• 设计粒度的层次粒度的数据

    Design fine-grained class hierarchy and coarse-grained database tables.


  • 实际系统中,架构每个软件(表示层、业务数据访问层)设计

    In an actual system, the architect would design the classes for each software layer (presentation, business, and data access).


  • 网站的数据包括了红毯活动上的图片按照明星活动设计品牌来分门别

    Its database compiles images from red-carpet events and organizes them by star, event, and designer brand.


  • dxlobjdxldao本文设计通用数据访问

    The dxlobj and dxldao packages are the generic data access classes that have been designed for this article.


  • 为了正确地利用本文中的代码我们使用最佳设计实践构建实用程序/数据访问

    To properly leverage the code base in this article, we will use design best practices to build utility/data access classes.


  • 实质上溢出攻击由于将太多数据放入原始程序设计人员认为足够的空间中导致的。

    Essentially, what happens in an overflow style of attack is too much data is pushed into what the original programmer thought was enough space.


  • 元素对于XML设计重要性对象设计中的关系数据设计中的实体

    Elements are as important in XML design as classes in object design or entities in relational database design.


  • 但是倘若是将特定的空间索引指派给那些缓冲那么这些因素可以看作数据设计类的因素了。

    But when assigning specific table Spaces and indexes to those buffer pools, that could be viewed somewhat as a database design consideration.


  • 比如数据连接就是单例设计模式一个例子:我们一般不想让应用程序具有连接池多个资源密集型实例

    An example use case for a singleton would be a database connection pool: you don't want your application to have multiple resource-intensive instances of a connection pool class.


  • 图形设计允许轻松地数据对象存储过程映射LINQSQL方法

    It's a graphical designer which lets you easily map database objects such as tables and stored procedures to LINQ to SQL classes and methods.


  • 这个版本IronPython工具主要包括一些bug修复例如WPF设计改进:目前设计器已经对XAMLWPF有了完全支持包括Python动态数据绑定

    This version of IronPython Tools includes a number of bug fixes as improved WPF designer support. The designer fully supports XAML and WPF including data binding to Python classes dynamically.


  • 建立了合理数据结构适当的等级,从而完成了整个软件系统的面向对象分析设计模型

    And then, data structure and classes grade were built up, the objects and the model of the software system were completed.


  • 采用新的方法,可用计算机设计输入信号交替脉冲数据采集系统

    By this method, we can design a data acquisition system in which an alternating pulse serves as the input signal with a microcomputer.


  • 本文介绍了FCAD系统中家具零件几何模型层次式数据结构设计考虑

    In this paper, the design considerations of the geometric modelling for three types of furniture parts and the hierarchical data structure of the FCAD system are presented.


  • 本文介绍FCAD系统中家具零件几何模型层次式数据结构设计考虑

    In tills paper, the design considerations of the geometric modelling for three types of furniture parts and the hierarchical data structure of the FCAD system are presented.


  • 论述程序设计过程中,使用数据开发工具独有字段通用属性查询设计器、设计SQL语言等功能,完成信息管理系统的设计过程。

    This paper has a discussion on the process of information management design to use the common property of Database tools, query designer, class design, SQL language in the process of program design.


  • 非线性数据结构图模型设计某市导游咨询程序给出了其核心函数C语言算法

    Having nonlinear graph of data structure as model, this paper designs one city's tour-guide inquiring program and gives C alike algorithm of main program and key function.


  • 针对名老中医病例结构特点设计一种基于模拟退火算法数据中病例聚进行全局优化

    According to characters of herbalist instances, the article designed a clustering arithmetic which based on simulating anneal to optimize the herbalist instances in database.


  • 这一方法整体与部分关系、一般与特殊关系实例连接应用数据设计

    The way will be the whole-part of kind, general-particular and example joining to apply in databases design.


  • 平行数据模型线性经济模型,这些模型可以作协变量双向设计

    As a kind of economics model, the panel data can be viewed as the two-way design of co-variables.


  • 本文首先给出一个工作流引擎整体设计包括体系结构设计核心设计数据设计

    In this thesis, it first gives out a whole design of the workflow engine which includes structural design, core class design and database design etc.


  • 论述数据管理生成系统设计实现技术

    Discussed the design and the realization method this kinds of table management generated system.


  • 所有状态有关数据方法封装一个状态里有利于精简设计

    The design can be made a lot cleaner by encapsulating all the state related data and methods into a state machine class.


  • 然后介绍了分层网络数据结构基础上,给出数据分析处理设计

    Then, It introduces the types and structures of packets and presents the design of packet analysis class.


  • 对象定义函数设计模块进行调用实现任意长度数据运算

    By using class as object to call the module of self defining function design, the operation of data with arbitrary length is realized.


  • 提出将数据理论中版本管理技术应用设计专家系统事实库管理讨论了事实库版本管理对推理所产生作用

    Version management technology is applied to manage fact base of an expert system and the role of the version management system of facts in reasoning is also discussed.


  • 逻辑程序设计语言hprologprolog语言,主要作为一种推理数据查询语言。

    Logic programming language HPROLOG is a prolog-like language. It is mainly a deductive database query language.


  • 研究同时具有时变时延测量数据丢失不确定网络化系统鲁棒无源滤波器设计问题

    The problem of robust passive filtering for a class of uncertain networked system with time varying delays and missing measurements is studied.


  • 同时利用数据成员成员函数继承关系可以优化曲线测设程序整体设计

    Moreover, it can optimize the whole design program by making use of inheritance relations of data members and member functions between the basic class and its derived class.


  • 同时利用数据成员成员函数继承关系可以优化曲线测设程序整体设计

    Moreover, it can optimize the whole design program by making use of inheritance relations of data members and member functions between the basic class and its derived class.


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