• 喜欢这种说法——相当于地球每个人拥有64个对象(数据出自世界人口时钟”)。

    I liked the following one - 64 objects for each person on Planet Earth (source: World Population Clock).


  • 分析基础上,程序计划连续发动生成搜索尽量提取出尽可能多的数据

    Based on that analysis, the program then fires off automated search terms in an effort to dislodge as much data as possible.


  • 我们正在致力于数据分析建模工具更为用户友好这样研究人员公民社会地方社区可以结论,然后再和世行的结果进行比较。

    We are working to make data analysis and modeling tools more user-friendly, so that researchers, civil society, and local communities can come up with their own findings - and double-check ours.


  • 可以通过访问谷歌奥斯卡搜索趋势网站来做预测网站提供了每个奖项所有提名者的数据资料但是这种预测今年正确的吗?

    You can make your own predictions with Google's Oscar Search Trends site, which provides data for every nominee in all of the awards - but will they be right?


  • 公司必须识别重要数据确保无论来自何方使用何种设备访问它们时都得到保护。

    Companies have to identify their most important data and then make sure it's protected no matter who's accessing it and from wherever and whatever device they're accessing it from.


  • 我们应该将数据提供任何兴趣问题的人。

    We should provide it to anyone who is interested enough to ask their own questions.


  • 原因定义某些基本没有,然后这种方法定义递归数据类型

    Cause: The recursive datatype is defined in such a way that certain base cases of the definition are not given their own classes.


  • 多年经验各种领域网站设计数据分析通常设计师们提供相关知识充分的信息,所以这种情况下,他们能够出自正确呼声

    Years of experience and data analysis on various areas of web design most often provide the web designer with the knowledge and ample ammunition to make the right call in these situations.


  • 另外原始数据公众公开其他研究人员也可以挖掘隐藏模式结论

    In addition, the raw data is likely to be released into the public domain, so that other researchers can dig for hidden patterns and make their own conclusions.


  • 学者们麦迪森的数据争执不下,受到启发,数据

    In disputing his figures, scholars would be inspired to provide their own.


  • 问题出自这样一个事实—fsck必须扫描文件系统全部数据确保文件系统的一致性。

    Problems arise from the fact that FSCK must scan a filesystem's entire meta-data in order to ensure filesystem consistency.


  • 我们显然数据表明那些动物可以镜子不过标记测试

    We clearly have data showing that these animals recognize themselves in the mirror, but fail the mark test.


  • 读者必须提供足够的反证数据结论而不单纯依靠你的解释

    Your readers must be provided with enough counter-evidence and data to draw their own conclusions without simply relying on your interpretations.


  • 运用方法,只要MISTRAM系统跟踪数据由飞行段常值系统误差估计

    Specially, by use of this method, we can give high precision estimation of system error only using the tracking data of a set of MISTRAM.


  • 每一我们访问交换数据能力得到提高,某种意义上意味着我们获得智能的能力。

    But every time our ability to access information and to communicate it to others is improved, in some sense we have achieved an increase over natural intelligence.


  • 首先介绍数据加密基本原理包括密钥密码体制然后开发交谈系统作为示例

    First, it introduces the basic principle of the encryption of data, including key and two kinds of cipher system. Then, the chat system developed by us is given as an example.


  • 最后第七章本文使用联邦数据技术DBMS一级实现数据共享和互操作特点进行总结对此项技术进一步的研究己的见解。

    The last chapter is a conclusion about using of database federation to solve data federation on a DBMS level, and give a further prospect on this technology.


  • 智慧城市建设离不开智慧水务支撑,智慧水务的“智慧”主要出自数据处理是推进智慧水务建设的核心问题

    Smart city is inseparable from the support of smart water utilities. The core issue of smart water utilities is the big data processing, which determines the degree of smart.


  • 起源于并行学习算法数据划分要求一种现行等分割类算法进行改进基础上,本文的等分类算法。

    Rooted in the requirement of data partitioning in parallel learning, we proposed our cluster method by improving a current clustering equally method.


  • 软件帮助下这些工人能够相关数据进行筛选组织见解

    With the help of the software, with which most of these workers can be screened for relevant data, organize and draw their own opinion.


  • 最后进行归纳总结,他人理论基础上,结合数据处理结果观点探询现实对策

    Finally, on the base of theory of our predecessors, the research summed up and concluded, with the data results, the author put forward some opinions and inquired about the practical solutions.


  • 不管他们选择什么职业,都一定更加自信,且有强的能力理解这个日益复杂数据驱动世界为之贡献出自的一份力量。

    Whatever career they choose, they will be more confident and more capable to understand and contribute to an increasingly complex, data-driven world.


  • 该文针对统计分类语音算法训练数据依赖问题,适应算法在线动态更新分类模型。

    Adaptive algorithm of speech detection based on statistical classification is presented to reduce the dependence of the training data.


  • 该文针对统计分类语音算法训练数据依赖问题,适应算法在线动态更新分类模型。

    Adaptive algorithm of speech detection based on statistical classification is presented to reduce the dependence of the training data.


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