• 说明:VB利用随机函数抽取幸运数字示例代码需要

    VB lucky numbers using the random function to extract the sample code, there is need for the next.


  • 首先给出一个示例程序,它寻找三个数字中的最大者。

    This section begins with an example program that finds the largest of three Numbers.


  • 注意这些数字只是示例并且需要针对网络中的计算机具体使用情况进行调整

    Note that these numbers are examples only and need to be tuned for the specific usage of machines on the network.


  • 清单2中的示例奇数进行合计,如果第二个数奇数,会返回两个总和否则返回第一数字

    The example in Listing 2 sums odd Numbers by returning the sum of both Numbers only if the second number is odd, otherwise returning only the first number.


  • 当然一个关于数字分类设想示例所以很难各种类型代码中泛化

    This is of course a contrived example relating to number classification, so it's hard to generalize to different types of code.


  • 4中的示例数据库数字随机生成的,因此它们不一定表示现实可行

    The Numbers for the example database in Table 4 were randomly generated, so they might not necessarily represent values in the real range.


  • 本文给出示例中,脚注附录参考说明可以使用圆括号中数字字母结合的方法来说明。

    In the examples given throughout this document, footnote or appendix references will appear as a number and letter combination in parentheses.


  • 常见示例包括好恶民意测验其中数字分配给各个属性从 1 =非常厌恶5 = 非常喜欢)。

    A common example includes "like-dislike" polls, in which numerals have been assigned to attributes (1 = Strongly dislike to 5 = Strongly like).


  • 例中(在以下代码示例中概述),cargo只是不断反馈传送给迭代函数一个数字

    In this case (outlined in following code example) the cargo is just a number that keeps getting fed back into an iterative function.


  • 本文中的示例代码允许通过Ajax提交原语类型(例如字符串数字)参数

    The sample code in this article allows only primitive types (such as strings and Numbers) for the parameters that are submitted with Ajax.


  • 这个示例演示-n选项用途输出数字主机地址从而避免名称查询解析,可以提高跟踪速度。

    The example also shows the use of the -n switch, which prints numeric host addresses, thereby avoiding name lookup and resolution and speeding up the trace.


  • 尺度(ratio)—千克尺度定比尺度示例分配物体属性符号具有数字意义

    Ratio - the kilogram scale is an example of a ratio scale — the symbols that are assigned to object attributes have numerical meaning.


  • 数字模型示例用户选取0100之间的一个数字使用箭头每次5个数。

    The number model example lets the user pick a number from 0 to 100, jumping five at a time when using the arrows.


  • 第二示例接受3 个基于日期参数返回一个数字表示日期对应的是星期几。

    The second example takes three date-based parameters and returns a numerical value representing the day of the week upon which that date falls.


  • 第一示例中只使用'd '不同的是,一次使用的' d '前面有可选数字地址

    While in our first example, we used 'd' by itself, this time we use the 'd' command preceded by an optional numerical address.


  • 这个示例程序中,只能加密字母数字字符(a -z、a - z和0 - 9)。

    In this sample program, only alphabetic and numeric characters (a-z, a-z, and 0-9) can be ciphered.


  • 对于静态html页面应该看到清单3所示的内容(使这些数字变得更有趣示例进行了100相同请求)。

    For a static HTML page, you should see something like Listing 3 (to make the Numbers more interesting, this example made the same request 100 times).


  • 这个示例中,数字产生小于0.1的数字时,我们简单地结束它。

    For the examples, we will simply end the stream when a number less than 0.1 is produced.


  • 那些示例数字签名SOAP信封基础创建

    In those examples, digital signatures are created based on the SOAP envelope.


  • 如下这些示例展示了资源如何使用、资源权限如何传递重用以及数字资源如何管理。

    Below are some examples of how assets can be consumed, how the rights over the assets can be transferred and reused, and how digital assets are managed.


  • 清单4中的示例假定需要所有字母对齐居中,所有数字值右对齐

    The example in Listing 4 assumes that you want all alphanumeric values to be left-justified or centered, and all numeric values to be right-justified.


  • 示例中,处理三月份日历使YTD(年初至今)数字其他余额保持为最新的状态,需要一个链接用以返回在三月份常规运行之前处理最近日历

    In the example, to process the March calendars and to keep YTD Numbers and other balances up to date, you need a link going back to the most recent calendar processed prior to the March regular run.


  • 按照这种方式可以接收多个数字但是这个示例输出6个新闻所以需要接收多个数字

    You do it this way so that you can accept multiple digits, although for the purposes of the demonstration you'll only output the top six stories.


  • 再次强调要么显示数字要么它们容易图标鉴别数字(参见上面示例)。

    Again, I suspect that either the Numbers wont be shown, or they will be a column of Numbers that are easily identified with the icon (as in the above examples).


  • 针对战斗部研究的各个阶段,分析数字样机平台战斗部设计过程应用情况,给出了部分应用示例

    According as the warhead design characteristic, the application of digital mock-up system in warhead design process is analyzed, and some applied examples are displayed.


  • 演示如何一个简单示例(求解数字因数)中使用异步委托

    Demonstrates the use of asynchronous delegates in a simple sample, which factorizes Numbers.


  • 下面示例前导零设置若干个整数值格式,以使格式化数字长度至少八个字符

    The following example formats several integer values with leading zeros so that the total length of the formatted number is at least eight characters.


  • 扼要介绍了欧洲(AECMA)规定采用金属材料牌号九位字母与数字表示方法介绍了金属材料状态的字母代号表示方法给出了一些示例

    The designation system of metallic materials in AECMA was introduced in this paper. The coding of conditions in metallic materials was also presented. And some examples were shown.


  • 通过一个更加复杂代码示例(求解数字因数)演示如何使用委托进行异步调用

    Demonstrates the use of delegates to make asynchronous calls, in a more complex code sample which factorizes Numbers.


  • 通过一个更加复杂代码示例(求解数字因数)演示如何使用委托进行异步调用

    Demonstrates the use of delegates to make asynchronous calls, in a more complex code sample which factorizes Numbers.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定