• 是因为现代信息领域通过超链接数字文本页面组织浏览的。

    That's because the modern infosphere is both organized and navigated through hyperlinked pages of digital text, with the most-linked pages rising to the top of Google Inc.


  • 近年来,数字文本水印技术研讨比拟分散缺少体系理论没有突破性的研讨入铺。

    Recent years, the study is dispersive relatively, and is short of system theory, moreover is out of breakthrough.


  • 文本水印一种有效数字文本版权保护技术,鲁棒性安全性是其研究的核心问题之一。

    A text watermarking algorithm that is based on statistical characteristics of inter-word characters' content and format (TWSCIWC) has certain robustness.


  • 同时我们经常讨论关于数字文本的转变,转变提高了我们阅读存储个人图书馆的能力尤其是通过移动设备的方式。

    And often, discussions surrounding the move to digital texts involves our enhanced ability to read and store our libraries, particularly via mobile devices.


  • 完全排除键入其他的用户输入错误显示格式化数字文本同一个字段中接受数字文本输入之间关系还是不太好处理。

    Completely aside from typos and other user-input errors, there's always been an uneasy relationship between displaying formatted numeric text and receiving numeric text input from the same field.


  • 类似地如果直接字母数字文本后面使用变量名称,则还要确保变量名称包括方括号()中,使周围文本区分开来。

    Similarly, if you are directly following a variable name with alphanumeric text, be sure also to enclose the variable name in curly braces () to distinguish it from the surrounding text.


  • 生集团一名发言人告诉BuzzFeed新闻,“数字材料便宜,是一项不错的投资”,它提供了音频文本个性化知识检查专家视频等功能

    A Pearson spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that "digital materials are less expensive and a good investment" that offer new features, like audio texts, personalized knowledge checks and expert videos.


  • 然后可以使用这个密钥通过加密利用数字身份安全地交换文本

    This digital identity can then be used to exchange text securely by encryption using the key pair.


  • 假设服务器只是发回数字42,那么文本很好的选择。

    If your server simply sent back the number 42, say, plain text would be great.


  • 结果得到的编码文本去掉空格数字标点符号从而使(略微)更加难于解码

    The resultant encoded text will be stripped of Spaces, Numbers and punctuation, making it (marginally) more difficult to decode.


  • 处理文本需要某种约定字符转换为计算机实际可以处理数字这些约定叫做字符编码

    Handling text requires that there be some convention for converting characters into the Numbers computers actually handle; these conventions are called character encodings.


  • 使用开源系统开发实用注释系统,对只有字母数字组成的文本进行后处理获得条理数据,这种方法更加简便。

    Post-processing the text of only letters and numbers for higher-order data is a much easier method of developing a useful annotation system with available open source systems.


  • 数据实际上采用特定方式格式化的具体信息——存在形式包括数字文本字节事实等等

    Data is essentially specific pieces of information formatted in a particular wayit can exist as Numbers, text, bits, bytes, facts, and so on.


  • 我们桌面看法就是我们信息应用上的看法——仅仅我们数字生活另一个“页面文本

    What we think of as "the desktop" is really just a perspective on our information and applications - it's really just another "page" or context in our digital lives.


  • 其他性能包括高安全性基于标准加密技术可同时单向双向加密的加密密码文本数字二进制文件

    Other features include high-security, standards-based encryption techniques, both for unidirectional and bidirectional encryption to encrypt passwords, texts, numbers and binaries.


  • 希望创建编辑文本文件使用户输入数字百分数货币数据等等

    You want to create editable text fields to allow the user to enter Numbers, percentages, currency data, and so on.


  • 早期程序员们很快发现数字文本表示程序上面执行数学运算数字变量显著不同

    Beginning programmers quickly discover that the textual representation of a number differs distinctly from a numeric variable on which programs can perform mathematical operations.


  • ID文本框中输入一个数字例如1找到上载图象文件(大为150KB)。

    Type in a number such as 1 in the ID text box and browse to the image file you want to upload (maximum size is 150 KB).


  • 发现如果修改标签加载不同页面修改地址文本每隔就会输出不断增加数字

    You should see increasing Numbers printed once a second if you change tabs, load a different page, or otherwise change the text in the location bar.


  • 某些数据类型可能包含这里数字更多原始文本

    Some data types may contain more raw text than the Numbers expected here.


  • 用户一个文本字段中输入一个数字时,在其下的一个SPAN内,用户只要单击一个按钮这个数字会加倍

    A user types a number into a text field, and in a SPAN below it, the number is doubled when the user presses a button.


  • 使用XMLSchema,可以容易地指定一个元素应该包含文本数字尔值还是其他一些数据类型

    With XML Schema, it is easy to specify whether an element should contain text, a number, a boolean, or some other data type.


  • 最后数字文本表示WebSphereApplicationServerSecurity收集脚本中的各个问题的响应

    The final Numbers and text represent your responses to various dialogues within the WebSphere Application Server Security collection script.


  • 预期添加文本部件、拆分程序以及日期数字格式化程序,还将改进开发工具性能

    The V1.4 release is expected to add a rich text widget, splitters, and date and number formatters as well as improvements to the development tools and performance.


  • 本文而言,所有文本数字都指向c: \og 61中的ObjectGrid目录

    For the purpose of this article, all text and figures refer to the ObjectGrid directory in c: \ og61.


  • WorkplaceWebContentManagement系统视图中内容一个数据元素(比如文本数字图像)集合

    From the Workplace Web content Management system view, content is a collection of elements of data such as text, Numbers, or images. You can interact with that content in two different ways.


  • WorkplaceWebContentManagement系统视图中内容一个数据元素(比如文本数字图像)集合

    From the Workplace Web content Management system view, content is a collection of elements of data such as text, Numbers, or images. You can interact with that content in two different ways.


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