• 兰特数字33%。

    For the Elantra, the figure was 33 percent.


  • 数值发声的——四点二十,比如当前时间的显示数字闪烁明亮的,其它数字则是微微发光的。

    Numerals are spelled out - Four Twenty, for example - and the current time flashes brightly while other Numbers glow softly.


  • 大约46%韩国受访者表示,自己过去12个月里之前更多购置奢侈品,在中国这个数字44%。

    Some 46% of South Koreans in the survey said they spent more in the past 12 months on luxury items than before, while 44% of Chinese said so.


  • 海地农村地区仅有16%能用上厕所,而在城市数字则是35%(这整个西半球卫生设施覆盖率最低的地区)。

    In rural areas only 16 percent of people had access to toilets, in cities only 35 percent (the lowest sanitation coverage in the Western Hemisphere).


  • 而且尽管7月份新增了117,000个工作岗位远远达不到150,000个工作岗位单月需求。而这一数字则是保持人口增长避免失业率进一步上升所必需的。

    What's more, though the economy added 117, 000 jobs, it falls short of the 150, 000 jobs a month needed just to keep up with population growth and prevent the unemployment rate from trending higher.


  • 看到一方面不怀好意的活力幻想相加,一方面重申美国仁慈社区精神,加上十分现实数字

    On one side you had a combination of mean-spiritedness and fantasy; on the other you had a reaffirmation of American compassion and community, coupled with fairly realistic numbers.


  • 她们可以其他女性分享经验,让她们认识数字重要性,让她们知道运营公司一个至高目标赚钱盈利。

    Show other women that knowing the numbers is critical and that making money is a noble outcome of owning a business.


  • 作者认为年轻人喜欢新颖数字方式表达自己父母可能会以文章的形式表达,年轻人则是Youtube影片呈现

    The authors argue that young people like to use new, digital ways to express themselves: shooting a YouTube video where their parents would have written an essay, for instance.


  • 这种短信文图片字母数字的组合代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜一样。比如:"i <3u"就代表“”(中间的<3像一颗心的形状,代表“爱”),b4before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,lol则是laugh outloud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。

    It can be likened to a rebus, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i <3 u" meansI love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. ).


  • 牙科学另一项改变记录保存数字UCSF诊所年前实施了数字化,这里牙医们相信未来1015年内纸质档案淘汰

    Digital record keeping is another change coming to dentistry. The UCSF clinic went digital about a year ago, and dentists there believe paper files will be obsolete within 10 or 15 years.


  • 牙科学另一改变记录保存的数字UCSF诊所年前实施了数字化,这里牙医们相信未来1015年内纸质档案淘汰

    Digital record keeping is another change coming to dentistry.The UCSF clinic went digital about a year ago, and dentists there believe paper files will be obsolete within 10 or 15 years.


  • 笔生意的利润黑色数字记录的。

    A profit by a business is written in black Numbers.


  • 盗版原因之一另一个原因,则是数字下载种种局限正日益明朗

    Piracy is one reason; another is that the limitations of digital downloading are becoming clear.


  • 许多国家这些数字1970年相应数字一半,其中一些国家情况则是1970年数字倍。

    In many countries that was half as long again as in 1970, and in some of them twice as long.


  • 其中一个人类的,另外一个则是一个完全自主意识数字拷贝

    Only one of them is human: the other is an exact digital copy that has become conscious in its own right.


  • 尽管日本90%家庭都连接宽带,但只有60%的签约用户,而这个数字韩国则是96%。

    So although 90% of Japanese households have access to high-speed connections, only 60% subscribe, compared with 96% in South Korea.


  • 1950年,南方(不包括得克萨斯州俄克拉荷马州)只有1%棉花用机器收割的,1959年,这个数字为25%,1969年则是94%。

    In 1950 only one percent of the cotton grown in the South (excluding Texas and Oklahoma) was machine harvested. By 1959 the figure was 25 percent; by 1969, 94 percent.


  • 经合组织报告显示墨西哥人将48%的闲暇时间用来看电视收音机美国人这个数字44%,德国则是28%。

    Mexicans spend 48% of their leisure time watching television or listening to the radio, compared with 44% for Americans and 28% for German people, the OECD report shows.


  • 游戏的:“如果张卡片数字偶数那么另外一边便红色。”

    The rule to be tested is: “If a card shows an even number on one side, then it is red on the other.


  • 当前有关数字记录状态数据存储期决不能超过必要时间跨度,因为这样数据可能会误用或者由于不注意而泄漏

    Current rules on digital records state that data should never be stored for longer than necessary because they might be misused or inadvertently released.


  • 一方面,EBCDIC中的排序序列空格、小写字符大写字符和数字

    On the other hand, the collating sequence in EBCDIC is: space, lower case characters, upper case characters, and numeric values.


  • 塞内加尔,这个数字14%,毛里塔尼亚则是3%。

    In Senegal it's 14 percent; in Mauritania, 3 percent.


  • 第一数字表明书写者狱中度过时光(28);第二个,被捕入狱年龄44),第三数字则是获释时的年龄(72)。

    The first reveals the number of years the writer spent in prison (28); the second, how old he was when the law caught up with him (44), and the third, the age at which he was released (72).


  • 现今的数字字体中有时会提供一个叫做“特排”的变体风格有所差异,以改善字体字号下使用效果。

    When digital fonts feature a "display" variation, it is to accommodate stylistic differences that may benefit type used at larger point sizes.


  • 类似地数字签名消息发送方使用自己签署消息。

    Similarly, with a digital signature the sender of the message signs the message using his or her own private key.


  • 数字越小光圈越大,到达传感器越多

    The rule is that the smaller the number, the wider the aperture and the more light that can hit the sensor.


  • 右边填满数字九宫格左边则是题为数字”的表格,表面涂层

    On the left was a box headlined "Your Numbers," covered with a scratchable latex coating.


  • 第一个“D”的意思数字的”第二个“D”意思则是“光碟”。

    the first 'D' stands for 'digital' and the second 'D' for 'disc'.


  • Bundle - Version: major . minor . micro .qualifier形式版本号,三个元素数字(缺省0),qualifier则是文本(缺省字符串)。

    Bundle-Version: a version of the form major.minor.micro.qualifier where the first three elements are numeric (defaulting to 0) and qualifier is textual (defaulting to the empty string).


  • Bundle - Version: major . minor . micro .qualifier形式版本号,三个元素数字(缺省0),qualifier则是文本(缺省字符串)。

    Bundle-Version: a version of the form major.minor.micro.qualifier where the first three elements are numeric (defaulting to 0) and qualifier is textual (defaulting to the empty string).


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