• 尽管有些现代帆船可能会桅杆上都使用百慕大式传统的多桅帆船(艘)使用的

    While some modern schooners may use triangular, Bermuda-like sails on one of both masts, traditional schooners like the one shown here have gaff-rigged sails.


  • 宽大的、白色下部上来之前使自己看上去而无法下咽。

    It will raise its horns and tilt its back to appear too large to eat, before flipping over to reveal a wide, white underside.


  • 这些包括聚碳酸酯幕墙之间流线转换细部设计,比如在框架结构避免连接楼板使用面板

    These include the streamlining of transition details between Polycarbonate and curtain wall, the avoidance of double-frame joints at floor slabs and the use of mitered corner panels.


  • 尽管有些现代帆船可能会根桅杆上都使用百慕大式传统的多桅帆船(艘)使用的都是

    While some modern schooners may use triangular, Bermuda-like sails on one of both masts, traditional schooners like the one shown here have gaff -rigged sails.


  • 插板上推动槽一侧,使板料向前运动,达到板料定位自动送料目。

    The surface of inclined wedge pushes the triangle side of the waste and makes the plate move ahead, thus meeting the re.


  • 分析齿轮主要参数,提出测量()公法线长度计算齿圆柱齿轮螺旋测绘方法推导出螺旋的计算公式。

    In this paper calculating method of lead angle of helical gear by measuring span length of length bar and base tangent length is put forward and lead angle calculating formula is deducel.


  • 45长的混凝土纯粹单一轻量级步了实现的看法。

    A skewed 45m long sheer concrete wall supporting the single lightweight triangulated canopy roof lunges out towards the view.


  • 背部肩膀前侧的肌上手臂

    The upper trapezius in the back and the anterior deltoids at the front of the shoulders lift the arms.


  • 利用齿齿轮泵容积变化公式,求出齿齿轮泵困油容积变化公式,得到齿齿轮泵发生困油的螺旋

    According to the volume oil formula of the straight gear pump, the volume oil formula of the helical gear pump is got and the helix Angle no trapping is found.


  • 结构几何非线性分析着手,研究截面空间构式刚架平面整体稳定

    Based on the geometric non-linear analysis, the in-plane global stability of Space Lattice Tilted Column Frame of Triangle Section(SLTCF)is studied.


  • 双层平板放四网架节点构造简单受力合理用钢量是四体系网架最小一种形式,也是国内工程中应用较多的一种。

    Double layer flat diagonal square pyramid grids has the advantages of being simple in formation, rational in member stressing and fairly economic of steel cost among square pyramid grids system.


  • 本文介绍国家奥林匹克体育中心练习馆屋盖结构采用一种改进后网架结构。

    An improved diagonally positioned pyramid space truss structure used for the roof of the training gymnasium in National Olympic Sports Center is presented in this paper.


  • 本文种不同数学方法解决国家体育场(扭)在任意高程上柱坐标计算问题,柱现场放样的方法进行阐述。

    The different mathematical methods were used to calculate the three dimensional coordinate of the national stadiums raking columns, and the setting out method of the raking columns was elaborated.


  • 孟家屯岩组为鲁西新太古代早期形成的表壳岩,代表性岩石类型为石榴石英岩、黑云母石英片岩岩等。

    The Mengjiatun Formation complex is a suite of supracrustal rocks formed in the early Neoarchean, and its typical rocks include garnet quartzite, biotite-quartz schist and amphibolite.


  • 大理岩为原矿石品质优良,以闪岩为原岩的矿石品级低。

    Grade of ore formed from marble is higher, that formed from amphibolite is lower.


  • 大位移井壁坍塌压力方位变化规律主要地层的原地应力状态决定

    And the variation law of the hole collapse pressure of extended reach well along with hole Angle and azimuth mostly decided by the status of the stratigraphic in-situ stress.


  • 详细分析齿齿轮泵瞬间排量齿排量、困油区容积瞬间变化率变化量、螺旋影响。

    Analyze the Helical Gear Pump for the instant displacement, single gear displacement, theinstant change ratio and change value of trapping volume and the influnce of screw angle in detail.


  • 计算了齿永磁齿轮机构转速特性,同时研究了啮合永磁齿轮的矩特性曲线

    The characteristics of torque and rotational speed of skew gears are investigated and the characteristic curve of torque-angle of inside engaged gears are studied, too.


  • 推动边的一侧使板料向前运动,达到板料定位自动送料的目的。

    The surface of inclined wedge pushes the triangle side of the waste and makes the plate move ahead, thus meeting the requirement of position setting and feeding the plate automatically.


  • 本文通过实测配流副间的厚度,分别考察了转速压力变化对油膜厚度影响

    The effect of rotational speed, pressure and swashplate swinging angle on oil film thickness is analyzed.


  • 为了解对整个支护结构作用采用杆系有限元方法分析撑位置刚度对支护结构内力和变形性状的影响,可供从事基坑支护的工程技术人员参考

    The member finite element method (FEM) is adopted to analyze the effect of corner brace on the behavior of retaining structure, and it has some referential value for engineers.


  • 由于冲击一个影响因素,超音速飞机机头、机翼前缘很薄,使产生激波尽可能地

    Since the angle of the shock is a function of the body angle, supersonic aircraft have very sharp noses and leading edges so that the oblique shock wave is produced at as small an angle as possible.


  • 表皮设计灵感来自于松果建筑独特的构架立面一个生物体一样与周围的环境相呼应。

    Inspired by the skin of a pine cone, the building's unique triangulated diagrid facade responds to its environment like a living organism.


  • 房子基本结构方形(有时是不规整的方形)地穴木构建筑:柱洞常呈回字形分布,四相对,中心聚拢,形成支撑主体结构;

    The basic structure of the xylonite houses, which is square and half under the earth. The pillar holes have two circles, four points symmetry and gather together to the center.


  • 齿轮系统动力学理论为基础,提出了通过齿轮螺旋择优选取改善系统动态特性方法

    A method to improve the dynamic characteristics of gear system is proposed through the selection of spiral Angle of helical gear according to gear system dynamics theory.


  • 巨大方肌连接后部肩部

    The large, triangle-shaped trapezius connects the back of the neck and the shoulders.


  • 烈阳西天色渐暗反射白光大地慢慢出了原来的菱菱

    Lie Yang West Ramp, the sky dimming, reflecting the white light of the earth are slowly faded out of the original Lingling Angle corner.


  • 书房台电视屋顶下面功放和音响,它们平时紧张工作带来了一些轻松

    The one horn of the study, inclined condole of a TV is in housetop, it is below result put symphonious noise, they were brought for nervous at ordinary times job a few relaxed.


  • 书房台电视屋顶下面功放和音响,它们平时紧张工作带来了一些轻松

    The one horn of the study, inclined condole of a TV is in housetop, it is below result put symphonious noise, they were brought for nervous at ordinary times job a few relaxed.


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