• 介绍了发电机变压器(以下简称发变组)分析系统所采用数据记录方式、分析软件的重要功能设计特点

    The data record format used in the monitoring record and analysis system for generator transformer unit and the major functions and features of its analysis software are introduced.


  • 探测器检测出它们衰变方式决定特征信号记录下来,这些数据随即科学家们进行分析

    The detector picks up the telltale "signatures" of these decay patterns and records them, and the data is then analyzed by scientists.


  • 美国国家气候资料中心认为根据原始数据以及瓦特先生争论方式上看,证明选址不佳证据并不影响全部地表记录走向

    The NCDC believes, on the basis of preliminary data and in a way that Mr Watts disputes, that the evidence for poor siting does not affect the overall trends in the surface record.


  • 二进制模式使用审计时,二进制格式写入数据如果希望长期收集保存审计事件记录,该模式一般首选方式

    When audit is used in bin mode data, it is written in binary format and is generally considered the preferred way if you want to collect and keep the audit event records over a long period.


  • 使用日志记录方法时,可以多种方式处理数据,这取决于指定格式

    When using the logging method, it is possible to process the data in several ways, depending on the format specified.


  • 记录联系方式所有商务应用程序非常重要,通过有效XML结构捕获这些信息可以简化此类数据处理

    Recording contact information is a vital part of nearly all business applications, and the capture of that information in an effective XML structure can make working with the data much easier.


  • 斯皮锁定这些年轻恒星记录它们变化方式数据

    Spitzer is keeping tabs on the young stars,providing data on their changing ways.


  • 这个选项会影响到浏览器历史Alexa数据记录选择方式

    This option affects how records from your browser history or Alexa data are selected.


  • InfoSphere Warehouse同时支持这两种方式只需每个数据记录赋予一个集群id相应偏差

    InfoSphere Warehouse allows you to do both by simply assigning a cluster id and a corresponding deviation degree to each data record.


  • 博士说,一旦这些激光器断开后,用这种方式记录下来数据稳定保留12年以上

    Once the lasers are switched off, data recorded this way will, according to Dr Birge, remain stable for more than 12 years.


  • 服务器然后批处理模式处理清理海量数据并能实时调用环境中以次处理一个记录方式进行实时处理。

    This server is then able to process and cleanse extremely large data volumes in batch mode as well as single records in a real-time invocation environment.


  • 存储过程并未集成数据引擎中,因为它们设计过程方式处理记录

    Stored procedures are not integrated in the database engine since they are designed to process one record at a time in a procedural manner.


  • 这种方式数据进行日志记录

    This new mode works by journaling metadata only.


  • 每个数据都将查询并可能生成大量数据然后本地方式联接过滤不想要记录

    Each database will be queried for a potentially significant amount of data and then joined locally to filter out unwanted records.


  • 这两个装置都被链接屏幕上,测量数据会被电子方式纸张记录下来。

    Both are connected to a monitor, and the measurements are recorded on a digital and paper readout.


  • 数据消息日志记录类型更改将影响显示消息方式

    This change the database message logging column type has implications for how messages are displayed.


  • 来自加州大学伯克利分校吉恩。沃甘,缅甸探险队会员,他解释道稀有物种用拍照方式或者是照片凭证地方数据记录方式替代

    Guin Wogan from the University of California, Berkeley, a member of the Burma expedition, explains that rare species are photographed or "photo vouchered" and locality data recorded instead.


  • 采用传统方式记录维护这些数据信息一件十分繁琐事情并且存在许多管理的。

    If USES traditional the way record and maintains these data and the information, will be an extremely tedious matter, and can have in many management the loopholes.


  • Asynchronous并不任何方式推迟提交数据数据修改日志记录异步地传输备用数据库。

    Asynchronous: Committing a database change on the primary database is not held up in any way by the communication of log records to the standby database.


  • 因此如果愿意文件系统置于完整数据日志记录方式,则内核引导选项添加rootflags=data=journal

    So, if you'd like to put your root filesystem into full data journaling mode, add rootflags=data=journal to your kernel boot options.


  • 可能需要使用一个标准IBMCognos8审计记录数据,且此数据这种方式配置

    You may also use a standard IBM Cognos 8 audit logging database, which should also have been configured in this way.


  • 虽然NHibernate文档已经详细记录各种数据进行映射方式,但是它们使用场景叙述得并不那么明显

    Although the different ways of mapping a class to the database are individually well documented in the NHibernate documentation, the different usage scenarios is not always obvious.


  • 对于清单4中的示例数据DB2返回记录其中包含RaymondSanchez公司联系方式信息

    Given the sample data in Listing 4, DB2 returns a single record that contains contact information for Raymond sanchez.


  • AIX 5.3TL_5中,缺省会保留数据记录几乎所有topas数据进程工作负载管理器(Workload Manager,WLM)信息外,其中的其他数据以交互方式显示

    In TL_5 of AIX 5.3, it keeps seven days of data as a default and records almost all of the topas data, which is displayed interactively except for process and Workload Manager (WLM) information.


  • 从理论上说data=journal方式所有日志记录方式慢的,因为要将数据写入磁盘不是次。

    Theoretically, data=journal mode is the slowest journaling mode of all, since data gets written to disk twice rather than once.


  • 一旦数据中心部署Workload Deployer,可以使用标准化方式快速部署应用程序、设置监控调整以及日志记录

    Once you deploy Workload Deployer in your data center, you can quickly deploy applications, setup monitoring, scaling, and logging in a standardized fashion.


  • 布局样式决定了屏幕控件可见记录数目数据和域组织方式

    A layout style determines the number of records visible on screen within the control at one time, and the way fields and field values are arranged.


  • 实现对手影像静止图像动态画面采集,并计算机文件数据光盘方式长期记录储存

    The computer was used to realize the collection of static and dynamic hand bone images recorded and stored in files and data discs.


  • 实现对手影像静止图像动态画面采集,并计算机文件数据光盘方式长期记录储存

    The computer was used to realize the collection of static and dynamic hand bone images recorded and stored in files and data discs.


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