• 首先,对教学目标设置进行阐述从中得出创造教学概念,进一步确定在初中进行民族音乐教育目标

    Firstly, it elaborates the setting of education goal, through which it finds out the conception of creative education and puts down the ends of national music education.


  • 生物课教学开放体现教学目标教学内容教学方法教学评价教学时空思维方面。

    The open nature in biology teaching lies in the objective, content, methods, appraisal, time and space in the teaching, thinking and so on.


  • 本文物理学本科专业为阐述教学型本科院校应用人才培养目标规格

    This paper expounds the training target and standards of applied undergraduate personnel with an example of physics undergraduate training.


  • 实现目标策略安排上,构建基本工业软件技术为主混合式教学内容体系

    In strategic arrangement for achieving the objective, teachers should build the mixed teaching content system subjected by basic industrial level software technology.


  • 加强实践教学实现高职教育培养目标关键措施。

    Tostrengthen practice is a important method to achieve the training goal of altitude vocational education.


  • 特点独特培养目标、独特的培养方式、专业设置职业本位教学内容的应用、职业教育区域

    Its character is its absolute training target, training model, specialty offered with vocational character, applied teaching contents and regional education.


  • 毕业设计土木工程专业教学计划中重要一个实践教学环节也是实现专业培养目标要求的重要阶段

    Graduation design is the most important link in the practical teaching of civil engineering major, and is important stage of achieving the objectives and requirements of professional development.


  • 项目实现教学目标提供容易处理可能组织大小问题重要的。

    The issue of organizational size is important to fulfill both educational objectives and provide tractability in the project.


  • 直观视觉形象多途径感觉认识有利于教学目标整体实现增强学生思维能力

    Its direct visualization, multi perception, would help the realization of the whole teaching objectives and the promotion of the students thinking ability.


  • 达到目标必须职业能力要求入手分析设计具有针对实用实践教学体系

    To achieve this goal, we must analyse from vocational ability requirements, and design the practice teaching system with pertinence and practicability.


  • 目的探讨阶段目标教学模式病房应用及效果

    Objective: To investigate the effects of the phased target teaching in the model unit.


  • 培养时代所需高素质艺术创造人才出发提出现代素描教学的核心思想主要目标

    This paper proposes the kernal conceptions and main Objectives of modern sketch teaching from a viewpoint of training highly qualified artistic talents.


  • 不仅加强实践教学环节而且明确了培养目标

    It has not only strengthened the practical teaching sections, but also explicited the educational objectives.


  • 提出学校体育课程实施过程充分考虑教学活动的计划实施结构,明确教学目标内容方法,认真规划教学单元内容组织

    It was advanced that we need to think over the teaching plans, structures, goals, contents, methods and the content's organizations also provide reference basis for the P. e.


  • 大学英语教学教学目标教学模式教学内容教学方法教学思想以及教学评估等方面都具有模糊特点

    College English teaching possesses the feature of fuzziness in teaching objective, teaching mode, teaching contents, teaching method, teaching thoughts and teaching evaluation.


  • 体育技术情感目标教学体育课堂激发情感对学习的动力作用新的教学观念

    The teaching method for target of emotion in sports technique is a new teaching theory to arouse the motivation to study in sports class.


  • 中师音乐教育钢琴教学培养学生创造思维既是培养目标需要也是学科特点学生特点需要。

    To foster the students 'creative thinking is the require of cultivating target and the characters of subject and students in musical education of middle training school piano teaching.


  • 提出学校体育课程实施过程中充分考虑教学活动计划实施结构,明确教学目标内容方法,认真规划教学单元和内容组织

    It was advanced that we need to think over the teaching plans, structures, goals, contents, methods and the content's organizations also provide reference basis for the p.


  • 理解数学教学促进理解充分理解数学为目标教学

    The understanding mathematics teaching is one kind of teaching whose goal is to promote the knower to understand mathematics fully.


  • 传统课堂教学监控也是封闭教学内容教学目标教学方式教学评价缺乏灵活开放生命丰富

    Traditional classroom teaching is a closed monitoring, teaching content, teaching objectives, teaching methods, teaching evaluation are the lack of openness and flexibility of the richness of life.


  • 教学目标表述可以通过行为目标内部过程外显行为相结合、表现性目标生成目标的表述方法来实现。

    And the teaching objective can be expressed in the following terms: the behavior objective, the combination of inner and outer processes, the performance and the productive objective.


  • 研究学习课程设计目标内容组织评价资源教学过程方面具有与学科课程不同质。

    There are many differences between project-based learning and subject curriculum in objectives, contents and organization, evaluation, resources and teaching-learning process.


  • 结合专业培养目标,从教学基本环节入手,房地产财务会计课程教学进行探讨提出建设建议

    Combining speciality training aim with basic teaching links, the author discusses the teaching of real estate financial account course and puts forward some constructive Suggestions.


  • 本文论述双语教学概念目标,对目前医学双语教学必要存在问题进行了分析和探讨。

    The article expounds the concept and aims of clinical bilingual teaching, and suggests an approach to the necessity of clinical bilingual teaching and its existing problems.


  • 本文试图对情感领域教学目标建构过程进行细化研究以期使之更具合理可操作

    This thesis deals with a detailed research on the construction process of teaching objectives in the emotional domain, aiming to rationalize and operationalize it.


  • 专家教师能够更为清晰表达教学目标框架专家教师对过程教学目标没有清晰的意识

    He can express the framework of teaching objectives more clearly, while the non-expert teacher becomes unaware of his teaching objectives in the process of teaching.


  • 小学课堂活动趣味有效英语学科教学追求目标

    Interest and usefulness of the classroom activity of primary school English be an English academics teaching to pursue a target.


  • 英语课时目标英语课程目标单元目标进一步具体化,是最具操作教学目标

    English classroom objectives make further reification of English curriculum objectives and unit objectives and they are most-easily-operated ones.


  • 教育学课堂教学面临培养目标不确定教学内容方法滞后导致学生厌学。

    The uncertain purpose and sluggish teaching method and old content of Pedagogy lead to be tired of students.


  • 文章从理论和实践两个方面,探析物理研究学习实现三维教学目标有力支持使读者对此有一个较为深刻认识

    The paper explores the double support in realizing three-dimension teaching objects by research learning of physics, in order to give readers a deep understanding of it.


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