• 伍时桂和李兆治所建设非线性波传播方程组是做了某些数学简化和变换。

    This paper deals with methods of numerical solutions for problems of nonlinear wave propagations in arteries.


  • 世纪丢番图杰出贡献之一就是希腊数学简化开创了简化代数。

    Three century Diophantine one of the outstanding contribution that Greece algebra simplify, simplify algebraic created.


  • Processing提供了简化运算函数通过函数调用而隐藏在底层矩阵数学

    Processing provides functions to simplify operations such as these with a single function call, hiding the matrix math that occurs under the covers.


  • Nowak一直忙着思考如何简化生命出现过程,直至可能数学描述这个简单的化学系统

    Nowak has been busy working on how to whittle down the emergence of life into the simplest possible chemical system that he can describe mathematically.


  • 研究人员下一步就是改善简化数学运算减少密集计算总量

    The next step for the researchers is to refine and simplify the math to reduce the amount of intensive computing involved.


  • 新的复数类型complexcomplex64complex128简化特定数学操作

    The new complex number types (complex, complex64, and complex128) simplify certain mathematical operations. [spec, spec]


  • 关于计算psd一个简化公式可数学模型推导出。

    A simplified equation to compute PSD is deduced from the mathematical model.


  • 铰接式车辆简化六自由度动力学系统建立了能反映率体平面运动横向摆动的动态数学模型

    In this paper, the articulated vehicle is simplified to a six-free-degree system in dynamics, and a dynamic mathematical model was derived and established.


  • 然后基于电力设备磁路对称性给出磁场简化数学模型

    Then, based on the symmetry of magnetic circuit of large power equipments, its simplified mathematical model of magnetic forces is discussed.


  • 本文从异步电机数学模型出发,推导了异步电机简化数学模型,同时结合空间矢量概念介绍了直接转的基本原理

    On the basis of the mathematical model of induction machine, simplified mathematical model is deduced, at the same time the theory of DTC is introduced with the concept of space vector.


  • 根据西公式相对渗透率曲线毛管压力曲线的表示式,提出了一个描述机理及其影响因素简化数学模型

    This paper presents a simplified mathematical model for describing the water block mechanism and its influences, based on Darcy's formula and relative permeability curve and capillary pressure curve.


  • 作者最小二乘法基础上,提出分段直线合算法来代替多项式曲线拟合,从而达到简化数学模型建立减少计算的目的。

    The author proposes a sectional line fitting to re - place the polynomial curve fitting, which results in simplifying establishment of mathematical model and reducing the amount of calculation work.


  • 第二首先介绍了平行多辊矫直工作原理推导了影响矫直效果关键参数数学表达式,并根据工程应用进行简化

    The work theory of parallel multi-roll straightener is first introduced in chapter two, and the key parameter's mathematical expression is acquired and simplified according to engineering application.


  • 本文结晶分离过程进行传热分析基础上,建立简化数学模型

    Based on the analysis of heat and mass transfer, a simplified mathematical model describing the falling film crystallization process is developed.


  • 借助于局部数学模型简化计算方案优化提高运算速度

    The simplification of local mathematical models and the optimization of calculation scheme have led to increase the computing speed.


  • 企业实际情况简化数学模型加以分析选择合适的原料路线

    The simplified math model described in the article can be used by each enterprise for selecting the suitable feedstock line based on the actual conditions.


  • 用于分析进应力加速寿命试验累积损伤模型进行时间变换,保留模型数据拟合灵活性的同时简化数学计算。

    The time-transformation of the cumulative exposure model used to analyze step-stress accelerated life testing simplifies the mathematical mode without sacrificing flexibility for fitting data.


  • 本文导出了能够较全面描述质点圆筒筛面上运动数学模型给出便于应用简化形式

    A mathematical model is derived to describe the motion of a particle on a cylindrical rotating screen, and its simplified form is developed for practical use.


  • 了解ss 8型电力机车谐波特性建立了SS 8电力机车简化数学模型,并对谐波电流进行了计算预测

    The simplified mathematic model of SS-8 type electric locomotive is established to analyze its harmonic features and to calculate and predict its harmonic current.


  • 考虑环境辐射影响,基于中定理推导定义等效波长,用于简化数学模型

    The equivalent wavelength is deduced and defined by considing the influence of ambient radiation, and adopted to simplify the mathematical model of temperature measurement.


  • U形管流体压强动态特性进行分析,首先建立了U形管流体压强计简化数学模型

    The dynamic response of the U-tube flow manometer is analyzed in the paper. Firslyt, the simplified mathematical model of the U-tube flow manometer is established.


  • 第三建立了系统数学模型简化模型

    In chapter 3, the mathematics model and simplified models of the system are established.


  • 数学力学模型简单、明确,使计算简化控制误差

    Themathematical and mechanical model of the solution is simple and evident, can simplify thecalculation and control the error.


  • 作为数学计算简化为一个单个公式

    As a mathematical calculation of the whole reducible to a single equation?


  • 根据偏心误差模型特点,对进行简化得到易于数学计算的偏心误差修正模型。

    Then the model was simplified considering its characteristics, and a modified error correction model was obtained which was less complex in calculation.


  • 典型极化系统主要四种结构简化磁路等效数学模型继电器设计基础

    The typical polarized magnetic system has mainly four structures and its simplified equivalent magnetic circuit model is the base of the design of the electromagnetic relay.


  • 本文通过建立直壁面液流动形状简化数学模型,较准确反映了液膜流动空气流动之间相互作用关系

    In this paper, the simple mathematical model of the shape of the water film is established, and used to analyze the relation between the film flowing and the air stream.


  • 本文通过建立直壁面液流动形状简化数学模型,较准确反映了液膜流动空气流动之间相互作用关系

    In this paper, the simple mathematical model of the shape of the water film is established, and used to analyze the relation between the film flowing and the air stream.


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