• 只是需要同一个仪表报告中显示数据没有一个物理联接吗?

    Do you simply require displaying the data in the same dashboard or report, but without a physical join?


  • 这些数据可以定制显示板报告来代表

    This data can be represented through customized dashboards and reports.


  • 仪表(1)同时各个实例级别聚合级别显示数据提供复杂的多维分析

    The dashboards (Figure 1) can display data at both the individual instance level and the aggregate level, and offer sophisticated dimensional analysis.


  • 5展示应用程序仪表页面默认视图显示数据中的客户列表

    Figure 5 shows the dashboard page of the application. The default view shows the list of customers in the database.


  • 模型导入业务监视器,将其作为使用门户面向业务人员和操作人员显示仪表数据基础

    This model is imported into the business monitor and used as the basis for the presentation of dashboard data to both business and operational viewers using a portal interface.


  • 为了满足业务用户需要报告工具进一步集成数据以指示视图形式显示

    To satisfy the needs of business users, the data is further integrated by reporting tools and visually presented as dashboard views.


  • 指示目标就是显示KPI所以需要集成数据这些数据可以是 KPI 本身,或者与其计算相关其他数据

    The goal of a dashboard is to present KPIs, so it follows that data sources need to be integrated that are either KPIs themselves or contribute to their calculation.


  • 这些连接将进一步扩展指示需要索引提供显示数据

    Further wires radiate from there to the dashboard, providing the keys they need to index the data they display.


  • 每个数据可以仪表仪表报告中拥有自己查询并排显示不必实际联接数据

    Each database can have it's own query in a dashboard or dashboard-style report and be displayed along side each other without a physical joining of the data.


  • 调色视图包含一些报表元素这些元素用来显示数据浏览视图获得数据

    The Palette View contains the report elements that are used to present the data collected in the Data Explorer View.


  • 指示一开始就以最为简要格式显示数据而后又大肆显示更多信息,它很容易就变成一个浏览信息的工具

    A dashboard that initially shows data in its most condensed form, then progressively discloses more information can turn into a tool for navigating information.


  • 交互式指示显示所有数据分析

    Present all of that data side by side in an interactive dashboard for analysis.


  • 我们使用BusinessSpace指示显示所有事件数据行为分析

    We used its Business Space dashboard to display all of the events data and conduct analysis.


  • Extendedinsight仪表可以根据应用程序用户根据使用工作量集群服务器显示事务响应时间数据

    On the Extended Insight dashboard you can display transaction response time data by application, by user, or by server using workload cluster groups.


  • 工作负载视图打开仪表初始屏幕显示所有工作负载服务器数据作为分析ExtendedInsight指标起点

    Workloads view - This is the initial screen that displays when you open the dashboard. It displays data from all workloads and serves as the starting point for analyzing Extended Insight metrics.


  • 数据过滤器基础上添加这个滑动时间间隔过滤器之后,如果当前日期12月15日那么指示显示同时满足以下所有条件任务实例

    After adding this sliding interval to the data filters, if the current date is December 15, the dashboard displays task instances that meet all of the following criteria.


  • 3显示的是ApplicationDeveloper中的设计选项,包括可视化组件drawer以及数据binder

    Figure 3 shows the design palette in Application Developer with drawers for the visual components as well as the data binders.


  • 了这三个直白XQuery文件您就可以实现一个能彰显XQueryXML聚集显示数据方面的威力web指示了。

    With three straightforward XQuery files, you implemented a Web dashboard that shows the power of XQuery and XML databases to aggregate and present data.


  • 此项目的目标开发仪表,那么为什么步骤1步骤2中要显示JSON数据小部件

    Given that the objective of the project was to develop the dashboards, why bother exposing the JSON data and widgets described in steps 1 and 2? Three reasons.


  • 实验结果数据表明系统可重复性精度研制高质量的等离子体显示提供依据

    The experimental data show that the system has a good testing repeatability and high-accuracy, this provides a basis for developing a high-quality plasma display panel.


  • 为什么4d数据调试器显示所有吗?

    Why does my 4d Database debugger not display all panels?


  • 工控机完成测试仪自检信号转接测试流程控制数据管理结果显示存储等。

    The self-test of intelligent device, signal interface and test flow control, database management, and result display and storage is finished with industry computer.


  • 运行软件MATLAB6.0对本文样本数据进行统计检验及模型估计结果显示四个创业市场存在着协整关系统计上并不显著

    Estimating the models with software MATLAB6.0, the result indicates that there are co-integrate relations among these four markets of second board, but not remarkable in statistical.


  • 带有屏幕显示(osd)触摸鼠标维护人员可以使用任何外部键盘和鼠标的情况下方便进行操作输入数据

    Its front panel holds screen indicator (OSD) key and water proof touch control board which made administrators could operate it or enter data expediently without any external keyboard and mouse.


  • 仪表1同时各个实例级别聚合级别显示数据提供复杂的多维分析

    The dashboards (Figure 1) can display data at both the individual instance level and the aggregate level, and offer sophisticated dimensional analysis.


  • 显示功能时钟控制LED屏幕进行数据扫描显示完整图像

    The function of display panel is to carry on the data scanning for LED Displaying Screen and display a complete image under the controlling of the clock.


  • 显示功能时钟控制LED屏幕进行数据扫描显示完整图像

    The function of display panel is to carry on the data scanning for LED Displaying Screen and display a complete image under the controlling of the clock.


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