• 阿肯色州监狱血液丑闻阿肯色州犯罪改造卡明单位出售囚犯身上提取血浆结果

    The Arkansas prison blood scandal resulted from the state's selling plasma extracted from prisoners at the Cummins Unit of the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC).


  • 同事综合这些因素认为页岩温室气体足迹单位煤炭20%甚至高出一倍

    Howarth and his colleagues conclude that the greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas can be as much as 20 percent greater than, and perhaps twice as high as, coal per unit of energy.


  • 辛姆方程[]:基因一种计算机语言LISP)的小型自容式逻辑单位

    Sims's equation -- genes were small self-contained logical units of a computer language (LISP).


  • 继续大象作为单位赫穆·菲尔德估计片标准雷雨云——一片积雨云——任何特定时间内相当于与1,500万头大象相同重量的漂浮天空中。

    Sticking with the elephant unit, Heymsfield estimated that a typical thunderstorm cloud — a cumulonimbushas 15 million elephants worth of water floating in the air at any given time.


  • 早期野马”战斗机大队比如第355大队(驻扎剑桥蒂普尔莫登,装备P-51B),在机身上进行简单的单位标志涂装

    The early Mustang groups like the 355th (who flew this P-51B from Steeple Morden in Cambridgeshire) applied only the simplest of unit markings to their aircraft.


  • 项实验给他们假想粒子赋予的质量相同130-150GeV(Gigaelectron Volts)。 GeV粒子物理学家所用的一种质量单位)。

    Both teams also ascribe the same mass to their putative Higgses, namely 130-150 gigaelectron-volts (the units in which particle physicists measure mass).


  • 项实验给他们假想粒子赋予的质量相同130-150GeV(Gigaelectron Volts)。 GeV粒子物理学家所用的一种质量单位)。

    Both teams also ascribe the same mass to their putative Higgsesnamely 130-150 gigaelectron-volts (the units in which particle physicists measure mass).


  • 玛提认为“复仇者”距太阳25000个天文单位(或者说分之一光)。

    Matese estimates Nemesis is 25,000 AU away (or about one-third of a light year).


  • 玛提认为“复仇者太阳有25000个天文单位(或者说分之一光)。

    Matese estimates Nemesis is 25, 000 AU away (or about one-third of a light year).


  • 如果以标准科威尔辣度指数(Scoville heat scale:甜椒0辣的印度断魂椒为100万单位),黄色哈瓦那辣椒的辣度在10万至35万之间。

    On the standard Scoville heat scale (Bell peppers 0, the hottest Indian jolokia peppers 1,000,000) orange habaneros run 100,000 to 350,000.


  • 孟菲警局一小部分美国英国警局转向使用ibm,sas研究所其他单位开发出犯罪分析软件之一。这部分警局的数目在增长

    Memphis is one of a small but growing number of U.S. and U.K. police units that are turning to crime analytics software from IBM, SAS Institute, and other vendors.


  • 据报道一个忠于卡扎菲上校军事单位继续大炮狙击手轰炸围攻重要中心城市拉塔

    A military unit loyal to Colonel Gaddafi are reportedly continuing to besiege the major central city of Misrata with artillery bombardment and sniper fire.


  • 话说,第82空降以及其他战斗单位在可见将来主要任务女士说,伊拉克阿富汗国家重建

    In other words, the main task for the 82nd Airborne Division and other army units for the foreseeable future, pace Ms Rice, will be nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 最早为人所知计量单位能够满足描述中的两个条件。

    The earliest known units met the first two of Mr Crease’s requirements well.


  • 他们公尺长度规定经过巴黎子午线长度的一定比例,而这条子午线长度的精确计量(“突阿”为单位)还进行中。

    The metre was to be defined as a fraction of the Paris meridian whose precise measurement (in toises) was under way.


  • “魔鬼辣椒”包含威尔单位超过1 000 000,高威尔单位是用来表示辣椒辛辣程度的科学测量单位

    It has more than 1, 000, 000 Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chilli's spiciness.


  • 大部分超级牛仔使用丹宁布料来自于总部设在美国北卡罗来纳州格林罗市科恩牛仔公司(ConeDenim),这家公司同时也是国际纺织集团一个下属单位、美国欧洲高端牛仔面料主要制造商

    Most premium jeans' cotton denim fabric comes from the primary maker of high-end denim fabric used in the U.S. and Europe: Greensboro, N.C.-based Cone Denim, a unit of the International Textile Group.


  • 最近3我们输送石勒苏益格-荷尔泰因汉堡医院1.2万单位血清,而正常数量800—1000单位

    In the last 3 weeks we had to deliver 12, 000 units of blood plasma to the hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, the normal amount is 800-1000 units.


  • 东德是以奥马克为货币单位计算薪酬的,兑换西德的马克为1:1,而后东德的薪酬受两方再统一施压提高逼近西德水平

    East German Ostmark wages were converted into West German D-marks at a rate of one to one, then raised by union pressure closer to Western levels.


  • 福德写道:“比较棘手的是,想法并不能用单位度量。”

    "There's also the tricky issue that thoughts have no natural unit of measurement," Stafford writes.


  • 作为翻译研究派主要代表苏珊·巴奈特勒菲弗尔甚至文化视为翻译基本单位主张文化研究应该转向注重翻译现象的研究。

    And Bassnett and Lefevere even consider culture to be the basic unit of translation and claim that it is the time for cultural studies to turn to translation studies.


  • 鲁梅克k - 1酸模,是以鲜叶为主的新型高蛋白植物单位蛋白产量大豆5

    Rumex K-1, a new rich-protein green-leaf plant, can yield 5 times of protein per unit greater than soybean.


  • 旁白沮丧想不到上司单位的人这么知道了这件事。

    Narrator: eph gus very depressed, surprisingly female supervisor and units are so quick to know.


  • 下午不得不硬着头皮回到单位

    In the afternoon, eph gus had to crustily skin of head back to the unit.


  • 名称来源于这样个事实,即部分逻辑中,我们讨论的问题的大多数基本单位基础单位完整句子诸如是一个白皮肤金发碧眼的女郎”或“旺森漂亮的”。

    The names derive from the fact that, in this part of logic, our most basic or elementary unit is the complete sentence, such as "Jane is blond" or "Swan are graceful".


  • 名称来源于这样个事实,即部分逻辑中,我们讨论的问题的大多数基本单位基础单位完整句子诸如是一个白皮肤金发碧眼的女郎”或“旺森漂亮的”。

    The names derive from the fact that, in this part of logic, our most basic or elementary unit is the complete sentence, such as "Jane is blond" or "Swan are graceful".


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