• 当然最终金靴得主也不一定就出自这些人中(波兰吉泽格拉斯·拉托赢得了1974年的金靴)。

    The Golden Boot winner is by no means certain to come from this group of players Grzegorz Lato of Poland won it in 1974!


  • U 2乐队会是本周五格拉顿伯里音乐节的焦点。在下个他们完成3600巡演之后,全球30个国家将有七百万已经看过他们演出

    By the time U2, who headline the Glastonbury Festival this Friday, finish their 3600 Tour next month, seven million people will have seen them play in 30 countries.


  • 如果一点点公立保险机构影子都没有自由派参议员斯。范格拉杰伊·洛克·菲勒就要跳脚了。

    If there is not even a hint of a public plan, liberals like Senator Russ Feingold and Jay Rockefeller may stomp off.


  • 讽刺,当年排在1116位的是弗兰·瓦兹·奎斯,亚罗斯拉夫科罗廖夫肖恩梅拉沙德·麦坎茨,安东尼·莱特乔伊·格拉汉姆

    The irony, of course, is that Fran Vazquez, Yaroslav Korolev, Sean May, Rashad McCants, Antoine Wright and Joey Graham were taken with picks 11 through 16.


  • 卡斯·奇尔拥有决定迈格·拉希是否移交释放最终决定权。他上周探视了被监禁格拉斯哥附近的格林·诺克监狱的迈格·拉希。

    MacAskill, who has the final say over whether Megrahi should be transferred or released, visited the Libyan last week in Greenock prison, near Glasgow.


  • 11月格拉斯哥大学小组干细胞植入一位中风受害者脑细胞

    In November a group at Glasgow University implanted stem cells into the brain of a stroke victim.


  • 格拉斯哥大学癌症研究所Paul Shiels博士:“在斯拉·格斯我们展示加速老化社会地位被剥夺社会地位有关系。”

    Dr Paul Shiels, of the Institute of Cancer Studies at Glasgow University, said: "We show that accelerated ageing is associated with social status and deprivation in Glasgow."


  • 的黎波里当地英文报纸《的黎波里邮报》(Tripoli Post)编辑拉斯沃德(Said Laswad)表示,的黎波里大多数相信格拉无辜的,得知他释放消息后,当地街道上是欢庆人群。

    In Tripoli, where most people believe Mr. al-Megrahi to be innocent, the streets were 'full of happy people, ' said Said Laswad, editor of the Tripoli Post, a local English-language newspaper.


  • 之后,查维兹同鲁戈莫拉莱斯以及科雷亚一伙人一起唱起了卡拉OK,歌名叫“Hastasiemprecommandante” —是首纪念切•格拉功绩歌曲。

    Mr Chávez joined Messrs Lugo, Morales and Correa in a karaoke rendition of “Hasta siempre commandante”—a dirge about the exploits of Che Guevara—before disappearing.


  • 当然最终金靴得主也不一定就出自这些人中(波兰吉泽格拉斯·拉托赢得了1974年的金靴)。

    The Golden Boot winner is by no means certain to come from this group of players (Grzegorz Lato of Poland won it in 1974!)


  • 这部由卡尔·拉杰菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld最喜爱安娜·穆格拉莉斯(AnnaMouglalis主演、由·寇南(Jan Kounen)执导的新电影戛纳电影节的最后一天首映

    Starring Karl Lagerfeld favorite Anna Mouglalis, Jan Kounen's film will premiere on the last day of Cannes.


  • 当然拉。下周请注意收听侦探格拉解决一个《科学时刻神秘事件

    Sure. Tune in next week when Detective Glass solves yet another Moment of Science mystery!


  • 旅行摄影师格拉·斯特拉顿拍摄照片,是经历数百万风化岩层上行程自然窥视,画面震撼人心。

    Travel photographer, Douglas Stratton has captured breath-taking shots of the natural peep holes carved into rock formations over hundreds of thousands of years through weathering.


  • 格拉迪斯双亲奥蒂斯·埃尔梦露德拉•梦露•格拉垂暮之年都精神病院度过,她的兄弟马里恩确诊患上偏执型精神分裂症

    Both of Gladys's parents, Otis Elmer Monroe and Della Monroe Grainger, lived out their twilight years in mental institutions, while Gladys's brother, Marion, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.


  • 这种两边代表各执一词进行辩论的方式名字来自于1858年伊利诺斯州美国参议员亚伯拉罕·林肯斯蒂芬·格拉辩论

    The style of debating where each side presents an argument gets its name from the 1858 debates in Illinois between U. S. Senate candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.


  • 特别关注格拉底派、多葛学派、卢克莱修叔本华萨特加缪海德格尔尼采、考利斯拉蒙特以及桑塔亚纳

    I've been particularly drawn to the presocratics, the stoics, Lucretius, Schopenhauer, Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Corlis Lamont, and Santayana.


  • 副手诺曼底埃斯彻玛维拉勋爵征服格拉摩甘郡的骑士共有十二个祖先他们中间的一个。

    Your ancestor was one of the twelve knights who assisted the Lord of Estremavilla in Normandy in his conquest of Glamorganshire.


  • 这部电影告别希亚以往角色拉博夫先生喜欢现实生活中第一女主角一起工作,也喜欢口中的传奇迈克尔·格拉一起合作。

    The film is a departure from Shia's regular roles, but Mr. LeBoeuf enjoyed working with his real-life leading lady, and Michael Douglas, who he says is a living legend.


  • 法国香水中心是法国里维埃拉地区小城格拉

    The heart of the French perfume industry lies in Grasse, a small city on the French Riviera.


  • 托尼告诉克莱尔说,可以格拉迪斯一样,还建议克莱尔邀请格拉迪斯朋友家里来玩,时间就定在托尼离去拉里回家之前那个晚上

    "You can be like her, " Tony told her and suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return.


  • 毕竟格拉迪斯知道丈夫拉里,而不是托尼

    After all, she knew Claire's husband's name was Larry, not Tony.


  • 唯一知道领导人,”51岁的格拉·谢拉·马丁内斯(Graciela Martinez)周六早晨美国大使馆附近一家咖啡馆里一边地板一边

    "He was the only leader I ever knew," Graciela Martinez, 51, said as she mopped the floors of a cafe near the American Embassy on Saturday morning.


  • HBO电视公司为此已经准备很久,由史蒂文。索德伯格执导李伯拉斯传记,影片主要围绕由迈克尔格拉饰演的音乐家马特达蒙饰演其爱人Scott Thorson而展开的。

    HBO Films has acquired the long-gestating, Stephen Soderbergh-directed biopic of Liberace, which will feature Michael Douglas as the iconic musician and Matt Damon as his younger lover, Scott Thorson.


  • HBO电视公司为此已经准备很久,由史蒂文。索德伯格执导李伯拉斯传记,影片主要围绕由迈克尔格拉饰演的音乐家马特达蒙饰演其爱人Scott Thorson而展开的。

    HBO Films has acquired the long-gestating, Stephen Soderbergh-directed biopic of Liberace, which will feature Michael Douglas as the iconic musician and Matt Damon as his younger lover, Scott Thorson.


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