• 碰巧走廊撞见·约翰斯。

    I happened to bump into Mervyn Johns in the hallway.


  • 使英格兰银行及其行长,陷入窘迫境地,虽然曾是英格兰银行非常杰出管理者,这次挤兑显然出乎的预料

    This was a tremendous embarrassment to the Bank of England and Mervyn King, who was a very good governor of the Bank of England; but this apparently took him by surprise.


  • 今天令人担忧爵士团队缺乏直觉可能会阻碍复杂的新监管机制有效运行。

    The worry today is that the lack of intuition in Sir Mervyn's team will hamper the new, complex regulatory regime, too.


  • 英国艺术历史学家、史上年轻国家展览馆馆长肯尼斯·克拉克爵士曾经塞缪尔·帕尔英国森特··高。

    SIR KENNETH CLARK, a British art historian and the youngest ever director of the National Gallery, once described Samuel Palmer as the English Vincent van Gogh.


  • 英格兰银行行长金,将会保持设定利率权力同时,为了金融体系稳定而承担责任并且控制信贷周期

    Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, will assume responsibility for the stability of the financial system and control of the credit cycle, while retaining power to set interest rates.


  • 通胀目标压倒一切,这意味着银行金融稳定部门被边缘化,而且2003年爵士接任乔治成为行长,边缘化的速度日益加快

    The primacy of the inflation target meant the bank's financial-stability wing became a backwater, a trend that accelerated after Sir Mervyn succeeded George as governor in 2003.


  • ——份3盎司中含有烟酸接近每日剂量的50%,烟酸防止阿尔茨海记忆力减退

    A 3-ounce serving contains almost 50 percent of your daily dose of niacin, which may protect against Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.


  • 很快爵士获得更多权力,不再仅仅是口头批评一下银行家们而已。

    Soon Sir Mervyn will have the power to do more than merely tell them off.


  • 一位新闻集团执行官表示多克的成年子女们尽力示以谦恭詹姆士一直表现出色”。

    Rupert’s grown children “do their best to be courteous to WendiJames is always on his best behavior,” said a former News Corp. executive.


  • 一位新闻集团执行官表示多克的成年子女们尽力示以谦恭詹姆士一直表现出色”。

    Rupert's grown children "do their best to be courteous to Wendi... James is always on his best behavior," said a former News Corp. executive.


  • 多克第三任妻子他们目前居住曼哈顿

    Deng is Murdoch's third wife, and they live in Manhattan.


  • 作为汉普顿各种电影首映式的常客,多克大部分时间居住美国纽约加利福尼亚

    A common sight in the Hamptons and at movie premieres, Deng and Murdoch live mostly in the United States, where they divide their time between New York and California.


  • 行长提交通胀报告时,降低斯本下调增长指标产生额外紧缩重要性

    Presenting its Inflation Report, Mervyn King, the bank's governor, played down the importance of Mr Osborne's extra austerity in the downward revision to growth.


  • 爵士经济学家们的经济学家。

    Sir Mervyn is the economist's economist.


  • 央行行长在给财政大臣乔治提到:自己未曾预料到价格这样上涨。

    Mervyn King, the Bank's Governor, voiced surprise that prices are higher than he had expected in a letter of explanation to the Chancellor George Osborne.


  • 方面和他一样是个纯粹主义者。

    Mervyn is purist in the same way.


  • 所有报刊报道此事时都只字未提布莱尔出席,只有多克夫人罕见采访透露了这个事实,那场采访将刊发于即将出版的新一期《时尚》。

    But no mention was made of Blair's participation, which was revealed only in a rare interview by Murdoch's wife, Wendi Deng, in a forthcoming edition of Vogue.


  • 面对面见到爵士的银行家,每次离开时感觉被教训了一顿

    Bankers who meet Sir Mervyn in person come away feeling scolded.


  • 英格兰银行(Bank of England)行长·金(Mervyn King)几天谈到这个世界已经从“承诺就是我的债券”变成了“我的承诺就是我的双层担保债务凭证(CDO squared)”时候,该如何重塑信心

    Mervyn King, the head of the Bank of England, talked a few days ago about how faith could be restored in a world where "my word is my bond" had been replaced by "my word is my CDO squared".


  • 英国央行行长(Mervyn King)接受一家报纸采访表示,经济增长急剧放缓可能促使决策者下调基准利率尽管9月份通货膨胀率达到了5.2%。

    Bank of England Gov. Mervyn King also said in a newspaper interview that sharply slower growth is likely to push policy makers to cut their key rate, despite annual inflation at 5.2% in September.


  • 英国央行行长透漏了2008年10月时,苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰哈里法克斯银行距破产有多

    Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, revealed how close Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS came to collapse in October 2008.


  • 英格兰银行行长·金恩(MervynKing)发布季度通胀报告时,修正了英格兰银行先前做出的经济展望预测

    In his quarterly inflation report, the head of the bank of England, Mervyn King, revised the bank's previous outlook prediction.


  • 10月25日《经济学人》纽约举行了巴顿森林会议,·金恩发表演说,猛烈抨击了一些银行还批评说新的巴塞尔规则无力

    In a speech on October 25th at the Economist's Buttonwood Gathering in new York, Mervyn King savaged big Banks and criticised the new Basel 3 rules as too soft.


  • 企业危机管理公司莱斯康传播集团(Lexicon Communications Group)总裁CEO史蒂表示,鲁伯特·多克混乱做出一些决定看起来只是本能的反应

    Some of the decisions Rupert Murdoch has made in the melee look like knee-jerk reactions, says Steven Fink, President and CEO of crisis management firm Lexicon Communications Corp.


  • 正如英国央行行长(Mervyn King)说那样:国际性银行可以作为全球企业存在消亡幸免于消亡影响的却是具体国家

    As Mervyn King, governor of the bank of England, puts it: global Banks are global in life, but national in death or rescue from death.


  • 影子大臣乔治·奥斯(George Osborn):“·讲话强大有说服力。”

    George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, said: "Mervyn King's speech is powerful and persuasive."


  • 影子大臣乔治·奥斯(George Osborn):“·讲话强大有说服力。”

    George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, said: "Mervyn King's speech is powerful and persuasive."


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