• 件。数量合同有效期可以取消规则

    A quantity contract has validity periods and can have cancellation rules.


  • 交付订单根据过去项未交付时间、未交付数量合同修正

    These delivery orders are issued under a previously announced contract modification on an existing indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract.


  • 根据2000年2月授予不定期交付/不确定数量合同Lot9订单包括LVT(1)机载LVT(2)陆基容量终端

    The Lot 9 order includes LVT(1) airborne and LVT(2) ground-based Low Volume Terminals under the Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract awarded in January 2000.


  • 与此同时分析家们信用违约互换合同数量较大增幅

    Meanwhile, analysts report a sharp rise in the number of CDS contracts being written.


  • 关于买方委派人员数量培训地点,培训目标以及住宿条件均已合同附件VIII中列明。

    The number of the personnel, training place, the object of the training and living conditions are specified in Annex VIII to the Contract.


  • 中国电梯数量猛增随着保修期到期,都将转变有利可图维修合同

    The surging Numbers of new lift installations in China will, as their warranties expire, convert into a lucrative stream of maintenance contracts.


  • 他们承诺300辆自行车质量数量一定合同规定相吻合

    They've promised to keep both we quality and the quantity of the 300 bicycles in conformity with the contract stipulations.


  • 他们签署了一系列“不议”合同必须大大高于现货市场价格购买固定数量天然气很大一部分根本就卖不出去

    They were saddled with "take or pay" contracts that obliged them to buy fixed quantities of gas far above what they could sell and at prices way above those on the spot market.


  • 我们真诚希望质量数量合同规定相吻合

    We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations.


  • 关于派遣人员数量服务范围以及任务条件合同附件VII列明。

    The number of the personnel and the extent of the services and treatment conditions are specified in Annex VII to the Contract.


  • 尽管包装完好,但检验表明小麦数量质量符合合同规定

    The inspection reveals that both the quantity and quality of the wheat delivered are not in conformity with those stipulated in the contract, though the packing is all in good condition.


  • 现在,对合同数量没有限制了。

    There now are no restrictions on the number of awards, the spokesman said.


  • 这份不确定交付/不确定数量ID/IQ合同潜在价值达3亿美元,为期5

    The indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contract has a potential value of $300 million over five years.


  • 最新合同使萨基姆公司蒙吕松工厂生产Sperwer无人机数量达到130架。

    This latest contract will bring the number of Sperwer drones produced by Sagem’s Montlu?on plant in France to 130.


  • 5年间价值742万美元的合同500最佳预计数量BEQ)。

    The $7.42 million contract has a Best Estimated Quantity (BEQ) of 500 units over a five-year period.


  • 这份不定期交付不定数量IDIQ合同要求承包商为海军作战后勤支持中心提供项目管理技术服务

    The indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract calls for providing program management and technical services to the Naval Operational Logistics Support Center.


  • 这份不定期交付/不定数量IDIQ合同为期超过5潜在价值1.2亿美元。

    The indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract is potentially worth as much as $120 million over five years, company officials said.


  • 限额限制交易商能够持有某种特定商品在所有相关交易所合同数量合同价值

    Such limits would curb the number or value of contracts a trader could hold in a particular commodity and across relevant exchanges.


  • 如果现在计划降低全职公务员数量的话,咨询师合同泛滥下去

    If current plans are to reduce the number of full-time permanent civil servants, the consultant and contractor fetish will continue, and even expand.


  • 升,她带着一定数量灵魂主要那些生命合同同意时刻升的灵魂进入第五维度

    When she ascends, she will carry into the fifth dimension a certain amount of souls, mainly those who have agreed in their life contract to ascend at this moment with her.


  • 未通过竞争性招标程序签署合同数量2004年的12904份下降2009年的1117份。

    Number of contracts that bypassed a competitive process decreased from 12,904 in 2004 to 1,117 contracts in 2009.


  • 现在我们检查一下合同中的条款,让我们品名规格数量单位价格总额以及货运来看吧

    Now, let's check the items in the contract. Let's start from the names of the commodity, specifications, quantity, unit price, the total payment and shipment.


  • 海军已经340个承包商授予了不确定交付/不确定数量(ID/IQ)合同这些合同竞争多个司令部任务订单,每年的总价值将达到53亿美元。

    The Navy has awarded indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contracts to 340 contractors that will compete for a variety of command task orders that collectively could be worth $5.3 billion a year.


  • 期权(择权)买者权利没有义务一定价格购买出售一定数量证券合同

    Option a contract giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell a specified amount of a security, etc. at a specified price.


  • 卖方决定代理本项目的人员数量并且签定合同提交他们代表团名单资格买方

    The SELLER shall determine the number of personnel to be delegated to this Project and shall submit the names and qualifications of their delegation to the BUYER before Contract signing.


  • 合同联合战术无线电系统项目执行办公室JPEOJTRS后续合同,不定数量/不定期交付价值1100万美元。

    The contract from the Joint Program Executive Office for the Joint Tactical Radio System (JPEO JTRS) is follow-on to previous Army and Navy SBIR efforts with SNT, with an estimated value of $11M.


  • 买方船只12船名、预计受载日期、装载数量合同号码船舶代理人电报通知卖方

    The Buyers shall advise the Sellers by cable, 12 days before the expected loading date, of the estimated laydays, contract number, name of vessel, quantity, to be loaded and shipping agent.


  • 买方船只12船名、预计受载日期、装载数量合同号码船舶代理人电报通知卖方

    The Buyers shall advise the Sellers by cable, 12 days before the expected loading date, of the estimated laydays, contract number, name of vessel, quantity, to be loaded and shipping agent.


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