• 桑德日斯多姆高层大气科学研究所SondrestromUpper Atmospheric ResearchFacility拥有一个32米宽雷达抛物面天线反射镜(radar dish),可以检测海拔60公里至600公里的传导性有助于详细说明尖端电路结构

    The Sondrestrom Upper Atmospheric Research Facility has a 32-metre-wide radar dish. It measures conductivity from an altitude of 60km to600km and has helped define the cusp's circuitry.


  • 演员多姆·德卢谈论喜剧事业

    Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.


  • 当地种类不尽相同,比如黎各巴巴牙买加深色酒。

    Local kinds vary from the light rums of Puerto Rico to the heavier darker rums of Barbados and Jamaica.


  • 多姆一个大农场的继承人

    He was heir to a large farm in Domleschg.


  • 威廉:“有那么这样那样细节,各种细小的发现在一起构成一个人物。”

    So many bits and pieces,” Williams says.“Just a lot of little discoveries that added up to a person.


  • 当芮米·威廉丽芙·迈克尔向她们亲密伙伴鲁克·霍华德挥手告别时,没有人想到一别竟成永诀

    WAVING goodbye to their close friend Luke Howard, Reme Williams and Olivia McDowell never dreamed it would be the last time they saw him alive.


  • 汉克·威廉现在孤独

    I said to Hank Williams: how lonely does it get?


  • 凯蒂·赫尔大谈自己女儿苏芮·克鲁适合做演员

    Katie Holmes gushes about her daughter Suri Cruise and how she is meant for stardom.


  • 做为他们研究一部分赫尔博士队伍中大概130个学生志愿者观看2001年的爱情喜剧《缘分天注定》,另一个小组同样人数观看了大卫·林奇的一部影片。

    As part of their research, Dr Holmes' team had around 130 student volunteers watch the 2001 romantic comedy Serendipity, while another group of the same size watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 看起来貌似但是实际上只是比塞塔时代3.5%那么也是为什么国家银行不是担心加尔努力部分原因

    That sounds like a lot, but is in fact just 3.5% of what was in circulation on the last day of the peseta's reign. Which is partly why the state bank isn't very concerned about Mugardos' efforts.


  • 允许员工繁忙的时候工作或者员工冬天的时候离开几个月(称之为“去贝尼·多姆”的疗养)。

    Asda allows employees to work only during busy periods or take several months off in winter (a perk dubbed "Benidorm leave").


  • 赫尔对艾伦这样说:“拥有如此优点……喜爱家庭她而言,成为一个妈妈重要。”

    "She had so much strength.... I loved her love of family, how important it was for her to be a good mother," Holmes told elle.


  • 但是全球化今天供应链遍布世界各地,货物能够即时送达,危害程序特-霍利关税法小法案就可以破坏全球经济

    But today’s globalised economy, with far-flung supply chains and just-in-time delivery, could be disrupted by policies much less dramatic than the Smoot-Hawley act.


  • 苹果公司雇员史蒂夫·威廉所在运营团队同事。,威廉简化iPod配送流程

    He also worked on ways to streamline the iPod delivery process, says Steve Doil, an ex-Apple employee who worked with Williams in the operations group.


  • 保险业巨头阿维瓦公司其100万名客户的资料进行分析后发现,史密竟是英国普遍姓氏其次威廉

    The analysis of just over one million customers by insurance giant Aviva came up, not unsurprisingly, with Smith as the most popular surname, followed by Jones and Williams.


  • 但是Facebook没有任何Twitter位联合创始人想要的东西。通之外,另两位联合创始人分别是埃文·威廉杰克·尔塞。

    But Stone said Facebook had nothing that Twitter's three co-founders — Stone, Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey — wanted.


  • 小威廉·对维纳创造非常特殊动力因为比赛中如此情绪紧张

    Serena against Venus creates a very special dynamic since there is so much emotion and tension present in their matches.


  • 这个时候嘉莉正在沃尔旅馆自己舒适房间里,读着《高老头》,是艾推荐看的。

    In her comfortable Chambers at the Waldorf, Carrie was reading at this time "Pere Goriot," which Ames had recommended to her.


  • 康奈利·福吉:魔法部高兴宣布,洛雷··里奇将出任高级调查官,挽救霍格·沃茨正在下降的整体水准

    Cornelius Fudge: the Ministry of Magic is pleased to announce the appointment of Dolores Jane Umbridge as High Inquisitor, to address the falling standards at Hogwarts School.


  • 帝国战役惨败,加·贝尔·伊布利顽固地着他的预言成真

    After the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, Garm Bel Iblis stubbornly waited to be proven right.


  • 洛雷·乌里奇:有人告诉某个神巫归来了,但假话

    Dolores Umbridge: You were told that a certain Dark Wizard is back. Thellos is a lie.


  • 不能威廉投票,但作为奥兰魔术队的·范甘迪争夺东部教练的面包先生布朗

    Mike Brown, who is in contention with Orlando's Stan Van Gundy for East head coach, cannot vote for Williams.


  • 康奈利·福邪术部很开心肠颁布揭晓,洛雷··里奇将出来担任高级查询拜访官,拯救霍格·沃茨鄙人降的群体水准

    Dornelius Fudge: the Ministry of Magic is pleased to announce the appointment of Dolores Jane Umbridge as High Inquisitor, to address the falling standards at Hogwarts School.


  • 洛伐克大量地区蕴藏无数奇珍异宝例如:哥巴塞溶洞米察洞、布欣卡钟乳石冰洞,或是石溶洞,世界同类三大开放式溶洞之一

    The largest karst area in Slovakia is hiding gems, such as Gombasecka cave, Domica, Dobsinska ice cave or Aragonite cave, which is one of three opened up caves of its kind in the world.


  • 随着不断抄写朗读, 马尔科·艾克发现自己学到东西也记住了越来越 单词困惑也逐日减少

    With every succeeding page he copied and read aloud, Malcolm X found he was learning and remembering more and more words. With each successive day, his confusion diminished.


  • 传统配方的鸡尾酒,但是加入了平滑巴巴椰子

    Based upon a classic recipe, but with smooth Barbados rum and coconut!


  • 美国学者托马·萨金特克里斯多夫·西获得2011年诺贝尔经济

    US academics Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims have won the 2011 Nobel economics prize.


  • 但是没有麻烦”得到遗产。它曾出现赫尔利各家饭店广告上,因为了一管家得名“麻烦”。

    But no one made out better than Trouble, who once appeared in ads for the Helmsley Hotels, and lived up to her name by biting a housekeeper.


  • 但是没有麻烦”得到遗产。它曾出现赫尔利各家饭店广告上,因为了一管家得名“麻烦”。

    But no one made out better than Trouble, who once appeared in ads for the Helmsley Hotels, and lived up to her name by biting a housekeeper.


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