• 负责散热控制电源驱动的灯管控制电路会变得更为复杂

    Heat management, power supply, and drivers-the bulbs' controlling circuit boards-get more complex.


  • 屋里通着暖气散热片不时发出叮当嘶嘶声她们对此无法控制

    The heat, which they couldn’t control, was still on, the radiator wastefully knocking and hissing.


  • 外分泌汗腺交感神经系统控制身体温度升高时分泌水分至皮肤表面,蒸发散热

    Eccrine sweat glands, controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, use evaporation to cool the skin by secreting water when body temperature rises.


  • 类似例子还有很多,如附加通信接口控制机制散热平台等

    There are far more examples that could be discussed outside of these three, from additional communication interfaces, control mechanisms or thermal platforms.


  • 系统采暖散热控制而设计的。

    This system is designed to control the electric heating.


  • 根据热平衡原理管道散热特征,得到热水管道加热流速温室环境温度关系建立了温室温度控制模型。

    According to the principle of thermal equilibrium and piping thermorytic characteristics, the relationship between the flow velocity in the heating pipe and the greenhouse climate has been set up.


  • led室内照明产品采用先进数码控制散热管理以及照明灯具设计产品质量性能均达到国际水平

    Trichromatic LED commercial lighting products using the most advanced digital controls, thermal management and lighting design, product quality and performance are up the international standards.


  • 电气控制配有排风散热装置以及具有良好屏蔽作用防止电磁

    The electric cabinet shall be equipped with fan and ventilation equipments, in addition to well-designed shield for EMI compliance.


  • 并且可以通过简单地改变标准单元之间散热厚度,从而改变激光器列阵散热能力控制不同的占空因子

    Additionally, by simply changing the thickness of radiator between the standard array units can change the radiating capacity of the LDs array, and control the factors of different duty ratios.


  • 表明食品冰晶体平均大小晶核数目反比,而晶核的数目又受散热速率的控制

    This indicates that the mean size of the crystals within the product will vary inversely with the number of nuclei and the number of nuclei can be controlled by the rate of heat removal.


  • 控制单元采用扩展的8031系统传感器主要有节气门传感器、散热温度传感器点火信号发生器

    Control unite USES extensive 8031 system, sensor system mainly include the Throttle Position sensor, Dissipating Heat Piece Temperature sensor and ignition signal sensor.


  • 提出组装电路组件微波功放控制电路中的应用,介绍了微组装电路组件的散热措施。

    This paper introduce the application of micro assembly circuit micro module in microwave power amplifiers and its thermal management.


  • 航天器密封舱主要以通风的方式排出舱内人员设备散热,从而控制舱内的温度水平。

    In pressured cabin of manned spacecraft, human body and equipment heat dissipation is realized by convection heat transfer.


  • 可以实现人工控制散热温度

    The invention can realize the manual control of the heat-radiation temperature.


  • 系列65弹簧垫圈散热供水适用需要人工控制所有加热冷却设备上。

    Series 65 spring packless radiator supply valves are used on all heating and cooling equipment where manual control is desired.


  • 提出了一种模糊控制规则实时校正算法,并散热实验热工系统为被控对象研究循环系统送风温度规则自校正模糊控制过程。

    Taking the thermodynamic system of radiator testing stand as a controlled object, studies the fuzzy control process of rule self-tuning for supply air temperature in air circulation systems.


  • 安全充电设计师通过控制集成电路温度降低多余热量调节环路优化散热性能

    Safer charging: Designers reduce excess heat by controlling the integrated circuit temperature and optimize thermal performance with a thermal-regulation loop.


  • 发明提供了直通风散热装置控制方法

    The invention also discloses method for controlling the heat sink in type of conduction through.


  • 气冷的方法,可以使试样散热更快,达到控制温度的目的,同时也可以减小焊接残余应力焊接横向收缩变形

    Wind cooling accelerated elimination of heat dissipation, and controlled temperature which made welding transverse contraction deformation and the residual stresses decrease.


  • 所述车载音响系统散热方法根据车载音响系统使用状态对半导体制冷的电流进行控制

    The heat dissipating method of the on-vehicle sound system is that the current of the semiconductor chilling plates is controlled according to the use state of the on-vehicle sound system.


  • 放大器控制连接安装安装金属散热器与冷却控制扬声器系统保护整体尺寸外部对流小组

    The amplifier controls and connections mounted on a metal mounting panel with an external convection cooled aluminium heatsink contained and protected within the speaker system overall dimensions.


  • 介绍8031单片机自动控制装配内燃机散热叶片片距任意调整

    Autocontrol sheet distance is recommended at assembling of the heat sink of internal combustion engine by the 8031 single chip microcomputer, and the sheet distance is can discretionary adjusted.


  • 放大器控制连接安装安装金属散热器与冷却控制扬声器系统保护整体尺寸外部对流小组

    The amplifier controls and connections are mounted on a metal mounting panel with an external convection cooled aluminium heatsink contained and protected within the speaker system overall dimensions.


  • 装置冷却水罐循环水泵散热回水管线水位水温控制冷却装置组成。

    The system is comprised of water tank, recycling water pump, radiator, water inlet and discharging pipes, and water level and temperature controller.


  • 为了深入研究我们模型中采用力学分析定义了在机床导轨控制广义概念

    For the deep research, we apply the discrete thermodynamic analysis and define the concept of the virtual thermal resistance in the heat control of the machine tool guide.


  • 地埋换热器辅助散热系统热泵机组模型依据不同控制方法编程组合成水源辅助散热的复合源热泵系统和传统地源热泵系统模型。

    The model of HyGSHPs and traditional GSHPs are built up using program with the ground heat exchanger, supplemental heat rejecter system and the unit model according to various control methods.


  • 产品温度控制电动二通,电动调节阀动态平衡散热器恒温阀等。

    Products are temperature controller, electric two-way valves, electric control valves, Dynamic balancing and thermostatic radiator valve.


  • 介绍一个改进水滴冻结实验装置腔、冷腔温度控制、水滴冻结信号检测及记录循环散热环境等几部分构成。

    A device for drop-freezing experiment was improved, which consists of the cold-cavity, thermometer, controller of temperature, recorder of signals, cold sink, and environment box.


  • 与(由疾病原因导致的)发烧不同机体的温度不可控制地升高且不能散热

    In contrast to fever, the body's temperature rises uncontrollably and the body is not able to dissipate the heat.


  • 应用锅炉分层燃烧装置散热恒温控制充分节约能源

    Applies stratification combustion appliance of boiler and temperature control valve of radiator to save energy in large degree.


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