• 需要最新销售数字,可就是不能办公找到问清楚。

    I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.


  • 这种收集工作办公常见每天早上邮件分拣会计查明年度利润最后数字工作。

    This work of collection is common in an office from the sorting of mail every morning to the accountant's work in finding out the final figure for the year's profit.


  • 男人发明随后他们就发明了办公大楼这样他们就可以地方讨论他们的钱,这些有关钱数字,传真给对方

    Money was invented by men, and then men invented office buildings so that they could have a place to talk about their money and write amounts of money on pieces of paper and fax them to each other.


  • 英国国家统计办公数字表明英格兰威尔士离婚数字2008年到了121 779例,是1975年以来最低数字,当时有120 522对夫妇离婚。

    Figures from the Office for National Statistics show the number of divorces in England and Wales fell to 121, 779 in 2008, the lowest number since 1975 when there were 120, 522 divorces.


  • 但是并不只有数字土著”才能被办公技术环境所震撼

    But it isn't just "digital natives" who are shocked by the state of some of the technology in their workplaces.


  • 数字移动生活更多脑力劳动者呆伯特单人牢房似的办公间里解放出来。

    Digital nomadism will liberate ever more knowledge workers from the cubicle prisons of Dilbert cartoons.


  • 甚至于像是用于个人理财或是处理数字图片办公程序也已转移到了浏览器上,正因此这些应用程序适用任一操作系统

    Even such workhorses as personal finance and digital photo applications have moved to the browser, and those apps are available on any OS.


  • 行业有人失败交易量晾在一边认为只是办公工作中出现错误造成的,数字这么大,这么解释不太说得过去。

    Some in the industry brush the fail count aside as mere clerical errors, but this seems unlikely given the number.


  • 根据英国国内数据统计办公调查,过去年间,人们的生活满意度水平一直保持在87%左右,这个数字反而低于二十世纪三十年代那次大萧条时期

    According to the Office for National Statistics, levels of contentment have remained the same, at around 87 per cent, for the past ten years and are lower than during the recession in the 1970s.


  • 上班族们特别是办公中上班的人,应该好好想想他们的数字工作习惯,看看这些习惯是在提高还是在损害工作效率

    Working professionals, especially those in an office setting, should take a hard look at their digital work habits and recognize whether these habits are helping or hurting productivity.


  • 数字游民无需办公固定工作地点,而是利用技术手段,尤其是无线网络技术完成工作的

    Digital nomad refers to a person who USES technology, particularly wireless networking, to work without requiring an office or other fixed address.


  • 官方数据显示该国仅有轻微下滑较低通胀但是这些数据意义不大:基什内尔心腹安插到统计办公,从而统计数字进行“梳理”。

    Official figures show only a mild downturn and low inflation, but they are worth little: Mr Kirchner put stooges in the statistics office and they massage the Numbers.


  • 2008年,根据FES国家数据办公最新数据显示,这个数字16%。

    In 2008, according to the latest figures that the Office of National Statistics' FES has, we were spending 16%.


  • 2008年,根据FES国家数据办公最新数据显示,这个数字16%。而现在可能那时高了不少。

    In 2008, according to the latest figures that the Office of National Statistics' FES has, we were spending 16%. It's likely to be more than that by now.


  • 有的人将他们的整个办公数字化了,包括图片账单信件

    Some are digitising their entire office, including pictures, bills and correspondence.


  • 如果能找到点活儿为了钱而干的那种,像是以商业之名而为的杂役;如果,可以让办公整天,算算交易数字,做做加减乘除,可能就不会死了

    If they wouldonly allow him to sit at a desk all day and add trade figures, subtract andmultiply and divide, then perhaps he would not die.


  • 如果1980年代需要角落办公,”25岁理事会会员MarketingZen创始人夏玛·卡巴尼(ShamaKabani)坦言,Marketing Zen是一家达拉斯数字营销公司年收入7位数

    "If this were the 1980s, I'd need a corner office," says Shama Kabani, 25, a Y. E. C. member and founder of marketing Zen, a digital marketing firm in Dallas, with yearly revenue in the seven figures.


  • 根据教育标准办公(Officefor Standardsin Education)1027公布数字登记在案儿童保育员数目2010年10月达到最低点,随之略有回升

    According to data released by the Office for Standards in Education on October 27th, the number of registered child-minders reached its lowest point in September 2010 and has since recovered slightly.


  • 威廉姆斯这位自我招认的网络极客已经这份样稿做成白厅官方Twitter指南发布内阁办公数字承诺博客上

    Now Williams, a self-confessed web geek, has turned his template into an official Whitehall Twitter guide and posted it on the Cabinet Office's digital engagement blog.


  • 电信中心办公交换中心安装工机电模拟数字集群系统电路设备

    Install electromechanical, analog and digital trunking systems, circuits and equipment in telecommunications central offices and switching centres.


  • 办公下来计算确切数字

    He settled down at his desk to work out the exact figures.


  • 我们上海办公由提供全面服务并获过奖的数字机构WPP代管。

    Our offices in Shanghai are co-located with an award-winning, WPP, full-service digital agency.


  • 针对学校数字校园建设需要本文提出基于J2EE工作流技术办公自动化设计方案

    According to the requirement of Digital campus, the design of office automation based on J2EE and workflow is presented.


  • 广泛用于数字温度计温控电信设备UPS电源复印机办公设备家用电子产品领域。

    It can be widely used in office devices and home electronic products, such as digital thermometer, temperature-control instrument, telecom devices, UPS power, copycat and so on.


  • 广泛应用于数字温度计温度控制仪、电信设备复印机办公设备家用电子产品领域。

    It can be widely used in office devices and home electronic products, such as digital thermometer, temperature-control instrument, telecom devices, copying press and so on.


  • 基于互联网络办公需求介绍公开密钥加密算法数字证书数字签名技术

    Based on the need of network office, this paper introduces the algorithm of asymmetric encryption, digital certificates and digital signature.


  • 另一个细菌生长热点男人办公个人数字助理

    Another hot spot for bacteria in men's offices: the personal digital assistant.


  • 另一个细菌生长热点男人办公个人数字助理

    Another hot spot for bacteria in men's offices: the personal digital assistant.


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