• RADA公司地面情况汇报系统(GDS)用于飞行的情况数字记录

    RADA's Ground debriefing Systems (GDS) are used for post flight debriefings of digital recordings done onboard the aircraft.


  • GalaxyZoo项目寻求大众的参与,协助斯隆数字巡天系统记录大量星系以及更多最新深度哈勃影像进行分类

    Galaxy Zoo enlists the public to help classify galaxies found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and more recently in deep Hubble imagery.


  • 所有采集站单独地摆放排列上,由记录系统控制通过射频天线传输数字数据

    All STBs are put independently on a line. Under the control of recording system, it transmits digital data by the antenna.


  • 本文应用数字PID控制算法设计了控制系统软件实现实时控制、动态显示数据记录参数调整以及故障报警控制功能。

    In this article, a control system software is designed using digital PID algorithm, which realize real-time control, dynamic display, data record, parameter modulation and malfunction alert etc.


  • 结合激光唱片记录信息形成过程音频数字处理系统。音频纠错编码EFM调制技术原理了分析探讨

    According to the formed CD recording information, the principle of digital processing system, audio error correcting code and EFM technology is analyzed and explored.


  • 数字脑电图含脑地形图仪,利用电极将大脑皮层的电活动提取记录从而人的大脑神经系统疾病进行诊断治疗

    The digital EEG instrument is the use of that the electrical activity of cerebral cortex are extracted and recorded by electrodes, which diagnose and treat the human brain and nervous system.


  • 采用数字水印日志技术。FSCA系统严格记录管理员操作日志,并且。

    In FSCA, all operations of managers are recorded in system log, and digital watermark technology is used to ensure authoritativeness, accountability, integrity of the log.


  • 介绍CCD摄像机靶场光学测量设备中的应用可以取代摄影机的胶片记录采用数字图像处理技术构成电视跟踪系统

    The paper introduces an application of CCD camera to Range photogrammeter. It can replace the film recording. TV tracking system may be made up by digital image processing.


  • 铁路客车集中监测报警系统采用模拟温度传感器数字温度传感器进行轴温检测和报警,并完成对轴温检测数据的记录和存储。

    Analog temperature sensor and digital temperature sensor are adopted in the axle temperature monitor and alarm system of the passenger train to detect and alarming the axle temperature.


  • 数字现场监视记录地震采集系统一个重要组成部分,它让我们及时监视处理野外地震资料控制记录质量

    As one important part of seismic data acquisition system, on-site digital recording system not only can monitor and process field seismic data in time but also can control recording quality.


  • 目的介绍记录颌面部骨折一种新的分类方法字母-数字编码系统及其初步临床应用

    Objective To introduce a new classification for the craniofacial fractures: the alpha-numeric coding system and its clinical application.


  • 给出了实际工程应用中利用数字系统施工控制过程记录以及所测定预应力损失理论计算值对比

    The construction record controlled by digital prestress tension system and the comparison between calculated and tested values of prestressing loss in an actual project are discussed.


  • US B主机应用数字温湿度记录系统中,提出了基于SL811HSUSB主机设计实现方案

    It was briefly introduced how to apply the USB host in the digital Temperature-Humidity Recorder, and proposed the realization plan of USB host based on the SL811HS.


  • 系统实时记录显示过程实现医疗资料数字管理

    It can real-timely record and display the process while cleaning tooth, achieve the digital management on medical treatment data.


  • 综述磁带记录地震观测上应用主要介绍模拟数字磁带记录相应时间服务系统的情况。

    The second paper elaborates the application of tape recording to earthquake observations, mainly describing the analogue and digital tape recording and the corresponding time service systems.


  • 核实后本月收购固定资产中的数字“2000”会由于固定资产管理系统错误而记录

    According to verification, the figure 2000 showing in the fixed assets purchase form of this month won't be recorded because of the fixed assets management system error.


  • 介绍一种数字技术实现飞机视频记录方法,并就某型飞机的技术要求设计和实现了机载视频记录系统

    This paper introduced a method of plane video recording based on digital technology, realizing airborne digital video recording system according to the request.


  • 标准集中关注数字数字转换定义了商业组织信息系统产生可靠记录使用的规范。

    Focusing on digital-to-digital conversion, the standard identifies requirements that businesses and organizations can use to ensure that information systems produce authentic and reliable records.


  • 支持资料收集方面,2001年卫生署医院管理局其他有关部门开始使用一个ICD-10代码系统记录死亡疾病数字

    To support data collection, the DH, the Hospital Authority and other concerned departments will start to use, from 2001 onwards, the ICD-10 coding system for recording deaths and diseases.


  • 通过停电申请调度任务票、交接班记录以及密钥管理以及数字签名系统中的实现,使得系统成为一个高效、完善、安全的管理信息系统

    The management of power-cut application, dispatching task note and secret key etc and the application of digital signature can ensure that the system is an efficient, secure, and powerful MIS.


  • 便携式脉冲X射线成像系统主要脉冲X射线数字记录系统笔记本电脑组成。

    Portablepulsed Xray imaging system is made of pulse Xray source, digital record and portable computer.


  • 电缆绞车下放提升电缆(把电缆下放到井下和从井下提升上来),深度驱动深度系统,数据记录包括数字记录打印绘图仪。

    The winch lowers and raises the cable in the well. A depth wheel drives the depth recording system. The data recorder includes a digital recorder and a printer.


  • 系统本身配置便携式数据记录,通过使用内置数字按键键盘显示屏,极大地方便了安防工作人员现场输入事故编码

    The system includes the hand-held data recorder, which allows security personnel to input incident codes on site, using the built-in keypad and display.


  • 核实后,本月收购固定资产中的数字“2000”会由于固定资产管理系统错误记录

    Based on our verification, "2000", involved by the purchase of fixed assets in the current month, is not covered by the amount of fixed asset due to the error of the fixed asset system.


  • 作为一种实时性要求较低取证手段基于开发的特种车辆管理系统 ,通过监测运输车相关信息 ,数字记录存贮

    As a lower demand, real time and witnedssed means, based on which we develop administration system to monitor the vehicle and store digitally into storage card.


  • 一般的数字摄像机会把出入记录的信号传输本地连接DVR上,这套系统可以通过互联网进行信号传输。

    A camera looking at the access door is connected locally to a DVR, which is connected to the Internet.


  • 一般的数字摄像机会把出入记录的信号传输本地连接DVR上,这套系统可以通过互联网进行信号传输。

    A camera looking at the access door is connected locally to a DVR, which is connected to the Internet.


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