• 最近德国出版商发起联盟写了份报告,提议调整版权法保护条例从文章扩展到标题﹑句子甚至是零散文字

    A recent paper by two publishers’ associations proposed changing copyright law to protect not only articles but also headlines, sentences and even fragments of text.


  • 作为作者可能习惯使用文字处理软件格式回车(输入字符,选择格式回车,再次输入字符,选择另外一种格式,按回车,此类推)。

    As an author, you might be used to working with your word processor's formatting plus the Enter key. (you type, choose a format, press Enter, type more, choose another format, press Enter, and so on.)


  • 作为作家天天文字打交道。

    As a writer, I deal with the power of words every day.


  • 作为加州工学院工作2005年认知神经学家,出版的大量书籍文字并且制作视觉魔术挂历

    A cognitive neuroscientist who until 2005 was at the California Institute of Technology, he is the author of many books and articles and has compiled several eye tricks calendars.


  • 每个字母26中的一个意味着26x2=276种姓字母组合情况。

    Each initial can take be one of the 26 English letters, meaning there are 26 x 26 = 676 possible values for the first and last initials.


  • 上周星期二泰国警方他们逮捕了40岁中年男子。据悉,该男子频繁在社交网站Facebook上发布王室侮辱性图片音频片段以及文字信息

    Thai police on Tuesday said they had arrested a 40-year-old man for allegedly Posting pictures, audio clips and messages deemed insulting to the royal family on the social networking site Facebook.


  • 随行记者-包括我们在内-共有六十文字记者二十电视摄像摄影师

    The traveling press of which we were a part of, consisted of approximately 60 journalists, 20 television cameraman and 10 photographers.


  • 和其他的折扣交易一样关于马场的文稿Groupon幽默作者中的用即兴发挥的文字来整合在一起

    As with every deal, the stables write-up will be joined with a riff from one of the four Groupon humor writers.


  • OmidrezaMirsayafi是一博客写手,因文字嘲弄伊朗领导而被判30个月的监禁,三月份狱中

    Omidreza Mirsayafi, a blogger who was given 30 months for mocking Iran’s leaders, died in jail in March. Press freedom is also under attack in Iraq.


  • 亚特兰大绑架的人质为劝说绑架者释放,为了《标杆人生》里的几文字,结果居然打动了绑架者,平安获释。继之后该书在3月份一跃跻身畅销图书排行榜。

    The book surged back up bestseller lists in March after a woman taken hostage in Atlanta convinced her kidnapper to release her unharmed by reading him passages from the book.


  • 作为技巧娴熟的写手,即使素材看似适合的地方村上春树文字有着一种超过《奔者世界大多数投稿人叙事冲击力

    A deft technician, Mr Murakami maintains a narrative thrust that would be beyond most contributors to, say, Runner's World magazine, even where his material seems fit for its pages.


  • 所有情况下使用这些额外特性,必须符号后面一个冒号,然后跟上目标文件格式相关的一些文字

    In all cases, the extra features are used by suffixing a colon to the symbol name followed by object-format specific text.


  • 任何一设计师都明白这点,文字背景有足够对比可以文字更容易阅读

    Any designer knows that enough contrast between the text and background makes for easy reading of text and material.


  • 文字沿雍正满文钱式穿孔左边,穿孔右边各局

    The money back with text "treasure" word on the left edge of Manchu Yong Zheng money, the Bureau has cast perforation on the right.


  • 从而认为“”有二个不同概念:文字,二是病证

    One is the literary meaning of the word; The other is the name of syncope which is a kind of disease.


  • 有形、有文字符号阳性物质

    "Name" is visible, there are sound, there is symbolic meaning of the text, is a positive substances.


  • 新闻中心MPC北京2008年奥运会期间,5 600注册记者注册文字摄影媒体工作总部。

    The Main Press Center (MPC) is the central work place for the 5, 600 accredited written and photographic press covering the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.


  • 意思是说目前浏览器支持文件我们主机不能支持。

    Current browsers do not support a file name written in Chinese characters as our hosting cant support it.


  • 父亲律师选择C为他命认为这个简单好记而且标新立异。

    His father, a lawyer, chose the letter C from the English alphabet, saying it was simple, memorable and stood for China.


  • 罗宾杰出的新闻工作者确实很擅长文字工作。

    Robin is an excellent journalist, he really has a way with words.


  • 之前所有的字符包括客户端都ASCII编码不能使用

    Since character names are everywhere (including the client) only in ASCII, you can't use Chinese characters there.


  • 就意味着设计研究人员必须深入了解现有知识能够文字以及/或者通过物质材料阐释旧有的知识相比的知识何处。

    That means a design researcher must understand existing knowledge in depth and able to articulate (in words and/or through materials) the newness of her knowledge in relation to the old.


  • 这个EP举例证明多产歌曲文字扩大化成员中的每一时各自的天分

    This EP exemplifies the bands prolific song-writing while magnifying the individual talents of each of its members.


  • 导师应该性别歧视尤其是工科导师,不想当然地叫学生多做些文字工作

    A good tutor should not have discrimination in students' gender. Particularly a engineering tutor should not take it for granted that girls should do more writing work.


  • 导师应该性别歧视尤其是工科导师,不想当然地叫学生多做些文字工作

    A good tutor should not have discrimination in students' gender. Particularly a engineering tutor should not take it for granted that girls should do more writing work.


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