• 正如学者们寻找整体模式制定有用的概括一样每个文本传播一个不同故事,每个手稿的历史都是独一无二的。

    Much as scholars want to look for overall patterns and formulate useful generalizations, the transmission of each text is a different story and each manuscripts history is unique.


  • 学者们寻找整体模式形成有用的概括一样文本传播一个不同故事,每一份手稿历史都是独一无二的

    Much as scholars want to look for overall patterns and formulate useful generalizations, the transmission of each text is a different story and each manuscript's history is unique.


  • 久远过去(至少数据欠缺),无论什么都正确现代历史文本并未落入有规律的、可重复周期模式

    Whatever was true of the more distant past (when the data were poor anyway), the texts of modern history do not fall into a pattern of regular, repetitive cycles.


  • 文本可以小说小说作品历史记载公共文档任何重要的并且版权限制的内容。

    The texts can be works of fiction or non-fiction, historical records, civic documents, or anything else noteworthy and free from copyright restrictions.


  • 例如范例程序中,访问对象历史对象文本左边创建不同颜色条目。

    In a sample application, for example, the object history is accessed to create different colored bars at the left side of the object text.


  • 新的美学视界产生了,文本就已不同方式重新组织正如俄国形式主义者,姚斯历史规则一致的看法。

    A new aesthetic horizon emerges, and texts are constituted in a different way, much also as the Russian formalists have said, only with the sense in Jauss of the historical imperative.


  • 附加文本很少错过罗马教廷偏写搬历史机会不过是爱书人的宝库

    The accompanying text rarely misses a chance to put the Holy See's slant on history, but this is still a bibliophile's treasure house.


  • 文本文档捕获业务流程方面已有多年使用历史

    Text documents have been used for many years to capture business processes.


  • 看阐释历史,到去探索真相,对文本各种版本戏剧得心应手。

    She moves from interpretation to actually finding the history, and the intertextuality, and the variations of these editions of the play.


  • 换言之要是我们确定阅读这个历史主义行为有效有用的,如果知道文本意思那么很好

    In other words, only if we really are sure that the historicist act of reading is effective and works, if I know the meaning of a text. Well, fine.


  • 有意思的是,虽然英特网在1969年就出现(几乎NLS历史一样悠久),事实上,这个万维网是在文本系统到来之后真正开始

    It's interesting to note that although the Internet has been around since 1969 - nearly as long as the NLS - it didn't take off until the advent of a hypertext system - the World Wide Web.


  • 打印关于addr单元内存特殊细节包括储存单元(堆叠累计文本以及如果累计了大量内存,还有它的分配调用释放历史

    Prints specific details about the memory at location addr, including its location (stack, heap, text) and, if it is heap memory, then the call chains of its allocation and free history.


  • 很显然不住相反观点,也就是文本产生于,复杂社会历史背景的观点,当然是很好的

    Is plainly not a tenable one, and the opposite idea that a text emerges from a complex matrix of social and historical circumstances is certainly a good one.


  • 利用Android空白历史,HTC设计了多种特色服务,包括中英文联想输入法,以及显示结果覆盖电子邮件文本信息联系人名单搜索服务。

    It took advantage of Android's clean SLATE to design features such as predictive typing in Chinese and English and searches that show results across e-mails, text messages and contact lists.


  • 这些文本几乎无法现代人翻译除非历史学家专家指导比如我。

    And these texts almost defy interpretation by a modern person, unless you have guidance from a historian and expert like moi.


  • 历史最悠久语音识别技术ASR)可以把语音转换成文本

    The longest established of these is automatic speech recognition (ASR), the technology that converts the spoken word to text.


  • 通过历史文本中记载的梳理,试图明晰射礼历史种种变化兴衰。

    Clear the various change, rise and fall of shoot courtesy in history through the analysis of the historical text.


  • 象征意象连接历史现实时间空间表现主题建构文本方面极富重要性。

    The symbolic images link history and reality, time and space, and are significant in theme presenting and text constructing.


  • 本文回顾表单简单文本搜索目前交互式杰作演化历史,探讨了Web表单未来——X Forms

    This article explains the evolution of forms from simple text searches to today's interactive masterpieces and explains the next step in Web forms, XForms.


  • 是的我们这样原因试图找到正典经文背后那些文本成为经文前的历史

    Yes it is, but the reason we're doing it is we're trying to get behind the text of the Canon into the pre-history of the text.


  • 同样有价值的是,从相关的商谈历史情境中看待文本

    Ii But it is also worthwhile to see a text in relation to relevant discursive and historical contexts.


  • 笔者研究论题原则二:忠实文本尊重客观历史事实

    Being faithful to the text and esteeming the historical facts are the guiding principle of the study of this thesis.


  • 作为历史叙述文本,《史记》主要两个叙述层次构成。

    As a historical narrative text, Records of the Historian is mainly composed of two narrative strata.


  • 旧约文本没有经历历史篡改。

    The texts of the Old Testament have not been corrupted over history.


  • SQL查询文本用于执行任何后期处理清理状态维护更新历史记录表或删除任何临时对象)。

    Is the text of a Transact-SQL query used to do any post-processing cleanup or state maintenance, like updating chronicle tables or deleting any temporary objects.


  • SQL查询文本用于执行任何后期处理清理状态维护更新历史记录表或删除任何临时对象)。

    Is the text of a Transact-SQL query used to do any post-processing cleanup or state maintenance, like updating chronicle tables or deleting any temporary objects.


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