• 这些文化在民族语言学教会主义历史上都不同。

    These cultures differed ethnographically, linguistically, ecclesiastically, and historically.


  • 本文涉及到包括心理学媒体文化语言学社会不同领域

    This paper involves in different domain including psychology, media, culture, linguistics and society.


  • 如果英语得非常,我可以许多国家,还可以知道更多文化知识语言学知识

    If I can speak English very well, I can go to a lot of countries, and know more cultural knowledge and linguistics.


  • 历史语言学研究可以使我们语言因素社会文化心理因素等语言变化过程中所起的作用有更深的认识。

    The historical study of language also enables us to determine how non-linguistic factors, such as social, cultural and psychological factors, interact over time to trigger linguistic change.


  • 本文社会语言学词汇学角度分析了社会文化词汇朋友”生原因社会、化背景。

    Based on sociolinguistics and lexicology this paper analyses the causes and the cultural background of sociocultural words and "false friends".


  • 同样的,关于社会学社会文化理论论文,以及更多利用语言学社会语言学符号学理论的论文,三种出版物

    Likewise, papers drawing on sociological and sociocultural theories also increased in all three publications together with more papers utilizing linguistics, social linguistics, and semiotics.


  • 文化教学理论基础源自语言学人类学心理学研究成果

    The researches of linguistics, anthropology and psychology structure the theory base of culture teaching.


  • 功能语言学途径翻译研究不再只是语法层面静态比较而是有视野开阔文化社会符号学视角

    Functional linguistics approach is no longer just the translation of studies have compared the static grammar level, but a broad vision of cultural and social semiotic perspective.


  • 当今社会已进入个以视觉文化主导时代,“视觉”图像”的转向问题已成为继“语言学的转向”之后又一个热门话题

    We are currently in The Times when visual culture gain its domination, and the visual and image turn is another hot topic after academic discussion on linguistics turn.


  • 第六《诗经》国际学术研讨会论文大致分成诗经文献学、《诗经》、《诗经》文艺学、《诗经》文化人类学《诗经》语言学五大

    The essays submitted to the Sixth International Symposium on "Classic of Poetry" can be classified into five types: document, history, art and literature, cultural anthropology, and linguistics.


  • 本文试图通过语言学用学原理来探讨英语幽默文化特点

    The present thesis attempts to explore the cultural features of English humor in communication through linguistic and pragmatic approaches.


  • 传统人类学包含体质人类学、文化人类学、考古学语言学

    Traditionally, anthropology includes such subjects as physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, archeology and linguistics.


  • 本文基于这些语言现象分析了中式菜名中的语言变异现象存在文化原因深层语言学依据

    Based on these language Phenomena, this paper analyses the cultural causes for these variations and their inner linguistic bases.


  • 系统功能语言学语境分为文化语境情景语境。

    In Systemic Functional Linguistics, context is classified into two kinds: context of culture and context of situation.


  • 研究方向法国文学法语语言学翻译理论实践法国历史文化

    Study direction is theory of linguistics of French literature, French, interpreter and practice and French history and culture.


  • 本文哲学文化心理学语言学等角度,探讨英语中国形成独自特色问题

    From philosophy, culture, psychology and linguistics, this paper argues about the issue that English develops its own characteristics in China.


  • 本文主要探讨文化注释社会语言学文化交际用学的关系

    This paper discusses the relationships between cultural Note and Social Linguistics, Intercultural Communication and Pragmatics.


  • 文化研究包括三个层面:跨文化语用语言学、跨文化社交语用学语际语语用学。

    Cross cultural pragmatics includes the study of cross cultural pragmalinguistics, cross cultural sociopragmatics and interlanguage pragmatics.


  • 文化交际语用失误研究当代语言学研究中的一个具有重要理论意义实用价值课题

    The research of pragmatic failure in cross-cultural communication has become an issue of important theoretical significance and realistic value in the contemporary linguistic study.


  • 文学符号的自指性绝非单纯语言学或符号学问题,必然受制于社会文化规则既定的程式规范。

    On the other hand, it is also subject to the cultural modes and literary conventions, thus causing the self-contradiction in the pursuits of literary semiotics.


  • 2010年招生计划法语语言学翻译学、法语文学法兰西文化四个方向招生5

    Enrolled unripe plan 2010: French linguistics, interpreter learns, French literature and flange on the west culture 4 direction in all recruit students 5 people.


  • 本文通过哲学语篇语言学翻译学三个学科交叉结合探讨唐诗翻译文化传真策略语言转换方法

    The dissertation, through combining philosophy, text linguistics and translatology, delves into approaches to culture transmission and language shift in English translation of Tang poetry.


  • 本文主要运用文化语言学理论方法,对广西大新县大岭壮语亲属称谓进行研究。

    This thesis analyzes the kinship terms of the Zhuang dialect of Daling village in Daxin county conducted in the theoretical and methodological frames of cultural-linguist.


  • 本文文化语言学角度论述英语汉语文化性质上的差异以及这些差异对外语教学启迪

    The essay analyzes the difference of cultural properties between English and Chinese language from the view of cultural linguistics, as well as the inspirations in language teaching.


  • 翻译作为文化语言活动,其认知基础空间可认知语言学关于语言认知的关系进行探讨

    Based on the relation between language and cognition as viewed from the perspective of cognitive Linguistics, this paper argues for the necessity of a cognitive approach to translation study.


  • 日语语言文学二级学科硕士点研究方向为日语语言学日本文学日本民俗文化

    The Master's programme of Japanese Literature and Literature covers the following research areas: Japanese linguistics, Japanese literature, and Japanese folk culture.


  • 本文社会语言学,心理学文化交际视角深入研究两性用语形式差异及跨性别交际的话语风格。

    This thesis analyzes the speech form, distinction and goes deeply into the different gender speech behavior from a perspective of inter-cultural communication.


  • 本文文化语言学角度出发,通过汉英对比方法探讨数词语言文化习俗三个层面上的意义作用,揭示了一些特殊数词所蕴含的民俗文化意义。

    Cultural linguistically, the paper tries to discuss their linguistic values as well as their special cultural connotations of both Chinese and English numbers by means of comparison and contrast.


  • 通过探讨法律语言文化功能、法律语言研究方法法律语言学科体系形成之间关系,旨在说明:借助社会学、人类学等方法探寻法律语言的文化功能是法律语言研究方法的革新。

    Then, the manifestation of cultural function of legal expressions is analyzed in terms of the borrowing of legal terminology, the forming of legal community and the ceremony of law.


  • 通过探讨法律语言文化功能、法律语言研究方法法律语言学科体系形成之间关系,旨在说明:借助社会学、人类学等方法探寻法律语言的文化功能是法律语言研究方法的革新。

    Then, the manifestation of cultural function of legal expressions is analyzed in terms of the borrowing of legal terminology, the forming of legal community and the ceremony of law.


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