• 这种可塑性使XQuery不仅适合作为数据库搜索引擎,还可用于队列筛选

    This fluidity makes XQuery just as appropriate as a database search system as it is to queue filtering.


  • 为了较好地满足用户需求该文提出了利用分布式数据库搜索引擎架构实现智能化搜索定位

    In order to satisfy the users requirement, this paper gives a system structure of the distributed database search engine, which implements the intellectualized search and orientation.


  • 为了较好地满足用户需求,该文提出利用分布式数据库搜索引擎架构来实现智能化搜索定位。

    The design and implementation of the intelligent Web search engines for special topics were discussed in this article.


  • ChallengerIconDB (IconDatabase)一个包含图标各种尺寸关键词数据库搜索引擎

    Challenger IconDB (icon database) is a database that contains ICONS of various sizes and keywords attached to them.


  • 文本搜索引擎数据库服务器控制一个虚拟进程运行

    The text search engine runs in one of the database server-controlled virtual processes.


  • 搜索引擎在线书店甚至图书馆目录等搜索中工作良好但是那些有保护的电子期刊数据库需要安装联邦检索

    It works well for readily available sites like search engines, online bookstores, and even many library catalogs, but secured e-journal databases need federated search to be installed.


  • 一个研究引擎帮助进入专业内容深层网络”:互联网没有传统搜索引擎索引或收录的信息(比如一些专业数据库期刊)。

    It is a research engine that lets you access expert content from the "Deep Web", the part of the Internet that is not indexed by traditional search engines (e.g. databases, journals etc.).


  • 很多情况下网络已经取代了图书搜索引擎在线可搜索数据库读者提供了相当丰富相关资料

    The Web has replaced books in many cases, offering a rich selection of material via search engines and searchable online databases.


  • 理查兹建议实习岗位搜索应该使用数据库目录或者搜索引擎了解更多有关公司的内容。

    Richards suggests internships seekers use databases and directories, or search engines to learn more about each company.


  • 我们可以作出结论Google搜索引擎数据库返回了估计223,000个匹配结果

    We can conclude that the Google search engine returned an estimated 223,000 number of hits from its database.


  • 另外一个问题缺少对Lucene事务控制,领域模型数据存储数据库搜索引擎是有问题的。

    Another problem is lack of transactions support in Lucene, making saving the domain model into the database and the search engine problematic.


  • 很早以前篇文章中,介绍了如何使用基于rdfWordNet数据库应用程序专用的搜索引擎增加一些自然语言能力

    In a much earlier article, I showed you how to use an RDF-based WordNet database to add some natural language power to application-specific search engines.


  • 实现高性能灵活性以及相关排序一些搜索引擎数据库直接相连数据库提取数据生成索引

    To achieve high performance, flexibility, relevance ranking, and so on, some search engines connect to databases directly, extract data, and generate indexes from databases.


  • 深层网络提取有意义数据搜索引擎必须分析用户搜索找出如何最佳负责安排这些查询调度特定数据库

    To extract meaningful data from the Deep Web, search engines have to analyze users' search terms and figure out how to broker those queries to particular databases.


  • 实现一个搜索引擎允许用户直接搜索数据库,获取匹配特定条件清单

    You'll implement a search engine that allows users to directly search the database for listings that match specific criteria.


  • 相反重点讨论交付有效搜索结果所需组件数据库索引搜索引擎PHP应用程序编程接口(API)。

    Instead, the focus is on the components required to deliver effective search results: the database, the index, the search engine, and the PHP application program interface (API).


  • 站点地图通行可用的web站点url通知搜索引擎以便搜索引擎可以将这些URL包含数据库

    A sitemap informs a search engine about website URLs that are available for crawling so the search engine can include the URLs in its database.


  • 大多数搜索引擎工作方式是:Web上爬行,索引过滤海量数据库找到内容然后搜索这些数据库以找到匹配特定搜索查询的结果。

    Most search engines work by crawling the Web, indexing and filtering the content they find into massive databases, and searching these databases to find results matching a particular search query.


  • 但是不同搜索引擎具有不同的数据库查询界面查询法则

    But different search engine has different database, different search interface and different rules for searching.


  • 很多时候渠道合作伙伴联系网页数据库驱动的,不能搜索引擎索引的网页。

    Too often, channel partner contact pages are database-driven pages that can't be indexed by the search engines.


  • 本文结合搜索数据库网络等多种技术实现用于高速铁路旅客信息系统新闻搜索引擎引擎为高速列车提供实时新闻。

    Adopting search technique, database technique and network technique, the thesis realizes the news search engine that applies to the system and provides real time news for fast train.


  • 既然不切实际搜索引擎使用数据库绝对数量人工审核他们依靠程序算法分析排名网页

    Since it is impractical for search engines to use human reviews for the sheer volume of the databases, they rely on programmed algorithms to analyze and rank pages.


  • 介绍计算机信息检索意义分析搜索引擎检索数据库检索的优点不足

    This paper introduces the significance of computer information retrieval, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of retrieval with the search engine and database.


  • 微观角度将电子参考分为数据库、传统工具书的电子版、搜索引擎、电子期刊类型类型电子参考源详细论述。

    Divide electronic reference resources into various types such as database, electronic reference book, search engine, electronic journal from micro-angle and describe the types in detail.


  • 基于数字有机体数据库搜索引擎使用户可以用一系列关键多个数据库检索同关键字相关记录

    The search engine based on Digital Organism database System allows users to retrieve relevant records stored in multiple databases via a serial of keywords.


  • 文章主要介绍基于XML可扩展标记语言搜索引擎技术实现核心部分——索引数据库建立查询,并提出现行网络环境下的XML搜索引擎模型

    In this paper, the core part of the realization of XML search engine, the query and creation of index database, is introduced, and a search model is given in the environment of current network.


  • 信息组织方式搜索引擎方式、指示数据库方式、菜单方式、主题树方式;

    The mode of secondary information organization includes search engine, referral database, menu, etc.


  • 很多时候由于种种原因并不是所有网页都能收录搜索引擎数据库

    But very often, for various reasons, not all pages can be included into the search engine database.


  • 本文介绍了如何利用搜索引擎体育数据库、体育导航系统体育论坛新闻组途径进行网上体育信息搜索

    This article describes how to search for sports information on the Internet by means of search engines, sports databases, sports navigation systems, BBS, newsgroups, etc.


  • 目前没有网页搜索引擎可以覆盖超过60%互联网全部网页,而大部分的网页数据库更新周期在一个月左右

    Now no web search engine can cover more than 60 percent of all the pages on Internet. The update interval of most pages database is almost one month.


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