• 这样眼镜即可传感器可做显示器为将数据导入导出身体提供新的途径

    Such glasses can be used as sensors and displays, providing a new way to import and export data to the body.


  • 那些操作漫长的,更是重要,在数据导出导入过程中,客户不能访问数据库。

    Those operations are lengthy but more importantly, the customer can not access the databases during the database export and import.


  • 使用导出导入过程一个好处就是能让移动数据不是复制 数据

    One benefit of using the volume group export and import procedure is that it allows you to move data rather than copy it.


  • 可以导入导出静态关系数据这简化装载关系过程

    You can import and export static relationship data, simplifying the process of loading the relationship tables.


  • 正如所看到的,整个转换过程中,多次的数据导出导入

    As you see there are a few database exports and imports during the whole cutover process.


  • JMS特殊类型导入导出称为JMS绑定允许用户指定绑定配置编写自己数据处理代码

    Special kinds of imports and exports for JMS, called JMS bindings, enable users to specify the binding configuration and write data handling code themselves.


  • 这样眼镜即可传感器显示器数据导入导出身体提供了新的途径

    Such lenses could act as both sensors and displays, providing new ways for data to pass in and out of the body.


  • 早期版本中可以模块导入导出使用数据处理程序

    In previous versions, you could use a data handler in the import and export for a module.


  • 而这允许导入导出数据导出XML报告以及导出预定义图形

    This in turn allows you to import and export data, export XML reports, and export predefined graphs.


  • 多种类型它们可以导入导出数据报告模型用户信息数据

    There are various types of Bridges available for importing and exporting metadata for database tables, reports, models, user information, etc.


  • 使程序员均衡数据导入导出机制工具有用的

    Tools that let programmers leverage standard data export and import mechanisms are very useful.


  • XML文件格式前身讨论通常会包括用逗号分隔的文件格式,这些格式频繁地用于电子表格数据导入导出

    Discussion of precursors to XML file formats usually include comma-delimited file formats, which are very often used for import and export of spreadsheets and databases.


  • 数据绑定SCA模块导入导出组件调用

    Data Bindings are invoked in the import and export components of an SCA module.


  • 现在通过所提供数据绑定新的JMS导入导出绑定支持附加的 JMS消息类型

    New JMS import and export bindings now support additional JMS message types via supplied data binding classes.


  • DW庞大规模使得更改已有物理DB设计比较困难因为意味着要移动大量数据使用导出导入)。

    The size of DWs also makes it more difficult to change existing physical DB design when that means moving lots of data (using export and import).


  • 我们讨论处理传入传出的JMS消息必需数据绑定函数选择器代码以及导出导入所需的绑定属性

    We discussed the data binding and function selector code that is required to handle incoming and outgoing JMS messages, as well as the necessary binding properties for the export and import.


  • 处理消息系统导入导出时,有时需要自定义数据绑定创建所需的消息格式

    When working with imports and exports for messaging systems, custom data bindings are sometimes required to create the required format for the message.


  • SPE不能直接读取相反必须通过内存控制器(mfc)的单元使用dma命令本地存储主存之间导入导出数据

    The SPE cannot read main memory directly, but instead must import and export data between the local store and main memory using DMA commands to a unit called the memory flow controller, or MFC.


  • 需要包含传入客户数据导出连接FTP服务器返回客户名称电子邮件地址导入

    You want to wire the export that contains the incoming customer data to the import that will return only the customer name and email address to the FTP server.


  • 根据数据大小导出导入使用时间有所不同;可能花费5个小时

    Time used for export and import is different depending on the sizes of the database; it could take as long as 5 hours.


  • 接下来为了填充数据MQT中,我们导入EMPLOYEEsales导出数据

    Next, to populate the MQT with some data, we will import data that had been exported from the EMPLOYEE and SALES tables.


  • 模块边缘导出导入负责外部数据转换为数据对象反之亦然

    The exports and imports at the edges of the module are responsible for converting external data to data objects, and vice versa.


  • 服务器端客户端的通过通讯协议进行通讯,同时其他系统或者未来的系统(SOA)进行数据导入导出展示通过协议进行。

    Communication between server and client use a protocol, which can be used to export, import or present data to other, or future system (SOA).


  • 导出导入绑定定义接口之后需要提供处理DataObjectJMS之间转换数据绑定

    Once you have defined the interface for an export or import binding, you need to provide the data binding class that handles the conversion between DataObject and JMS.


  • MongoDB的bin目录包含一系列工具可用于以各种格式导入导出数据

    MongoDB's bin directory contains a series of utilities for importing and exporting data in a variety of formats.


  • 一个数据实用程序(例如备份恢复导出导入装载)启动时,会按util_heap _ sz指定的大小分配全额的内存。

    When a database utility is started, such as backup, restore, export, import and load, then the full amount specified by util_heap_sz is allocated.


  • 一个数据实用工具(例如备份恢复导出导入装载)启动时会按util_heap _ sz指定大小分配全额的内存。

    When a database utility, such as backup, restore, export, import, and load, is started, then the full amount specified by util_heap_sz is allocated.


  • WebSphereProcessServerV7提供了静态关系实例数据导出导入功能解决了之前提到的业务技术问题

    WebSphere Process Server V7 provides the static relationship instance data import and export function to solve the business versus technical issue mentioned above.


  • 虽然cell1数据执行导出导入操作客户可以访问其他三个数据,但还是一个缺点

    Although you are only performing export and import operations on the cell1 database and the customer can still access other three databases, there is a big drawback.


  • 使用方法导出导入数据因为只有一个Informix实例

    The method used is exporting and importing the database, since there is only one Informix instance.


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