• 本文介绍了用于B2116大型龙门刨磨床的快速随动数控单元阐述工作原理主要技术问题

    Based on this principle, a rapid servo nc unit is designed for B2116 heavy duty gantry type planing - milling -grinding machine. This paper introduces its principle and main technical problems.


  • 提出嵌入式新型网络数控系统中央数控单元硬件实现方案搭建起中央数控单元先进精简指令集处理器数字信号处理器软件架构

    A hardware implementation scheme for the embedded-based network numerical control is proposed, and the software architectures of ARM and DSP modules of the central NC unit are introduced.


  • 前面对数控机床控制单元重要特征功能进行了描述

    In previous the important features and functions of the machine control unit in numerical control were described.


  • 直线电机单元高速数控机床一种新型系统

    Linear motor driven system is a new kind of feed system for CNC machine tools.


  • 数控机床价格低的一般选择步进驱动单元价格较高机床选择伺服驱动单元

    The whole digit-controlled lathe of lower prices generally choose stepping drive unit price is higher, and the machine tool selection servo drive unit.


  • TMSF2812DSP芯片则主要用于实现复杂控制算法,并西门子伺服驱动放大器交流伺服电机作为驱动单元改造后数控铣床进行位置控制。

    The lower DSP (TMS F2812) is used to realize the interpolation and control of three axes for the retrofitted CNC milling machine equipped with SIEMENS servo drive amplifiers and ac servo motors.


  • 数控机床控制单元界面人机交互主要部位设计质量直接影响用户学习使用效率

    The control unit interface of nc machine tool is an important part for man-machine conversation whose design quality directly effects the study and working efficiency of users.


  • 陶瓷轴承主轴单元出现,使数控机床产品档次明显提高

    Because of occurrence of ceramic bearing electric spindle units, the level of product of numerical control machine tools had obviously been enhanced.


  • 分析了实验控制原理并以此基础完成了伺服驱动数控系统接口单元PCB原理设计

    Control principle of the platform is analyzed, on the basis of which, PCB drawing of interface unit between servo-driver and CNC system is designed.


  • 基于数控管机矢量弯管原理利用P LC定位模块控制单元相结合的方法来实现弯管机控制系统设计

    Based on the vector bender principle of the numerical pipe-bending machine, use PLC and position module to finish the design of bender's control system.


  • 弧焊机器人数控焊接变位机研制对弧焊机器人柔性加工单元WFMC)的设计具有重要意义

    Development of numerically controlled (NC) robotic positioner is of vital importance to the design of welding flexible manufacturing center (WFMC) of arc-welding robot.


  • 研究结果采用陶瓷轴承主轴单元高速超高速数控机床动态设计提供实验依据

    The experimental results provide a scientific basis for the dynamic design of high speed and extra-high speed machine tool with the bearing spindle units.


  • 数控机床价格低的一般选择步进驱动单元,而价格较高的机床选择伺服驱动单元

    The whole sets nc machine tools of lower prices generally choose the stepping driving unit and the price higher machine tool selection servo drive unit.


  • 选择驱动单元时,考虑驱动单元价格数控机床中的比例

    Choose drive unit, also want to consider the drive unit price in the whole sets the ratio of numerical control machine.


  • 提出了一种以PMAC运动控制器为控制系统核心工业控制为系统支撑单元cpu开放式数控系统

    An open CNC system with two CPUs in parallel, in which the center is PMAC motion controller and the supporting element is industrial PC, is suggested.


  • 提高控制精度关键技术就是数控延迟单元设计

    The key technique to improve the control precision is the design of digital controlled delay element(DCDE).


  • 采用面向对象技术动态连接形式开发开放式数控系统基本构造单元软件功能模块

    Software modules in the form of Dynamically Linked Library using object-oriented program technology are design, which are the basic system components.


  • 为了提高非圆数控车削系统直线伺服单元跟踪精度,该文提出了一种改进离散重复控制算法

    An improved repetitive control algorithm was developed to improve tracking accuracy for a linear servo unit in a numerical piston lathe.


  • 探讨面向集成数控编程系统功能信息需求。简述了NC特征单元概念,研究提出了建立面向集成的数控编程系统结构的设想

    It researches the requirement for function of nc programming orientated integration, and defines the concept of nc feature, presents a new idea to set up nc programming system orientated integration.


  • 研究PMAC时间基制法 ,结合直线电机微量往复进给运动主轴单元高速性能实现非圆工件的磨削加工

    Time-base method of PMAC and linear motor's micro-feed motion and electrical spindle unit's high-speed performance were used to accomplish high-speed grinding manufacture of elliptic parts.


  • 研究PMAC时间基制法 ,结合直线电机微量往复进给运动主轴单元高速性能实现非圆工件的磨削加工

    Time-base method of PMAC and linear motor's micro-feed motion and electrical spindle unit's high-speed performance were used to accomplish high-speed grinding manufacture of elliptic parts.


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