• 服务分布式查询支持XML发布增强数据类型

    XML publishing and enhanced data type support in cross-server distributed queries.


  • 服务例如希望提供NIS服务数据备份计算机)将从服务复制发布数据库。

    Slave servers (for example, those machines that want to provide a backup copy of NIS master databases) copy the published databases from the server.


  • 这些数据窥探者看起来胡言乱语因为电脑先传到安全服务然后发布互联网上

    The data looks like gibberish to a snooper as it travels from your computer to a secure server before it is blasted onto the Internet.


  • 发布服务定义了哪个工作区接收发布数据

    The publish server may also define which workspace will receive publishing data.


  • 例如数据事件监视服务通过检测信息源中的更改创建发布事件,从而执行传感功能

    For example, data event monitoring services perform the "sensor" function by detecting changes in the information sources and creating and publishing events.


  • 每次发布数据提交服务时,文件都会重新创建。

    This file will be recreated each time I submit the posted data back to the server.


  • 我们进一步了解图表数据更新实现以及如何使用JMS主题连接工厂服务事件发布客户机

    Let's take a close look at the implementation of the chart data updater and how to publish a server event to clients with the JMS topic connection factory.


  • 由于服务分散世界上不同数据中心以及新闻博客产品发布甚至购物季节等带来的巨大变化需求我们需要很多专业知识

    With servers been scattered in data centers worldwide and demand varying wildly due to news and blog coverage, product releases, and even the shopping season, a lot specialized knowledge is needed.


  • 开源硬件方式发布开放式计算项目中的技术我们目标开源软件项目模型为参考,开发服务数据中心

    By releasing open Compute project technologies as open hardware, our goal is to develop servers and data centers following the model traditionally associated with open source software projects.


  • 例如设备代理可能会捕获接收数据发布事件消息指示已经触发了动作传感或已经读取RFID标签

    For example, a device agent might publish an event message whenever it captures or receives data indicating a motion sensor has been triggered or that an RFID tag has been read.


  • 物理数据模型生成保留术语表分类准备发布数据服务

    Generation to physical data model also retains glossary classifications, ready for publication to metadata server.


  • 注意可能会有多个数据集市但是每个数据集市一个独特的TM 1服务发布

    Note: Multiple data marts are possible, however each data mart must have a unique TM1 server to publish too.


  • 大多数地球大观发布有关浮图像来自同时搭载于泰拉阿卡卫星叫做MODIS传感数据副本

    Most of the images of the oil slick that the Earth Observatory has published come from a sensor called MODIS, a copy of which flies on both the Terra and Aqua satellites.


  • 例如应用程序服务必须建立启动配置需要建立数据,并且必须将EAR项目部署发布这个服务上。

    For example an application server must be created, started, and configured, a database may need to be created, and the EAR project must be deployed and published to this server.


  • 然后可以直接服务上执行这种DDL,以更新数据规范或者将DDL存储一个文件以便企业发布

    This DDL can then be executed directly against a server updating the database specification, or stored as a file for distrubution across the enterprise.


  • 实用工具(AIX 5.3中发布)不仅提供总体性能统计数据允许实际运行处理进行操作

    This utility (released in AIX 5.3) not only provides overall performance statistics, but it also allows you to take action on the actual running processors.


  • 数据内容元素需要网站发布之前翻译,则首先需要将传给分段服务

    When a piece of data or content element needs to be translated before it can be published on the site, it is populated to the staging server first.


  • 物理数据模型的生成保留术语表分类准备发布数据服务

    Generation to physical data retains glossary classifications, ready for publication to metadata server.


  • 假定应用程序里面偶然性错误(例如发布数据连接失败)要求应用程序服务每个重启一次

    Assume the application will have an occasional bug in it (e.g. a failure to release database connections) that requires the application server to be restarted once a month.


  • 发布以及拓扑编辑中的其他扩展现在可以这些单元其他的数据单元区分开来。

    Publishers and other extensions to the topology editor can now distinguish these units from other database units.


  • 我们选择使用DB 2Express - CDB 2 9数据服务一个可以免费下载、免费部署、免费发布版本

    We've chosen DB2 Express-C, which is a free-to-download, free-to-deploy, and free-to-distribute version of the DB2 9 data server.


  • 上周Forrester发布的调查数据则显示消费者普遍认为电子书阅读的价格偏

    Another study released last week by Forrester discovered that consumers find e-book readers much too expensive.


  • Layout GetLayout Return分别服务获取发布布局Layout commit将来自客户端的数据提交存储库,以便其他用户使用

    LayoutGet and LayoutReturn get and release the layout from the server, respectively, while LayoutCommit commits the data from the client to the storage so that it's available to other users.


  • 使用Web消息传递数据更新发布Web浏览

    Publish data updates to the Web browser with Web messaging.


  • 使用XQuery功能不仅可以推出业务逻辑而且可以发布数据服务,从而有效地使中间层应用程序非常简单

    This feature of the XQuery makes it possible to push not only the business logic but also the publishing to the database server, in effect making the middle tier application very simple and thin.


  • 所有数据文件发布Web应用服务上。

    Each metadata file is then deployed to the web application.


  • 这个例子项目展示Web服务应用程序形式连接发布DB 2UDBSAMPLE数据库里employee数据的方法。

    This example project has shown the way to connect to and expose the data from the EMPLOYEE table in the DB2 UDB SAMPLE database as a Web server application.


  • 使用Web消息传递数据更新发布Web浏览

    Publish data updates to Web browsers with Web messaging.


  • 这种图片热发射反射接受研究小组ASTER2009年6月发布旨在推广这种目前保留最全最准确地球数据新型地球数据测量模型

    The ASTER team released this image in June 2009 to promote its new global digital elevation model, which remains the most complete and consistent data set of its kind.


  • 2007年5月Google发布GoogleGears一个浏览插件它允许web程序数据同步本地存储然后可以离线使用这些web程序。

    In May of 2007, Google launched Google Gears, a browser plugin that allows web applications to synchronize data into a local data store and then allow web applications to function offline.


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