• 可能会欢庆陪审团否决企图敲诈指控

    He might also have celebrated the jury deadlocking on two charges of attempted extortion.


  • 劫持敲诈一种形式

    Hijacking is a form of blackmail.


  • 敲诈主要目标难道不出来吗?

    She was a prime target for blackmail, don't you see?


  • 关于信件消息来源于《检察日报》,在信中,朱军控告参与敲诈零陵区法院行政人员。

    A source who leaked information about the letter to the Procuratorial Daily Newspaper said Zhu, writing just before the killings, had accused Lingling court officials of attempted extortion.


  • 俄罗斯过去利用能源进行敲诈卑劣手段使许多欧洲国家寻求多样化的能源供应方式,尽管这来得太晚

    Russia’s clumsy use of energy blackmail in past years has spurred many European countries to diversify, albeit belatedly.


  • 其他官员表示,耶茨白宫发出警告,称既然莫斯科知道通话期间谈论了什么——与林的公开说法不同——便将自己暴露于可能遭到俄罗斯敲诈境地。

    Yates warned the White House that Mr. Flynn had exposed himself to potential blackmail by Russia, since Moscow knew what had been said during the telephone call - differing from his public account.


  • 告诉他们俩的风流韵事不得不到此为止,因为杰克·史密斯正在借此敲诈

    He told her their affair would have to stop, because Jack Smith was blackmailing him.


  • 许多制造商有为敲诈勒索保险的保单

    Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.


  • 讨厌事情在于,敲诈开始借以要挟的把柄往往事实

    The nasty thing about a blackmailer is that his starting point is usually the truth.


  • 我们在度假的时候,我们可能会家里开着,通过社交媒体,我们告诉了罪犯我们在哪里,我们打算什么时候回家以及如何敲诈我们

    We may leave our lights on in the house when we are on vacation, but through social media we tell criminals where we are, when we plan to return home, and how to blackmail us.


  • 简妮律师们说,诉讼只不过敲诈勒索而已。

    Janie's lawyers say his lawsuits are just a shakedown.


  • 富国穷国敲诈钱财已数十年,有些国家反其道而行之的时候

    After decades of rich nations screwing money out of poor nations, it's about time some went the other way.


  • 如果遇到弗洛雷斯那样拒不服从受害人,还有一种手段就是敲诈勒索的方法威胁其家人

    Other tactics are to threaten family members if a victim does not comply or, as in Flores's case, to use blackmail.


  • 这样优惠待遇是否变得普及甚或变得具有敲诈性,可能取决于市场以及规则

    Whether such preferential treatment becomes more widespread, and even extortionary, will probably depend on the market and how it is regulated.


  • 名高级官员警方正在调查蒙特雷袭击是否敲诈有关。

    A senior official said the police were investigating whether the attack in the city of Monterrey was linked to an extortion racket.


  • 敲诈自己所属的电视台,”Khatib宣称

    "He blackmailed his own channel," Khatib claims.


  • 他用敲诈勒索威胁使屈服。

    He broke her by the threat of blackmail.


  • 最初,例会目的是想为难总会屋---就是那些公司会议上散布流言蜚语继而还债务敲诈者。

    The practice was originally intended to make life difficult for sokaiya, racketeers who dish dirt at the meetings of firms that do not pay them off.


  • 敲诈可以杂志下来单词拼凑出来。 给出一份敲诈信(字符串),是否给定的杂志中拼出来敲诈信。

    Example: A ransom note can be formed by cutting words out of a magazine to form a newsentence How would you figure out if a ransom note (string) can be formed from a given magazine (string)?


  • 根据一封白领阶层罪犯寄出电子邮件作为单独的电子欺诈案件追诉者可以很长的刑期敲诈:要么自己坦白,要么就揭发上司

    By counting each E-mail sent by a white-collar wrongdoer as a separate case of wire fraud, prosecutors can threaten him with a gargantuan sentence unless he confesses, or informs on his boss.


  • 冰岛人声称几乎零基准利率年代索要15以上5.5%的高利率简直敲诈

    Icelanders claim that charging 5.5% interest over 15 years is extortionate in an era of near-zero base rates.


  • 本月武装群伙更是以前屈尊贵”,竟然干起了绑架小孩敲诈行径包括位三英国孩童一位卓越酋长儿子

    This month armed gangs stooped lower than ever by kidnapping toddlers for ransom, including a three-year-old Briton and the son of a prominent chief.


  • 位能进入教宗密男仆敲诈了一番后,沃尔辛·海姆得知了一封西班牙国王菲利普二世来信,里面详述了正在集结的西班牙无敌舰队整个作战计划。

    In blackmailing a groom to the chamber of the Pope, Walsingham gained access to a letter from King Philip II of Spain detailing the entire battle-plan of the gathering Spanish Armada.


  • 他们他们控制矿山那里敲诈了很多

    Both extort large sumsof money from mines they control.


  • 应该一个记者后面仅仅因为他们购买了偷来的专利,然后试图敲诈你。

    You shouldn't go after a journalist just because they bought stolen property and tried to extort you.


  • 应该一个记者后面仅仅因为他们购买了偷来的专利,然后试图敲诈你。

    You shouldn't go after a journalist just because they bought stolen property and tried to extort you.


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