• 我们必须避免文化精英主义

    We must avoid cultural elitism.


  • 许多国家文化精英在感叹语文水准低落现象

    The declining standard of language is a common phenomenon bemoaned by cultural elites in many countries.


  • 领导中国知识分子文化精英必然国际化多元化开明

    The leading Chinese intellectual and cultural elite is necessarily cosmopolitan, pluralistic, and open-minded.


  • 不少人为莎士比亚作品论文得到了高级职称成为走运的文化精英

    Many people of Shakespeare's works, wrote a paper, get high-level titles, becoming a popular cultural elite.


  • 中国文化语言来有效历代新加坡华人,我们需要华文知识分子文化精英

    To transmit Chinese culture and the Chinese language effectively to successive generations of Chinese Singaporeans, we need a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite.


  • 民族文化往往通过大批文化精英体现出来司马迁无愧于文化精英称号。

    The culture of a nation is usually represented by a large group of cultural elites. Sima Qian lived up to his reputation as one of the cultural elites.


  • 措施条件需要设置确保推动民族语言培养一种文化精英不会导致民族沙文主义

    Measures and conditions need to be set to ensure that the promotion of an ethnic language and cultivation of a cultural elite do not lead to ethnic chauvinism.


  • 从而导致一边大众视觉狂欢,一边是文化精英电影的叙事解读的固守引发社会失序

    Accordingly, this leads to the public visual revel on one side and on the other side the social disorder caused by the culture elitist's insisting on the film.


  • 随后,祖博克痛心疾首地、细致地描述代俄国知识分子漫长痛苦衰落粗俗的赫鲁晓夫厌恶文化精英自命不凡

    Mr Zubok poignantly details the lengthy and bitter decline that followed. The earthy Khrushchev resented the cultural elite's pretensions.


  • 两种常用表达了关切问题甚至合法性的问题,特别是最新转会活动培养华文知识分子文化精英

    There have been two commonly expressed concerns that question the merits or even the legitimacy of the campaign and especially the latest move to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite.


  • 村庄文化精英经济精英权力精英组织主导舞龙灯习俗活动同时,对村庄认同意识形成和增强也有积极贡献。

    These elites play an active role in the shaping and boosting of the identity consciousness of village at one time they organize and dominate this kind activity of the convention.


  • 民间文化精英——其中关键性作用他们创作录制了很多深受民众喜爱的壮族山歌光盘,成为山歌光盘市场主要经营者

    The masters of songs, the local cultural elites, who play a key role in the process, have created and recorded many popular folk songs and have become the major operators in the disk market.


  • 一贯主张就是节目品质既要精英文化所接受,又应该普罗大众所认知,这也使得人们批评是“良莠并存”。

    Its ethos has been that quality should be recognised in popular as well as elite culture, an approach that led to it being criticised as at once worthy and trivial.


  • 好莱坞精英文化保护着自己人。”巴克·奈尔大学社会学教授亚历山大·赖利如是说

    "Elite Hollywood culture is protecting one of its own," said Alexander Riley, a professor of sociology at Bucknell University.


  • 要求列举出英国具有全球影响力资产上,精英回答BBC广播公司英国文化

    Asked to name assets that best served Britain globally, elite respondents named the BBC and British culture.


  • 这种联系文化的,公众眼里国会议员银行家如今旗鼓相当,都是脱离真实世界享受巨大特权把这一切视为理所应当精英

    The link is cultural. In the public eye, MPs and bankers now look equivalent as elites, detached from the real world, enjoying massive privileges and thinking of them as entitlements.


  • 多亏精英文化部分股票可以流通,巴西石油公司成为深海石油业翘楚。

    Thanks to a meritocratic culture and the discipline of having some of its stock traded Petrobras is a leader in deep-sea oil.


  • 董事比例反映企业文化缺少精英领导。多数情况下毋庸置疑

    Nor is there any doubt that in many cases low female representation also reflects a broader lack of meritocracy in corporate culture.


  • 然而主流文化运动矫枉过正,尼克松发现自己成为了“沉默大多数”,于是开始抱怨起令他自己忧心不已的(新派的)精英们:近来大家熟悉学术界新闻界好莱坞的肇事元凶们。

    Then the counterculture overreached, Nixon found his "silent majority", and railed against his own bugbear elites: the now familiar culprits in academia, Hollywood and the press.


  • 没有别的地方耶鲁大学一样确实无疑地做到一点。耶鲁大学不仅精英荟萃卓越不凡,而且时代无限制文化大胆尝试,使自己适应这一文化

    Nowhere could this be done more surely than at Yale, which was not only elite and distinguished but also experimental and adaptable to the free-form culture of the era.


  • 从根本上讲精英阶层自身演变似乎至少应当受过良好教育美国人和社会上其它人群之间正在扩大的文化鸿沟部分责任

    Ultimately, the evolution of the meritocracy itself appears to be at least partly responsible for the growing cultural gulf between highly educated Americans and the rest of society.


  • 熊丙奇说:“校园演讲不仅仅精英平台,更是具有多元文化职业背景普通人舞台他们观点都会大学生产生启迪。”

    "Campus lectures are not the platform for ' elites' only, but the stage for people from diversified cultures and professions to voice their opinions to inspire college students, " said Xiong.


  • 之相照应的是亚洲精英们正在本国文化思想史寻找灵感

    In response, Asian elites are searching their own cultures and intellectual histories for inspiration.


  • 酒可作为传统精英文化代言人有着丰富文化资源独特的文化魅力

    Liquor, as the spokesman of traditional elite culture, was in possession of abundant cultural resources and distinct cultural charm.


  • 我们明显能看得出杰克精通着他们(权力精英(内部)文化并且(杰克)也懂得如何确保他的家人安全

    It was evident to us that he has an intimate knowledge of their culture and knows how to ensure his and his family's safety.


  • 以取代只是迎合文化精英私人商店它们不管任何阶级背景每个人都可以进入”的商店。

    Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite, "these were stores" anyone could enter, regardless of class or background.


  • 是非权力形态也非知识精英文化形态文化视角空间

    It is not right and wrong patterns of the right knowledge of the cultural elite cultural patterns perspective and space.


  • 大众文化传统精英文化区别的,娱乐、消闲、商业性功能大大强化,而认识教育审美的功能相对弱化。

    The culture of masses is different from that of traditional elite, and its function of entertainment, pastime and commerce is greatly strengthened.


  • 大众文化传统精英文化区别的,娱乐、消闲、商业性功能大大强化,而认识教育审美的功能相对弱化。

    The culture of masses is different from that of traditional elite, and its function of entertainment, pastime and commerce is greatly strengthened.


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