblance to Elvis Presley's pompadour haircut in the 1950s, the dinosaur is also informally known as the Elvisaurus.


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