• 然后他们穿过尼克斯宫殿经过科赛托

    They then go through the Palace of Nyx, passing the river Cocytus.


  • 1876年85生于印第安纳首府印第安纳波利;1958年8月14日卒于亚利桑那州首府尼克斯。是伊莱·(Eli Foster)马瑞萨·洛克·伍德·里尔(Marassa Lock wood Ritter)女儿;1900年,与查尔·奥·比尔德(Charles Austin Beard)结婚

    Born 5 August 1876, Indianapolis, Indiana; died 14 August 1958, Phoenix, Arizona Daughter of Eli Foster and Marassa Lockwood Ritter; married Charles Austin Beard, 1900.


  • 比方,想象一下,在麦迪森广场花园里,纽约尼克斯格拉流浪者队同时开赛会怎样的景象。

    But one parallel, he said, is imagining what it is like at Madison Square Garden when the Knicks and the Rangers play on the same day.


  • 杰夫讲完话后,首席检察官埃里克·尼克斯站起来说,最高法官裁定,1890年起宗教自由不能扩大多妻制

    When Jeffs finished, lead prosecutor Eric Nichols rose and said the Supreme Court has found since the 1890s that religious freedom does not extend to polygamy.


  • 本名为《来自阿拉莎拉·佩林》,详细描述麦凯恩家乡亚利桑那州尼克斯,这位当时的阿拉加州州长如何清晨几个小时里声嘶力竭地舞台介绍麦凯恩参议员。

    A new book, Sarah from Alaska, details how the then state governor fought tooth and nail to introduce Sen McCain on stage in his home town of Phoenix, Arizona, in the early hours of the morning.


  • 杰昆·尼克斯(31岁):和齐薇格一样,性格内向尼克斯也更愿意自己爱情远离地毯

    Joaquin Phoenix, 31: like her, the shy brooder likes to keep his love life off the red carpet.


  • 尼克斯队的主教练威尔肯说:“我们防守相当不错,步行者队的半场得分限制40以内。”

    "We really picked up the defense in the second half." Indiana was held to 40 points in the half.


  • 原因负责篮球事宜NBA总裁图·杰克逊事件的调查对象,尼克斯球探罗德尼·赫尔德的“关系”非同一般。

    The fact this inquiry is getting farmed out makes sense, because the NBA’s vice president of basketball operations, Stu Jackson, has ties to the Knicks scout at the center of the investigation.


  • 我们提升防守密度他们带来了麻烦,”里佛这样谈他们下半场防守,下半场尼克斯命中率只有32.6%(43投14中),安东尼只有11投1中的惨淡表现。

    "We upped our intensity and it created problems," said Rivers of their second-half defense, which held the Knicks to 32.6 percent (14-of-43) and Anthony to 1-of-11 over the final two quarters.


  • 尼克斯有尤因但没有第二点,最多能第三点。

    The Knicks had Ewing and no great second option, as Starks was more of a third option.


  • 与此同时大火引起一朵巨大烟雾正在尼克斯东北185英里(300公里),靠近亚利桑那和新墨西哥州边境的阿帕奇-西特格里夫国家森林公园上空翻滚。

    A huge smoke cloud from the fire meanwhile was billowing over the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest about 185 miles (300 kilometers) northeast of Phoenix, near the Arizona-New Mexico border.


  • 是的有些过头了,单汤姆·克鲁杰奎因·尼克斯表演幻想一步登天

    Well, you can see how some take this too far by just looking at the actions of Tom Cruise and Joaquin Phoenix. These are perfect examples of people going too far.


  • 尼克斯仍然在这》里扮演多重角色想到了托德·海因那部有着相似名字的电影《我不在》。

    The multiplicity of roles Mr. Phoenix performs in "I'm Still here" brings to mind Todd Haynes's similarly titled "I'm Not There."


  • 导演纽约尼克斯队狂派克·去年12月带着14岁儿子杰克逊观看纽约麦迪逊广场花园举行尼克斯俄克拉荷马雷霆之间的比赛

    Director and New York Knicks super fan Spike Lee keeps his son Jackson, 14, on his toes at New York City's Madison Square Garden during the Knicks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game last December.


  • 为此,影片表现尼克斯正如早期加入名人俱乐部时所说的“再也扮演尼克斯这个角色了。”

    To this end it’s telling that Mr. Phoenix, in an early scene of him turning in his celebrity credentials, as it were, says, “I don’t want to play the character of Joaquin anymore.”


  • 莎士比亚早期悲剧《泰特·安德洛·尼克斯》尽管不如悲剧成熟其中的悲剧精神艺术特征以后的创作产生了深刻影响。

    Shakespeare's early tragedy TITUS ANDRONICUS is not as mature as his four tragedies, but the tragic spirits and artistic features in TITUS ANDRONICUS have great impact on his later plays.


  • 而对有些人而言,白天和夜晚没有什么区别他们很少关心尼克斯些什么,尽管尼克斯毁掉白天做的一切。

    For others, there is no difference in day and night and they care little for what Nyx may do, although it is said that Nyx will destroy what day has done.


  • 便于银河系黑道上活动,基尔·卡诺化名“凯尼克斯·基尔”,扮成一名赏金猎人

    To better operate in the fringes of the galaxy, Kir Kanos adopted the name Kenix Kil, and posed as a bounty hunter.


  • 随着交易进行,现在的尼克斯也许两个赛季都翻不过身来,也许只有寄希望于有朝一日詹姆来到尼克斯他们带来星星之火

    Also, with the recent trades, D'Antoni faces at least two frustrating seasons while the Knicks hibernate and hope that LeBron James can bring springtime back to New York.


  • 如果现在安东尼的尼克斯湖人一样的话,尼克斯必定会输得分而且绝对胜负参半。

    D'Antoni's Knicks trail only the Lakers in team scoring, are dead last in points allowed, and win just about as many games as they lose.


  • 布兰登·詹宁19比赛0场首发,他却是尼克斯队内场助攻王。

    Brandon Jennings who has started 0 of 19 games is leading the Knicks in assists per game.


  • 根据布里观点一直认为尼克斯抓住他不放,让他一直不了球,即使尼克斯队给他的钱一分不会少。

    In Marbury's view, the Knicks are holding him hostage and preventing him from playing, although they continue to deposit the checks on time in Marbury's bank account.


  • 尼克斯狄浦线索了吗?。

    Did the Sphinx give Oedipus a clue?


  • 拉里·知道赛季回到尼克斯几率很小

    Larry Hughes understands that the chances of him returning to the Knicks next season are slim to none.


  • 凤凰电台报道说,德安东尼接近纽约尼克斯队签订合同因为问题令尼克斯介入了公牛队交易

    But a Phoenix radio station is reporting that D'Antoni is closer to a deal with the New York Knicks because money is getting in the way of a Bulls' deal.


  • 选秀之尼克斯交易开拓者换来兰多夫弗朗西马上想到回归

    When the Knicks dealt him to Portland for Zach Randolph on draft night, Francis immediately began thinking of a possible return to Houston.


  • 这个令尼克斯中锋不愿回首的夜晚公牛尼克斯推向了季后赛梦想破灭悬崖边缘。

    On a night for the Knicks franchise center to forget, the Bulls put the Knicks on the brink of playoff extinction.


  • 这个令尼克斯中锋不愿回首的夜晚公牛尼克斯推向了季后赛梦想破灭悬崖边缘。

    On a night for the Knicks franchise center to forget, the Bulls put the Knicks on the brink of playoff extinction.


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