• 开始然后更加困惑第二遍。

    He began counting them and then, with growing perplexity, counted them a second time.


  • 精通门语言

    She has mastery of several languages.


  • 不知何故试图星星

    He was trying, for some unknown reason , to count the stars.


  • 游行队伍延伸英里

    The procession stretched for several miles.


  • 拉丁语名词

    Latin nouns have case, number and gender.


  • 附近英里以内没有座房子

    There isn't a house for miles around here.


  • 残骸坠机小时在闷烧着

    The wreckage was still smouldering several hours after the crash.


  • 飞机在距离海岸英里处坠入大海

    The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore.


  • 任命家公司主管

    He made her a director in his numerous companies.


  • 句子主语动词必须一致

    The subject of a sentence and its verb must agree in number.


  • 他们周在炮火中,中间没任何小的间歇。

    It was some weeks now since they'd had any respite from shellfire.


  • 片低洼的沼泽地沿海方向延伸英里。

    The low, marshy land runs out for miles toward the gulf.


  • 家公司提供初级入门新款希望吸引更多买家

    Several companies are offering new, entry-level models in hopes of attracting more buyers.


  • 我们不能我们选票然后它们送到法院吗?

    Couldn't we just count up our ballots and bring them to the courthouse?


  • 雕塑一样连续小时保持静止能力

    He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end.


  • 母亲编织

    Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles.


  • 条道路绵延英里

    The road went on for miles and miles.


  • 成本达到千

    The cost ran into the thousands.


  • 读者超过一万五千订户

    Its readership has grown to over 15,000 subscribers.


  • 计算机二进制进行计算而后把计算结果转换十进制

    The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal.


  • 这项提案中的未知太多了。

    There are so many unknowns in the proposal.


  • 公共汽车司机很快地空位

    The bus driver did a quick count of the empty seats.


  • 花了小时对着网球

    He spent hours throwing a tennis ball against a wall.


  • 等式中的XY未知

    X and Y in the equation are both unknowns.


  • 空袭已经摧毁了各工厂公路

    Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and motorways.


  • 所学校班上少于全国平均

    Class sizes in the school are below the national average.


  • 女性似乎男性擅长同时做事情。

    Women seem to be able to multitask better than men.


  • 一场球的标准杆72杆。

    Par for the course is 72.


  • 警方努力理清在死亡之前小时情况。

    Police are trying to piece together the last hours of her life.


  • 警方努力理清在死亡之前小时情况。

    Police are trying to piece together the last hours of her life.


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