• 劳拉·戴维有把握得到奥林匹中的

    Laura Davies is assured of a place in the Olympic team.


  • 四重奏”乐队戴维·哈林顿起初演奏时的感觉像头一小提琴大师雅沙•海飞兹演奏一样。

    David Harrington of the Kronos Quartet said that the first time he heard her play was like the first time he heard Jascha Heifetz, a master violinist.


  • 加利福尼·戴维分校格雷戈里·认为原因在于欧洲社会本性

    Gregory Clark, of the University of California, Davis, thinks the answers lie in the nature of European societies.


  • 相信,我贝琪·赖特·莫里戴维·沃特金有能力应付可能发生的一切但是担心切尔西其他人爸爸坏话有何反应

    I felt confident that Betsey Wright, Dick Morris, David Watkins, and I could deal with whatever came up, but I was concerned about how Chelsea would react to people saying bad things about her father.


  • 戴维“新一球员已经崭露头角我们已经看到贾德横空出世已经到来彻底打破的沉闷。”

    "The modern player has emerged," said Davis. "We've seen Judd move up through the gears and he's come here and absolutely annihilated the game."


  • 活跃小型俱乐部里四重奏五重奏的实况演奏。柯川幸运地被高超的伴舞乐队指挥和老师雇佣,他们是迈尔戴维罗尼-蒙

    The fizz was in small clubs where quartets and quintets played live, and Col trane was lucky to be hired by two superb bandleaders and teachers, Miles Davis and The lonious Monk.


  • 伯南看跌期权形容十分生动形象”杰弗瑞投资银行戴维•泽尔沃这样写道,认为联储决心使经济再次陷入通货膨胀。

    The Bernanke put is very much alive and well,” notes David Zervos of Jefferies, an investment bank, who says the Fed is determined to reflate the economy.


  • 弗格森不得不第八分钟时候做出另一个调整由于突破成功的汤姆·维利被破坏性的戴维铲伤之后,迈尔·卡换下莱维利。

    Ferguson had to make another change after only eight minutes, when Michael Carrick replaced Tom Cleverley, who came off second best in one of those "collisions" Davies has perfected.


  • 莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——拉里-戴维,,乔治-卢卡,雷-哈维德,甚至汤姆--阿弗莱想进去都得费点劲儿。

    Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.


  • 不可缺少的:莎拉·杰西卡··凯特·罗尔·戴维以及辛西娅·

    The indispensables: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon.


  • “1990s早期危机之后瑞典经济效益劳动活动”,史蒂文·戴维、马格努·翰林森著。

    "Economic Performance and Work Activity in Sweden after the Crisis of the Early 1990s", by Steven Davis and Magnus Henrekson.


  • 跻身台球精英之列迟早,” 史蒂夫·戴维如是说。 曾经6次夺得世界台球冠军的他在英国锦标赛决赛丁俊晖10-6击败。

    “It was only a matter of time before he joined the sport’s 32)elite, ” said Steve Davis, the six-time World Champion who was beaten 10-6 by Ding in the final of the UK Championship.


  • 2005年12月打败绰号“天然金块”的史蒂夫·戴维赢得英国公开赛冠军,引起一番轰动成为首位来自英伦群岛之外赢取英国锦标赛球手

    He caused a 27 sensation in December 2005 when he beat Nuggets Steve Davis to win the UK Open. Ding became the first ever player from outside the British Isles to win the UK Championship.


  • 麦凯恩竞选经理·戴维告诉新闻台,9月初佩林不会回答记者的提问,“直到获得尊重为止。”

    Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, told Fox News in early September that Palin will not take questions from reporters "until the point in time when she'll be treated with respect and deference."


  • 开始,曾饰演《哈利波特与死圣》中的拉环演员沃维.戴维青蛙唱诗班,唱诗班是一个音乐喜剧小组魔法学校的学生6个唱歌的青蛙木偶组成。

    Earlier, actor Warwick Davis, who plays Griphook in the Deathly Hollows movie, led the Hogwarts Frog Choir, a musical group made up of Hogwarts students and six singing frog puppets.


  • 主演莎拉·杰西卡··卡特拉尔,辛西娅·汀·戴维·诺

    Starring: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis and Chris noth.


  • 妖精拉环沃里.戴维饰演,右侧那位)《死亡2》中得到了应有的报应。

    The goblin Griphook (Warwick Davis, at right) gets his comeuppance in Deathly Hallows Part 2


  • 戴维刚刚授予第五国际奖颁奖仪式伦敦维多利亚阿尔伯特博物馆

    Davis has just been awarded the fifth Man Booker International Prize at an award ceremony at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.


  • 2003年夏季秋季戴维德·阿·罗德通过媒体成功塑造奥巴马一个新星的形象。

    In summer and fall 2003, David Axelrod managed to get some stories into the media that mentioned Obama as a possible star in the making.


  • 主角戴维•伊饰)搭档离去背着吉他孑然一身地独唱

    Davis (Oscar Isaac) is striking out on his own after his musical partner goes solo.


  • 安东尼·戴维、考尼古拉·约基奇以及里·塔普·波尔津吉组成大个子队;托马、戈登·海沃德、约翰·沃尔以及德文·代表后卫们参赛。

    Anthony Davis, Cousins, Nikola Jokic and Kristaps Porzingis will represent the bigs while Thomas, Gordon Hayward, John Wall and Devin Booker will hold it down for the guards.


  • 史提德国赢得戴维·1997年宣布退役时年28岁

    Shtick owned the Davis Cup for Germany, but announced his retirement in 1997, aged 28.


  • 打开手机拨通戴维·阿·罗德的电话。

    He flipped his cell phone open and dialed David Axelord.


  • 戴维·阿·罗德战略抓住竞选经费并且电视广告最后证明是个天才选择。

    David Axelrod's strategy of holding onto the campaign's money and spending it on TV ads only at the end proved to be genius.


  • 巴黎回来戴维搬进了布里·顿的座空房住下了。

    After returning from Paris, David moved to a squat in Brixton.


  • 以饰演美国民间英雄戴维·特闻名演员·去世

    Actor Fess Parker best known for playing American folk hero Davy Crockett has died.


  • 以饰演美国民间英雄戴维·特闻名演员·去世

    Actor Fess Parker best known for playing American folk hero Davy Crockett has died.


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