• 范围整体完成将延迟所有正在运行事件处理程序完成时为止。

    The completion of the scope as a whole is delayed until all running event handlers have completed.


  • 异步同步耦合异步过程同步过程相互影响和相互作用,整体完成产品开发的任务。

    Asynchronous and synchronous coupling means that asynchronous process and synchronous process interact each other to finish product development.


  • 他们可能已经很好的完成内部工作我们内部——就如之前我们和说的,我们指的是你们所有身体——整体自我,包括灵性自我。

    They may have well done the work internally, and when we say internally we mean all the bodies -the spiritual self, the integrated self that we have spoken with you about before.


  • 那样,花费少量成本就能够提升电站整体效率因为无需追加额外的热量完成煤炭的预处理。

    That increases the overall efficiency of the plant at little cost, since the coal can be treated without having to generate any extra heat.


  • 在下面的配置步骤中,描述步骤整体目标接着详细说明完成目标需要执行的操作。

    In the following configuration steps, the overall objective of a step is described first, followed by details that explain what needs to be done to complete that objective.


  • 宝贵因为展示整体表现平衡全景,并凸显需要完成的工作。

    This is seen as being valuable because it presents a balanced picture of overall performance, highlighting activities that need to be completed.


  • 我们进行了部分调整由于改善用户完成关键任务的流程,也就极大地提高了整体的用户体验

    Although we made only a few changes, the changes affected critical user tasks and resulted in significant improvements to the overall experience.


  • 完成这项工作的过程中,考虑整体方法途径了解如何解决特定问题同样重要的。

    In so doing, it is just as important to think about the overall methodology and approach as it is to understand how to solve specific problems.


  • 人员具备完成任务、收购部署资产、以及设计组织整体工作的能力。

    Assets have to be acquired and deployed. The overall organization has to be designed.


  • 一点任务绩效-工作单位整体上所完成工作提供服务质量数量

    The first is task performance-the quality and quantity of the work produced or the services provided by the work unit as a whole.


  • 知道团队成员活动进展以及项目完成整体进展。

    Awareness of the team members' activities and progress and the overall progress of the project towards completion.


  • 至于内容方面任何一尝试整体角度描述如何完成工作中,必定会有一些同意章节,也有一些你所反对的章节。

    As for the content itself, any book that attempts to capture the whole scope of how you do your job is bound to have parts that you agree with and parts that you don't.


  • 整体架构可以用来驱动组织变化或是一些适当层次提取出来这种情况下有一些具体技术能够帮助完成

    The whole framework can be used to drive organizational change, or you can pull out of the framework the appropriate levels and some of the specific techniques discussed to help you in your situation.


  • 我们努力营造一种房子年纪风格相称整体感觉,又加进了一些现代元素我们自己完成大部分工作

    We tried to keep the overall look in keeping with the age and style of the house while adding some modern touches, doing most of the work ourselves.


  • 好的项目经理清楚,项目真正成功不是根据是否按时完成是否超出预算判断的,而是根据它是否满足预定的整体目的具体目标来判断的。

    Good project managers know that the true success of a project is not whether it is on time and within budget, but whether it meets the defined goals and objectives.


  • 上面流程整体提供了可靠消息传递机制:一个客户端发送日志请求服务器完成消息存储之后发送一条确认信息。

    The flow described above principally provides a mechanism for reliable messaging: a client sends a logging request and the server sends an acknowledgement once it has persisted the message.


  • 计算完成以后,模型两个方面合并一起,描绘尘埃盘整体形象。

    The model then integrated the two pictures to paint a fuller portrait of the dusty disk.


  • 并不为人所知,仅仅是因为公牛的出色的整体防守但是鲁尔邓能够出色地完成任务。

    It wasn't noticed much because the Bulls are so good defensively as a unit, but Deng is a lock-down defender.


  • 手被拉扯面条的”整体过程完成观看一位老练的厨师享受变戏法展示这样不可思议手巧

    The whole process of making "hand-pulled noodles" is done with such magical dexterity that to watch an experienced cook at it is like enjoying a juggler's show.


  • 个人不得不完成这些舞蹈完全往前移动,进入整体舞蹈

    One will have to complete with such dances and be able to move forth sovereign and into a whole new dance.


  • 去和老板并且展示你的工作:这些完成工作,这里说明了我的工作是符合公司整体目标的,是我认为我值得加薪的理由。

    Talk to your boss and present your case: Here's what I've done, here's how it fits with the company's goals, here's why I think it's worth a salary increase.


  • 通过遵循这种方法,或者要求供应商这样完成本文提供示例后,将能整体把握Domino性能

    If you do this, or request that your vendors do this, following the examples provided in this article, you will see the big picture of Domino performance.


  • 这名西班牙男子3月份完成世界首例面部整体移植手术后,于本周一出现电视荧幕前。

    A Spanish man who underwent the world's first full face transplant appeared before TV cameras on Monday for the first time since his surgery in March.


  • 制定区域整体酒店收入指标监督指标完成及销售人员的执行情况。

    To set and monitor both Revenue and Room Night targets for the Region overall and for each Sales personnel.


  • 除此之外负责部门销售管理工作直销渠道并举构架渠道,完成部门整体销售任务

    In addition I was also responsible for the department sales management work the direct sale channel develops simultaneously the skeleton channel completes the department whole sale task.


  • 整体风格体现一种时代感因此完成建筑没有展示出始料未及的新奇元素,而是即使许多年后保持特色

    The overall style is imbued with a sense of age, so upon completion the buildings show no unexpected novel elements, and will retain its features even after many decades.


  • 作为一个整体按照标准统一数量质量进行完成市场订单

    Accomplishes market list orders in accordance with the quality & quantity standards for Pastry Department as a whole.


  • 整体目标通常完成一系列短期目标后实现

    Global goals are usually achieved by accomplishing a series of short-term goals.


  • 整体目标通常完成一系列短期目标后实现

    Global goals are usually achieved by accomplishing a series of short-term goals.


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