• 使用确认数字一个不同的服务提交第二次请求获得请求实际信息

    Use the confirmation number to submit a second request to a different service to pick up the actual information you requested.


  • 服务器可以包括客户机数字证书请求一点是选的。

    The Server can optionally include a request for the Client's digital certificate.


  • 标记第一个数字表示抽象单位计算时间第二使用圆括号可选数字表示该点终止请求

    The marker's first number represents time in abstract units; the second optional number enclosed in parenthesis is the number of requests that terminate at this point.


  • 获得权威认证机构签名官方数字证书需要生成公开-私有密匙使用公开密生成证书请求

    To get an official digital certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority, you need to generate a public-private key pair and use the public key to create a certificate request.


  • 服务提供者可以使用数字签名安全服务令牌符号例如X509证书),用它们验证请求权利

    The provider could use digital signatures and secure service tokens (such as X509 certificates) that they have issued to validate the requestor's entitlements.


  • 用于数字加密密钥可能最初请求中传送的同一密钥,可能是另一个随机生成的密钥,而后者更具代表性

    The key used for the data encryption could be the same key passed in the original request or another randomly generated key, the latter being more typical.


  • 请求包含字母数字标点符号密码

    Require passwords to include letters, Numbers and punctuation.


  • 请求所有女性读者停下来想一想这个数字

    I ask all of your female readers to pause a moment to reflect on this statistic.


  • 认证中心请求数字证书或者

    Request a digital certificate from a Certification Authority, or.


  • 如果使用openssl生成证书请求数字证书那么必须创建一个配置文件

    If you will be using OpenSSL to make certificate requests and digital certificates, then a configuration file must be created.


  • 这种情况下一个吊胃口东西过去—不是全部创意请求面谈数字营销公司WebMetroceo卡洛斯·尤加尔德这样建议

    In that case, send a teaser — rather than the full ideaand request a face-to-face meeting, advises Carlos Ugalde, CEO of WebMetro, a digital marketing firm.


  • 阅读篇介绍性文章之后,能够使用Eclipse手动创建数字证书请求应用程序权限以及允许允许应用程序访问文件内容提供者

    After this introduction, you can create digital certificates manually and using Eclipse, request applications permissions, and allow or disallow applications to access files and content providers.


  • 本文介绍如何使用CommunityEdition方便地设置公钥基础设施(PKI),以及如何Web浏览器请求下载数字证书

    This article shows you how easily a public key infrastructure (PKI) can be setup using Community Edition, and how you can request and download digital certificates from your Web browser.


  • 然后使用soaprequestor公钥验证请求数字签名

    Then the digital signature of the request is verified using the soaprequestor public key.


  • 请求现在已经进行了解密验证是否数字签名匹配,接下来将发送WebSphereApplicationServerEchoService进行处理

    The request, now decrypted and verified to match the digital signature, is sent to the WebSphere Application Server EchoService for processing.


  • AccessKeyID(由 20 个字母数字组成)请求身份验证读取队列所需的密匙。

    The Access Key ID is the key (20-character, alphanumeric sequence) needed to request authentication or to read queue items.


  • 对于静态html页面应该看到清单3所示的内容(使这些数字变得更有趣示例进行了100相同请求)。

    For a static HTML page, you should see something like Listing 3 (to make the Numbers more interesting, this example made the same request 100 times).


  • 另外如果服务器请求数字证书的话,客户机可能会发送数字证书。

    In addition, the Client might send its digital certificate, if it was requested by the Server.


  • 按照请求决定这些数字核对一遍。

    Acting on your request, I have decided to check these figures again.


  • 一个常用实践方法使用发送方X . 509证书Web服务请求SOAPBody进行数字签名

    A common practice is to use the private key of the sender's X.509 certificate to digitally sign the SOAP body of a web service request.


  • 对于每个Web服务请求SOAP消息主体都包含Web服务操作和相关联的消息部分(它使用X . 509证书来进行数字签名的)。

    For each web services request, the body of the SOAP message contains the web services operation and associated message parts that are digitally signed using X.509 certificates.


  • 您查看command . js完整清单看看如何这些表单元素进行查询,提取出用户数据然后构造出HTTPGET请求所要求符串

    See the full listing for commands.js to see how these form elements are queried to extract the user's data and to construct a parameter string suitable for a HTTP GET request.


  • 如果数字看起来理想请求医生帮助

    If the number doesn't look respectable, ask your doctor for help.


  • bv标志启动Sendmail并请求确认命令Address中指定用户ID

    The -bv flag will start Sendmail with a request to verify the user IDs provided in the Address parameter field of the command.


  • 阿拉伯小写金额数字中有0”时,中文大写按照汉语言语规则、金额数字构成避免涂抹请求进行书写

    The amount in the "digital Arabia 0", Chinese capital should be in accordance with the rules, the amount of Chinese speech and writing a digital request to avoid smearing.


  • 如果发送应用程序请求验证消息队列将创建数字签名并用发送消息签署消息接收消息时验证消息。

    If the sending application requests authentication, message Queuing creates a digital signature and USES it to sign the message when it is sent and authenticate the message when it is received.


  • 必须指定一个数字请求ID

    You must specify a numeric request group ID.


  • DLL检查请求数字如果能够提供出来类,它返回出来一个对象指针这个对象实现了某些实际对象创建上方法

    The DLL checks the number of the class that is requested, and if it provides that class, it returns a pointer to an object that implements the creation method for the actual object.


  • DLL检查请求数字如果能够提供出来类,它返回出来一个对象指针这个对象实现了某些实际对象创建上方法

    The DLL checks the number of the class that is requested, and if it provides that class, it returns a pointer to an object that implements the creation method for the actual object.


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