• 色彩效果增强人类断裂头发尾部电子显微照显示外面表皮包裹里面皮质层。

    Colour-enhanced scanning electron micro-graph of the split end of a human hair showing the outer cuticle layer surrounding the inner cortical layer.


  • 目的探讨应用组织工程肌腱修复陈旧性跟腱断裂缺损手术方法临床效果

    Objective To probe into the surgical methods and therapeutic effect of repairing old calcaneal tendon rupture and defects with tissue engineered tendons.


  • 但是,我国当前本科毕业设计认识清,使本科毕业设计选题陈旧过程管理缺失效果弱化,造成"用"的断裂以及知识的钝化

    Now we have no comprehensive concept on it, which makes the topic outdated, process management absent, effects weak, break the connection of theory and practice and lead to knowledge passivation.


  • 介绍定向断裂爆破施工工艺及其邢台煤矿应用效果

    Introduced the directional broken blasting technology and application results in Xingtai coal mine.


  • 目的研究24G留置导管作支撑物小管断裂吻合术应用效果分析。

    AIM: to study the effect of 24g retention needle as supporting material in anastomosis of lacrimal ductule rupture.


  • 部分研究项目卫星遥感图像进行断裂褶皱岩性等信息模型描述处理效果对比

    The contrast of the model description and processing effect for fault, fold and rock characteristics base on some satellite remote sensing images processing project was studied.


  • 计算结果表明断裂损伤数值计算考虑锚杆裂隙止裂作用可以更好地反映锚杆的加固效果

    The results show that considering the effect of fracture toughness increment and retardation of crack of anchorage, better effect of anchorage is reflected in numerical fracture and damage simulation.


  • 实验得出了最佳V裂纹张角,对断裂控制效果三维模型试验验证。

    The optimum angle of V-shaped cracks is obtained. The fracture control effect is verified by three-dimensional modelling tests.


  • 目的探讨间隙桥接法神经外膜吻合法修复周围神经断裂效果

    Objective To discuss the curative effects of small gaps bridging and epineurial suture in repairing the rupture of peripheral nerves.


  • 目的探讨关节镜下紧缩治疗重度内侧副韧带断裂评价临床治疗效果

    Objective To discuss and evaluate the clinical results of reefing for treatment the serious medial collateral ligament ruptures of the knee under arthroscope.


  • 使用这种方法纹线连接,粘连线的分离,都有较好的效果

    Using the method, good effect was obtained in connect the breaks and dispart conglutinated ridges.


  • 结果表明,溶胶-凝胶法红磷微胶囊整理的棉织物具有良好阻燃效果耐久性白度和断裂强力有一定程度的下降

    Results showed that the treated cotton fabric had good flame retardancy and durability, but its whiteness and tensile strength decreased to some extent.


  • 证明方法第四系覆盖区找隐伏查明断裂构造效果明显。

    This method has been demonstrated to be very effective in blind or concealed ore deposit exploration and fracture structure delineation.


  • 提出断裂措施取得良好实际效果

    The measurements of preventing fracture, which are presented in this paper, achieve good practical effects.


  • 断裂控制爆破一种新的周界控制爆破方法用它取代预裂光面爆破,可以获得更好的周界控制效果

    Fracture control blasting, a new perimeter control technique, is an alternative to pre-splitting or smooth wall blasting which can be used to achieve better perimeter control results.


  • 明显可见的锁链构造中的部份环节已经断裂松弛营造了彷佛即将脱逸且飘飞而去的视觉效果

    It was obvious that certainlinkages of the chain structure were nearly broken or loosened, creating a visual effect that the links wereseemingly going to fly away.


  • 介绍了定向断裂爆破技术原理应用效果及其影响因素

    Introduced the principle, application efficiency and influence factor of orientation fracture blasting technology.


  • 通过测定织物的退浆率、毛效断裂强力评价退浆效果结合SEM照片分析了低温等离子体作用原理

    The capillary effect, size removal and breaking strength of cotton fabric were determined. The low temperature plasma action principle was analyzed by SEM photos.


  • 方法回顾性分析我院2006-2008年间收治的30小管断裂患者手术方法治疗效果

    Method Review analyzes 30 example lacrimal ductule break patient surgery method and the treatment result which my courtyard during 2006-2008 year admits.


  • 目的探讨多孔性三维立体结构生物材料—重组和异种骨RBX运动性前交叉韧带断裂进行重建过程中的应用效果

    Objective To investigate the effect of recombined bone xenografts(RBX) on the healing of tendon to bone through the way of imageology, histology.


  • 目的观察外伤性小管断裂不同手术方式效果

    Objective To observe the effects of traumatic canaliculus disruption by different surgical procedures.


  • 本文充分实验结果为依据,讨论加载岩石材料强度、断裂韧度破碎效果影响

    Based on substantial experimental data, the effects of loading rates on the strength, fracture toughness and fragmentation efficiency of rock materials are discussed in this paper.


  • 方法观察12断裂接受引流植入术患者拔管6个月治疗效果进行疗效评价

    Methods Observed 12 cases of canalicular laceration who accepted lacrimal drainage tube implantation in 6 months after extubation of the therapeutic effect, and to evaluate its therapeutic effects.


  • 叶轮断裂由于锻造加热温度控制不好导致过热,随后的淬火工序中又因加热温度过低,组织固强化效果差等综合原因所致。

    The results show that the wheel hub cracking during radial impact testing was caused by excessive content of magnesium in the alloy as well as the overheating of the alloy during the solution process.


  • 说明跟腱微创吻合器微创治疗急性跟腱断裂获得良好效果

    With Achillon the Achilles tendon ruptures can be treated in mini-invasive manner and get good results.


  • 而在复杂断裂常规时间偏移处理效果往往不好主要横向速度突变引起

    In complicated fault areas, however, the effect of conventional time migration processing was poor, which was mainly caused by the big saltation of transverse velocities.


  • 型钢纤维相比,端部带高强钢纤维高性能混凝土弯曲韧性断裂能的提高效果更为显著。

    Compared to the marked steel fiber with lower strength, the hooked steel fiber with higher strength has better effects on the flexural toughness and fracture energy of HPC.


  • 哈氏合金U形换热器频繁出现的腐蚀断裂问题,材质运行工况方面进行了分析,采取了更换材质等防腐技术措施,收到了很效果

    The frequent cracking in U-tube heat exchanger caused by corrosion at Lanzhou Petrochemical Corporation were analyzed in terms of materials, running conditions, overhaul operation etc.


  • 目的观察跟腱微创吻合器吻合修复急性跟腱断裂效果

    OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the results of mini-invasive surgical repair of the achilles tendon ruptures with special anastomat.


  • 目的观察跟腱微创吻合器吻合修复急性跟腱断裂效果

    OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the results of mini-invasive surgical repair of the achilles tendon ruptures with special anastomat.


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