• 麦格劳·希尔没有回应记者置评请求首席执行官戴维·8月份告诉英国《金融时报》:“在高等教育领域纸质版教科书时代已经结束。”

    McGraw Hill didn't respond to a request for comment, but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that "in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over.


  • 麦格劳·希尔公司没有评论请求给出回应首席执行官戴维·8月份告诉金融时报》:“在高等教育领域印刷教材时代已经结束。”

    McGraw Hill didn't respond to a request for comment, but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that "in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over."


  • 希尔马特尔加拿大蒙特利尔理工大学纳米机器人实验室同事们使用磁场方式不同

    Sylvain Martel and his colleagues at the NanoRobotics Laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal in Canada are also using magnetic fields, but in a different way.


  • 首相首席政策专家史蒂·希尔任命风险资本家艾德里安·比克罗夫特,他针对可以放松雇佣地区专门提交篇报告

    Steve Hilton, the prime minister's chief policy guru, commissioned a venture capitalist, Adrian Beecroft, to write a report on areas in which employment laws could be loosened.


  • “小甜甜丈夫·费德林离婚经常拍到希尔一起逛夜店。

    Spears and Hilton have been regularly photographed together enjoying nights out on the town in the wake of Spears' divorce from husband Kevin Federline.


  • 角色安排:乔纳·希尔(Jonah Hill)饰苹果工程师格雷·鲍威尔(Gray Powell),约翰·赵(JohnCho)饰Gizmodo编辑贾森·Jason Chen),·斯派西(Kevin Spacey)客串饰演乔布斯一角。

    Dream casting: Jonah Hill as Apple engineer Gray Powell, John Cho as Gizmodo editor Jason Chen and, in a cameo, Kevin Spacey as Steve Jobs.


  • 洛克以英格兰施罗普希尔的马奇洛克命名19世纪举行一次运动会成为现代奥林匹克运动会的灵感之一。

    Wenlock is named after Much Wenlock, a village in Shropshire which held an event in the 19th century which inspired the modern Games.


  • 随着杰克·威尔希尔阿森纳中场崭露头角,德尼尔森知道在酋长球场日子屈指可数了,渴望签下这位经验丰富的选手

    With the emergence of Jack Wilshere at the heart of the Arsenal midfield, Denilson knows his days are numbered at Emirates Stadium and Juventus are keen to sign the experienced player.


  • 夏礼所中其他准备加入希尔合伙人包括之前该律所驻珀斯顾问黑塞尔·布鲁以及去年新加坡合伙人身份加入所的詹姆斯·唐纳修。

    Other Holman Fenwick partners set to join Sher include Hazel Brewer, who was previously a Perth-based consultant to the firm, and James Donoghue, who joined the firm as a Singapore partner last year.


  • 邀请函发送给了700位宾客包括亚里士多德·奥纳西斯(杰奎琳·肯尼迪)、希尔酒店开发商康拉德·希尔电影明星大卫·、加里·格兰特格洛丽亚·斯森和艾娃·加德纳

    Invitations were sent out to 700 guests including Aristotle Onassis (later Mr Jackie Kennedy), hotel developer Conrad Hilton and film stars David Niven, Cary Grant, Gloria Swanson and Ava Gardner.


  • 夏礼珀斯代表处招聘来诉讼合伙人朱利安·希尔领导。

    Holman Fenwick's Perth office will be led by newly recruited litigation partner Julian Sher.


  • 他们中的第一也是最伟大骑士阿尔塞斯米奈希尔王子曾经白银之骑士团一个强大的圣骑士,后来为了拯救人民孤注一掷的奉献出了他的灵魂来获取剑霜之哀伤

    The first and greatest of these was Prince Arthas Menethil, once a mighty paladin of the Silver Hand, who sacrificed his soul to claim the runeblade Frostmourne in a desperate bid to save his people.


  • 希尔维奥·卢斯科尼圣西罗0:0僵局赞赏了漂亮组织谈到卡卡罗纳尔多

    Silvio Berlusconi praised Juve's well-organized play after the 0-0 stalemate at San Siro, and also talked about kaka and Ronaldo.


  • 希尔稳定表现使赢得了去奥地利训练营的机会,被传召两次

    Gavin's steady performance at Underhill earned him a place at the Austrian Training Camp where he featured twice.


  • 对于普茨茅斯来说,他们希望坎贝尔他们正在谈判笔交易中的第一笔成功的交易。其他三个正在谈判球员是曼城的希尔·迪斯丁大卫·詹姆斯还有自由球员,也是前阿森纳射手卡努

    As for Pompey, they hope Campbell will be the first of four signings this week with Manchester City pair Sylvain Distin and David James plus free agent and ex-Arsenal striker Kanu all set to follow.


  • 丈夫?费德林离婚的布兰妮近日新交“闺帕里斯?希尔洛杉矶搞起感恩节狂欢,两连续两在酒吧玩到第二天早上六点

    The singer - who recently filed for divorce from husband Kevin Federline - spent every night of Thanksgiving weekend in Los Angeles partying until 6am with new best friend Paris Hilton.


  • 丈夫?费德林离婚的布兰妮近日新交“闺帕里斯?希尔洛杉矶搞起感恩节狂欢,两连续两在酒吧玩到第二天早上六点

    The singer - who recently filed for divorce from husband Kevin Federline - spent every night of Thanksgiving weekend in Los Angeles partying until 6am with new best friend Paris Hilton.


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