• 不能透视应用数据有效性检验

    You cannot apply data validation to cells in a PivotTable.


  • 列表数据有效错误时,不能更新更改

    Cannot update changes while there are data validation errors in this list.


  • 如果输入数据有效将自动改变颜色将焦点转移新的表单字段

    The color changes automatically when a valid value is entered and the focus moves to a new form field.


  • 企业主办试验数据有效医学期刊应该有什么要求

    Data availability for industry sponsored trials: what should medical journals require?


  • 相量测量单元(PMU)相量数据有效关键在于时间同步

    The key of the data validity of the phasor measurement unit (PMU) is the synchronization.


  • 实践证明整个系统运行正常,能够实现煤矿矿井数据有效采集

    The whole system is running well in practice, and the effectively data collection for coal mine is realized.


  • 消息应用程序数据通常包括数据有效负载消息可配置报头属性

    Messages are packets of application data that typically consist of a data payload and configurable header properties associated with the message.


  • 时序数据有效映射特征空间时间序列相似性搜索一个关键问题

    Mapping the raw time series data to a modality space effectively is a critical problem in time series similarity search.


  • 表单数据有效,表单数据实例排队等待发送服务器(当与服务器建立连接时)。

    When the forms data is valid, the forms data instance is queued and waits to be sent to the server (when a connection to the server is made).


  • 如何这些异构数据有效集成到数据仓库中企业所面临一个难题

    How effectively integrates these isomerism data in the data warehouse, is a difficult problem which the enterprise faces.


  • 数据差异性使得非特定人手语识别中提取手语数据有效共同特征非常困难。

    Data variation makes it difficult to extract the effective common features from sign language data in signer-independent SLR.


  • 在这种切换中,读出数据有效数据总线至少需要有一个时钟的高状态

    The data bus must go into a high-impedance state at least one cycle before output of the latest data.


  • 函数允许实际表(不是实际上的表)中的数据有效使用关系操作SQL

    Table functions enable you to efficiently use relational operations and the power of SQL on data that is not in an actual table.


  • 为了提供丰富视觉反馈可以改变输入字段颜色反映输入数据有效判断

    To provide rich visual feedback, the entry field could change colors to reflect its estimate of the validity of the entered data.


  • 电脑不少解密工作并且加密过的数去网上传播不如没有加密数据有效

    Your computer has to do extra work to decrypt all that data, and encrypted data doesn't travel across the Internet as efficiently as unencrypted data, "says the Gmail blog."


  • 受到食品安全性永续性的疑虑促进,栽培者、供应商扩大食物栽培数据有效利用而努力

    Data points do not knowledge make - growers and suppliers are endeavoring to expand the utility of data in growing food, driven by food security and sustainability concerns.


  • 具有不透明性即便给定特定节点算法数据有效载荷观察者无法推断系统整体功能。

    Opacity of purpose where, even if given the algorithm and data payload for any given node, it is not possible for an observer to deduce what the system as a whole is doing.


  • 所以中,我们首先需要原始网络数据提取Ethernet数据包,包括数据有效负载

    So in this example, we first need to extract the Ethernet packet, including the data payload, from the raw network packet.


  • 医学影像数据信息系统医学影像数据有效检索分析重要手段,是医学临床教育研究的基础。

    Medical image database is the important and effective means of medical image data retrieval and analysis in clinical diagnosis, education and research.


  • 可以看到根据独立图像中的图像数据图像划分为特定组成,可以将第三数据有效添加先前平面显示效果中。

    As evidenced, slicing the images into specific components based on imagery data in a separate image is an effective method for adding a third dimension of data to your formerly flat visualizations.


  • 我们可以A中的名字做为另一单元数据有效序列区域,然后VLOOKUP函数引用这个单元格。

    You also can use the names in column a as the Source range for a list in another cell by selecting Data Validation list. Then reference the cell housing this list in your VLOOKUP function.


  • 根据行业出版物advertisingAge10月最近一个月内数据有效美国广告开支与去年同期下降了2.5%。

    According trade publication Advertising Age, in October, the most recent month for which data is available, U.S. AD spending fell 2.5 percent from the year-earlier period.


  • 随着人们数据有效可移植性聚合等话题兴致技术增长一趋势波及到社会网络领域以外应用程序设计和开发。

    The growth in interest and technologies surrounding data availability, portability, and aggregation has ramifications on design and development of applications outside the social network space.


  • 这样便基于一个相同属性(deptid)将两个(EMPLOYEEDEPARTMENT)中的数据有效组合起来

    This effectively combined the data contained in our two tables (EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT) based upon a common attribute (the DEPTID value).


  • 通过考虑组件应用程序结构主要使用情况,可以更为恰当地确定数据有效检查位置——例如受管理信任边界进行检查。

    Considering the primary USES of components within application structures leads to more appropriate placement of data validity checkingfor example, only at managed trust boundaries.


  • 一致性这个术语描述了系统存储数据资源正确状态VFP数据有效触发器引用完整性三个方面来维持数据的一致性状态。

    The term "consistency" describes the correct state of data resource stored in the system. VFP maintains the data consistency from data validity, flip-flop and quotation integration.


  • 完成一步骤之后,可以TClientDataSet组件Active属性设置True激活TSQLDataSet组件中的SQL命令使数据有效

    After that step, you can set the Active property of the TClientDataSet component to True, which will activate the SQL command in the TSQLDataSet component and make the data available.


  • 完成一步骤之后,可以TClientDataSet组件Active属性设置True激活TSQLDataSet组件中的SQL命令使数据有效

    After that step, you can set the Active property of the TClientDataSet component to True, which will activate the SQL command in the TSQLDataSet component and make the data available.


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