• 看到一个盲人,便产生了创作的想法

    I saw a blind man in Ravenna, and was struck by the idea.


  • 代表作意大利教堂(建于526 ~ 547)。

    Its representative works have the Italian natrium saint Uygur he to force the church (to construct at 526 ~ 547).


  • 周五意大利文纳附近空中一些斑鸠然后数以千计出现特的萨尼特附近。

    On Friday, came reports of turtle doves falling from the sky near Ravenna, Italy, and thousands of dead crabs on the coast around Thanet in Kent.


  • 这里盏小灯意大利玻璃纤维外面意大利当地石质纯手工制作而成的。

    Each lamp is handcrafted in Ravenna, Italy, of fiberglass and then coated with a layer of natural Italian stones.


  • 内特家、马里兰克家及其沃尔贵族亲戚特利文纳之间的关系一直密切融洽

    Austrey. The tie between the Dagonets, the du Lacs of Maryland, and their aristocratic Cornish kinsfolk, the Trevennas, had always remained close and cordial.


  • 通过魔镜得知妹妹女儿将会成为世界最美女人弗雷娅一次意外”中失去了孩子

    Ravenna through the mirror that sister's daughter will become the world's most beautiful woman, Freya in an "accident" lost children.


  • 此时一个闷热令人筋疲力尽地方所有游客目的地一样,大家都簇拥狭窄街道上

    This time I'm in Ravenna, a stuffy, exhausting place, like all tourist destinations where crowds fill narrow streets.


  • 下面纽约人》杂志小说编辑德博拉-特瑞斯曼对话讲述了成为名作家的种种危险,她的家庭以及文纳联系

    Here, in a conversation with The New Yorker’s fiction editor, Deborah Treisman, she sheds light on the perils of becoming a writer, on her family, and on her connection to Ravenna.


  • 马图拉与温达·文纳,人们极大热情庆祝好利节,节日会持续因为克利神在这些地方度过大部分童年时光

    Holi at Mathura and Vrindavana is celebrated with great gusto for many days, as these were the places where Krishna spent most of his childhood.


  • 文纳马赛克闻名于世;游客一个教堂来到另一个教堂,伸出脖子看高处布满灰尘穹窿微小多彩的有色玻璃昏暗光泽

    Ravenna is famous for its mosaics; hordes of tourists move from one church to another, craning their necks to glimpse the dim lustre of tiny multicolored smalti high up under dusky vaults.


  • 天鹅一个拉丁短语最早出处诗人尔(译者注:尔为罗马讽刺派诗人)诗中将某个事物描绘“世间罕有,酷黑天鹅”。

    The term black swan was a Latin expressionits oldest known reference comes from the poet Juvenal's characterization of something being "a rare bird in the lands, and very like a black swan."


  • 这座获奖立方体海滩别墅位于卡罗来海岸苏利岸边为了取代10年前飓风“雨果”摧毁房子而建造的。

    Located on the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning-cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago.


  • 请参阅阿特·霍恩布莱恩·多撰写的关于气候变化政治部分系列章。

    See two-part series on climate change and politics with Art Horn and Bryan Donavan.


  • 梅尔·吉亚尔击败了成为肯尼的接班人。

    Melvin Guillard defeated Dunham as Kenny's replacement.


  • 法庭否决请求,强制他们继续履行协议。不过克莱·沃斯兄弟伦德拉随后案件上诉上诉法院。

    A judge ruled against them and forced the settlement to go through, but the Winklevosses and Narendra took the case to an appeals court.


  • 来自底特律24岁的史蒂阿富汗省的观测站入口外面

    Steven Schwigert, 24, of Detroit, MI. stands outside the entrance to Observation Post Coleman in Kunar province, Afghanistan.


  • 导演麦克唐承认,这部影片的拍摄过程充满风险可能会从前的可乐广告那样,皆大欢喜、兄弟情深中迎来平淡无奇的结局

    THE risk, director Kevin Macdonald admitted, was that the project might end up like an old Coke ad, enervatingly bland in its we-are-the-worldiness and smotherly brotherly love.


  • 然而根据多米尼克·蒙瑟雷特的说法,异常之处,因为健康状况一直欠佳

    According to Dominic Montserrat, however, there was nothing unusual about Carnarvon's death, since he was in poor health anyway.


  • 最新的IMF小组克鲁斯为首-勒姆斯西蒙-佩格搭档,组员包括杰瑞米-雷保罗-巴顿弗拉基米尔-马什科夫。

    The new IMF team led by Cruise also features franchise stars Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg while new team members include Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton and Vladimir Mashkov.


  • 认为韩国患有孤独症孩子世上其他地方,这样想法毫无道理。”特•瑟尔

    "There's no reason to think that South Korea has more children with autism than anyplace else in the world," says Bennett Leventhal, another author of the study.


  • 曼奇尼透露门将不大可能赛季开始前康复,吉上赛季阿森比赛中肩膀脱臼的。

    Mancini has also revealed that his goalkeeper, Shay Given, is unlikely to be fit for the start of the new season, having dislocated his shoulder against Arsenal at the end of last season.


  • IBM全球智能交通专家·兰巴声明中说:“通勤与其它因素互相影响。”

    "Commuting doesn't occur in a vacuum ," said Naveen Lamba, IBM's global intelligent transportation expert, in a statement.


  • 他们真的学到,”校长玛丽·沙夫。“我只会说一点但是他们比厉害多了。”

    "They actually know more than I do," says Mary Shaffner, Yu Ying's executive director. "I know a little bit of Chinese, but they're actually better than me."


  • 尽管受到表扬,温格也表扬了斯里阿尔萨,温格受说道斯里进步的很快,天赋而且开始变得高效,第一就是他的传给阿尔,而且他自己也有一个漂亮的进球

    He has talent and he is starting to be efficient now. He made a great pass to Arshavin for the first goal [which Bendtner scored] and he scored a great goal himself.


  • 比尔·盖茨——肯尼斯·布莱昂·迪卡普里奥杰克·波特、爱德华·诺顿贾斯汀•朗。

    Bill Gates — Kenneth Branagh, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Davenport, Ed Norton and Justin Long.


  • 比尔·盖茨——肯尼斯·布莱昂·迪卡普里奥杰克·波特、爱德华·诺顿贾斯汀•朗。

    Bill Gates — Kenneth Branagh, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Davenport, Ed Norton and Justin Long.


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