• 斯基普表明局外人可能机会某种方式接触?

    INSKEEP: Meaning that outsiders might have a chance to deal with him in some fashion?


  • 皮特知道他们同学会嘲笑基普所以打扮得愚蠢基普感觉好受些

    Peter knew that their classroomates would laugh at Skip, so he dressed stupidly to make Skip feel better.


  • 基普我们NPR货币星球”节目的亚当·戴维森研究了这些数字看看法案承诺的好事真是假。

    INSKEEP: Adam Davidson of our NPR's Planet Money team looked into those Numbers to see if the promises of the bill could be true.


  • 表示全球增长正在放缓整体通胀正在加速”。

    Mr Lipsky said global growth was slowing but headline inflation was “accelerating”.


  • 然而相反普京寻求驯服这些寡头,他别列佐夫基翻脸,后者到了伦敦普京则推行本质上的普里马科夫日程表

    Instead, Mr Putin sought to tame the oligarchs, fell out with Mr Berezovsky, who fled to London, and delivered essentially the Primakov agenda.


  • 所有现代伟大的艺术品在这里展出马蒂蒙德里安沃霍尔康定毕加索培根塞尚莫奈达利杜尚罗丹查普曼兄弟还有许多许多其他人。

    All the modern greats are exhibited here: Matisse, Mondrian, Warhol, Kandinsky, Picasso, Bacon, Cezanne, Monet, Dali, Duchamp, man Ray, Rodin, the Chapman brothers and many many more.


  • 普廷用餐,杜内耶夫基曾在酒店房间一角过文章,柴可夫新娘此共进晚餐、享受蜜月

    Rasputin dined here, Dostoevsky wrote in a corner hotel room, Tchaikovsky supped with his bride on their honeymoon.


  • 虽然尤里·费尔世蒂基和弗拉基米尔·普利比洛夫提出所谓的“证据支持他们案件但是他们真正提出的只是一些有多种可能性问题罢了。

    Though Yuri Felshtinsky and Vladimir Pribylovsky present "evidence" to support their case, what they really do is raise questions of varying likelihood.


  • 2011年1月4日,洛伐克的中部城市利普托米库拉(Liptovsky Mikulas),一位妇女利用焊工护目镜来观测日偏食

    A woman uses a welder's visor to watch the world's first partial solar eclipse of 2011 on January 4, 2011 in Liptovsky Mikulas, central Slovakia. AFP/ Getty Images / Joe Klamar


  • 3月22日太阳落山时,洛伐克男孩骑车穿过靠近利普托夫基·米库拉什中心城市冰冷的利普托夫卡·马拉水库大坝

    Slovakian boys ride through the frozen Liptovska Mara dam as the sun sets near the central town of Liptovsky Mikulas, on March 22.


  • 利普表示全球经济风险上升反映了对决策者控制债务能力信心缺乏

    Lipsky said rising risks to the global economy reflected a lack of confidence in policymakers' ability to rein in debts.


  • 年后,有特拉一如往常地通往安特卫普市其中一笔直且尘土飞扬路上。

    One day, two years later, Patrasche was going on as usual along one of the straight, dusty roads that led to the city of Antwerp.


  • 中期计划可靠短期影响飓风(艾琳)可能带来影响等,共存的灵活性就越大”利普表示

    "The more credible medium term planning, the more flexibility that will exist with temporary impacts, such as potential impact of the hurricane (Irene)," said Lipsky.


  • 鲁普三个姊妹发生有这种变异另外四位健康的姊妹及其父母(他们发病)仅仅携带变异基因

    Lupski's three sick siblings also had both of these mutations, whereas his four healthy siblings and parents (who do not have the disease) carried only one mutated gene.


  • 维苏威火山全景整个那不勒海湾卡普里岛基亚岛,和城堡可以享受酒店阳台露台

    Panoramic views of Vesuvius, the entire Bay of Naples, the islands of Capri and Ischia, and Ovo Castle can be enjoyed from the hotel's balconies and terraces.


  • 可以说我们基本情况肯定不是衰退”,国际货币基金组织第一总裁约翰·利普基是这样告诉CNBC电视台

    "I can say that our base case is certainly not a recession," IMF First Deputy Managing Director John Lipsky told CNBC television.


  • 贝勒基因组序列检测员理查德·吉小组成员利用机器开展对鲁普基因的研究。

    With sequencing costs falling, Baylor genome sequencer Richard Gibbs's team ran Lupski's DNA through its machines.


  • 这些不同只存在与想象中,而非现实就如石油大亨也是普金竞争对手米哈伊尔•霍多尔科夫第二次审判证明的那样,这场滑稽剧般的审判梅德韦杰夫注视下进行。

    These are more notional than real, as the farcical second show trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oil boss and a Putin rival, which is taking place on Mr Medvedev's watch, demonstrates.


  • 公司生产软件包高品质奶酪丹麦设施普瓦无线

    The company produces and packages its high-quality cheeses in both its Denmark facility and one in Pulaski, WI.


  • 哈巴罗夫普里摩基地每年都要发生林火

    Fires occur on an annual basis in the Khabarovsk and Primorky areas.


  • 利普表示决策者必须坚决应对通胀预期上升迹象,“以免牺牲近年全球稳定方面获得令人瞩目成果”。

    Mr Lipsky said policymakers must respond aggressively to any sign of rising inflation expectations "lest the impressive gains in global stability attained in recent years be sacrificed".


  • 即将在八月份卸任约翰·利普上周特劳-卡恩被捕对于卡恩的副手自己)来说也是一个关键时刻

    The arrest of Mr. Strauss-Kahn also comes at a pivotal time for the IMF. John Lipsky, Mr. Strauss-Kahn's deputy, said last week that he is resigning in August.


  • 总裁约翰·利帮助卡恩通过全球财政危机筹集资金,同意十一月份将咨询师的身份继续留下

    Mr Lipsky, the Deputy Managing Director, helped Mr. Strauss-Kahn usher the fund through the global financial crisis. He has agreed to stay on as a consultant through November.


  • 表示介入这样的事务IMF指导原则不符。“乌克兰俄罗之间悬而未决纠纷商业问题,”表示。

    Mr Lipsky said it would be against IMF guidelines to get involved. "The ongoing disputes between Ukraine and Russia are commercial issues," he said.


  • 他们面前两个选择柴柯夫鲁克费耶夫。

    They had a piece of paper with my choices of the Tchaikovsky and the Prokofiev in front of them.


  • 重要是,虽然卡普·反复思考旅行报道热爱正是这些东西教会写作历史和记忆的含义。

    Above all, though, he ruminates about his love of travel and reporting, and what this has taught him about the meaning of writing, history and memory.


  • 重要是,虽然卡普·反复思考旅行报道热爱正是这些东西教会写作历史和记忆的含义。

    Above all, though, he ruminates about his love of travel and reporting, and what this has taught him about the meaning of writing, history and memory.


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