• 靠近萨达斯冲断层北端帕勒芬4矿区表明铁路段向东超基性岩席减情况。

    The Parefin 4 chromite claims near the northern end of the Csardas thrust again indicate the eastward extension of the thinning ultrabasic sheet from Railway Block.


  • 也是为什么虽然一轮高尔夫18(沿袭苏格兰安德鲁老球场传统,世界通行的高尔夫球场洞数是18个),但很多美国人打球是第19洞去的。

    Golf courses have 18 holes, following the lead of Scotland's Royal &Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.


  • 首当其是,鲍尔森伯南克原来格林忽视房地产泡沫放任8万亿美元泡沫增长泡沫现在开始破裂

    First and foremost, the decision of Paulson and Bernanke (and previously Alan Greenspan) to ignore the housing bubble, allowed for the growth of an $8tn bubble, which is now collapsing.


  • 曼联中场坐镇名后卫前面鲍尔查尔顿彼得允许向前前锋身边。

    The Manchester United midfielder anchored in front of the back four, with Alan Ball, Bobby Charlton and Martin Peters all given licence to push on and join the front two.


  • 汽船上遇到了爱弗雷德杜伯雷(AlfredDuperier),在麦嘉豪(MuggahHouse)酒店一个年轻医生。 他艾玛一样卷进了大海里,依靠抓住残骸小岛。

    In the hull of the steamer she met Alfred Duperier, a young doctor who had been staying at Muggah House and who, like Emma, had been swept to sea on a bit of wreckage and washed up back on the island.


  • 例如萨尔·路易(Saarlouis),福特公司雇佣临时人员协助组装线上的老师傅工作,裁员令出,这些临时员工首当其

    In Saarlouis, for example, Ford is employing temporary workers alongside assembly-line veterans; in a crisis, they will be first to go.


  • 迈阿密-热火一行人进驻酒店,声势浩荡如同从海洋深处席卷而来的海啸勒布朗·詹姆德维恩·韦德相信这番场景持续上演耀眼聚光灯下,在烟雾弥漫的赛场上,他们右突,气场逼人。

    MIAMI – Together, they crashed into the shores of Biscayne Bay like a tsunami, the way that LeBron James(notes) and Dwyane Wade(notes) believed basketball would unfold night after night.


  • 然后阿拉丁喊道:“孩子过来一下阿拉丁吗?阿拉丁,塔法儿子?”

    Then he called out to Aladdin: 'Boy! Come here for a minute. Is your name Aladdin? Aladdin, son of Mustafa?


  • 玄武岩弄槐熔岩为代表性火山岩,原为古特提洋盆中的夏威夷洋岛,现保存支期前褶皱带的一个外来岩席中。

    The oceanic island basalt is represented by the Nonghuai pillow lava, which is, originally Hawaii type one in the Paleotethyan ocean, an allochthon in the Indosinian foreland fold and thrust belt.


  • 马家滩地区主体鄂尔多盆地西南构造中段,见有显示具有良好油气勘探前景

    Mainly lying in the central section of the thrust tectonic zone of the south-western Ordos Basin, the Majiatan area has a promising oil-gas prospect, for its gas shows.


  • 鄂尔多地块西构造主要形式覆构造。

    The main type of the west margin tectonics belt of the Ordos massif is characterised by thrust nappe.


  • 鄂尔多盆地西缘逆介于华北祁连地槽两大构造系的过渡

    The overthrust belt on western border of Orduosi basin is a transition zone between North China platform and Qilian geosyncline and is special both in tec - tonic and.


  • 鄂尔多盆地西介于华北祁连地槽大构造系的过渡

    The overthrust belt on western border of Orduosi basin is a transition zone between North China platform and Qilian geosyncline and is special both in tec- tonic and. sedimentary conditions.


  • 发誓不能孪生弟弟列夫捣乱他约会女孩列夫再次成功女孩弟弟发疯了

    Skye vowed to not let his twin brother Lev to trouble dating girls, but when the girl Lev success will go again, Skye red brother crazy.


  • 加尔岛上民房市肆全水淹。消退后,当地公路上遍布船只其他海水登陆的垃圾。

    In the barrier island town of Galveston, homes and businesses were flooded out, and when the storm winds receded, the local highway was covered with boats and other refuse left behind by the sea.


  • 比如这次克的铲球看来就是一个球员,出脚了。

    For example, the Cesc tackle, it was in my opinion a guy who goes for the ball and was too late.


  • 比如这次克的铲球看来就是一个球员,出脚了。

    For example, the Cesc tackle, it was in my opinion a guy who goes for the ball and was too late.


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