• 中间铁路运输基层生产单位投入产出效果关系铁路运营的收入,因此对中间站工作效率有效性进行综合评价很必要。

    The intermediary station is a grass-roots production unit of railway transportation, whose effect of input-output has directive relation to railway income.


  • 生命周期中,起始不仅仅机密性完整性可用性方面业务需求还是包括有效性效率和可靠性方面的需求,。

    In this lifecycle the starting point is the business requirements in terms of not only confidentiality, integrity and availability but also effectiveness, efficiency, compliance and reliability.


  • 可以使用快速可视化信息查看实时数据分析历史数据,不断地改进业务活动流程有效性效率

    You can use the quick, visualized information to see live data, or analyze historical data, to continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your business activities and processes.


  • 管理脚本这些方面可以增强测试有效性效率

    Managing these aspects of the script enhances your testing effectiveness and efficiency.


  • 而言之,我们可以通过健康术语里可能称为精确度塑造策略,来提高构建效率有效性

    To sum up, we can improve build efficiency and effectiveness through what might be called, in fitness terminology, a precision sculpting strategy.


  • 意味着提高软件开发生命周期过程自动化集成效率有效性不可避免

    This inevitably means enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of process automation and integration in the software development lifecycle.


  • 提高效率有效性说法红线贯穿所有文件强调你们战略目标

    The phrase "improve efficiency and effectiveness" runs like a red line throughout your documents, underscoring the objective of your strategies.


  • 因此管理阶段不但管理企业SOA(服务流程体系结构),有效性效率进行监视度量

    As a result the manage phase not only manages the enterprise SOA (services, processes, and the infrastructure), but it also monitors and measures its effectiveness and efficiency.


  • 如果不能保证做事有效性,那么追求效率毫无意义,你必须向着目标努力

    On effectiveness. It's not worth being efficient if you're not doing something effective, meaning that you must work toward your goal.


  • 经济紧缩年代各国迅速应用提高艾滋病毒规划效率有效性科技新方法至关重要。

    In times of economic austerity it will be essential to rapidly apply new science, technologies and approaches to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HIV programmes in countries.


  • 事实上复制信息可能整个过程中简单部分但是选择合适工具直接影响信息传输的有效性效率

    Actually copying the information is probably the simplest part of the process, but choosing the right tool can make a big difference to how effectively and efficiently the information is transferred.


  • 它们结合在一起增强企业有效性吗,或者每个组织单元只是涉及自己的(局部)效率吗?

    Are they aligned to enhance the effectiveness of the enterprise or is each organizational unit only really concerned with its own (local) efficiencies?


  • 争取实现四项初级卫生保健目标国家卫生系统就能变得更加连贯更具效率和更加公平,极大地提高其有效性

    By aiming at these four primary health care goals, national health systems can become more coherent, more efficient, more fair and vastly more effective.


  • 除了效率有效性之外,前馈还人们更加享受生活

    Aside from its effectiveness and efficiency, feedforward can make life a lot more enjoyable.


  • 安装了这些任务装备的HC-130J飞机具有更强的任务能力同时可以改善燃油效率提高有效性增加飞行距离时间。

    The mission-equipped HC-130J aircraft provide increased mission capability with improved fuel efficiency, higher availability, and greater range and endurance, says a representative.


  • 近年来,Sophie负责协调施乐工程效率有效性,在这期间里施乐更新了,95%的办公用品生产线

    In recent years, Sophie has been responsible for coordinating Xerox's engineering efficiency and effectiveness, a period during which Xerox refreshed more than 95 percent of its office product line.


  • 疫苗有效性研究结果表明如果HIV疫苗预防HIV病毒感染上只有50%的效率的话,人们接受接种的可能性大大降低

    The effectiveness of a vaccine: The research showed people would be far less likely to take an HIV vaccine if it was only 50 per cent effective in protecting against HIV infection


  • 应用结果表明模型有效性准确性提高其他油田螺杆泵系统效率具有一定指导意义

    Application of the model results show that the effectiveness and accuracy of other oil fields to enhance the efficiency of screw pump well system has a certain significance.


  • 尽管外源活动及其经营管理可以提高存货有效性作业效率但它承担厂商控制范围责任

    Although external activities and their management can improve the efficiency of inventory and the efficiency of the work, it also has to bear the responsibility outside the scope of control.


  • 风险预防有效性反映三个方面环境风险反应速度、反应力度反应效率

    The effectiveness of precaution is reflected in three aspects: the speed, the strength and the efficiency of response to environmental risks.


  • 回顾利益相关者风险反应验证效率有效性经济性

    Review risk responses with the relevant stakeholders for validation of efficiency, effectiveness and economy.


  • 应用统计技术帮助组织了解变异从而有助于组织解决问题提高有效性效率

    The use of statistical techniques can help in understanding variability, and thereby can help organizations to solve problems and improve effectiveness and efficiency.


  • 高科技教学主要问题是否真实提高学习效率有效性

    The main question about high-tech education is whether it actually boosts the efficiency and the effectiveness of learning.


  • 资源整合过程中,速度质量企业经营效率来源也是保障系统资源整合有效性关键

    In the process of resources integrating, speed and quality are the sources of operation efficiency of the organization as well as the key factors that affects the validity of resources integrating.


  • 过程绩效各种信息结果定义的过程要求进行对比,肯定过程有效性效率然后识别什么地方必须采取纠正措施,加以改进。

    Compare the results of process performance information with the defined requirements of the process, to confirm process effectiveness and efficiency and to identify any need for corrective action.


  • 可以通过内部外部来对过程进行评估确定过程有效性效率

    Process effectiveness and efficiency can be assessed through internal or external review processes.


  • 提升效率有效性目标一个组织孜孜以求的目标。

    Goals like promoting efficiency and effectiveness are typical targets that the management of an organization tries to achieve.


  • 实验证明一系列算法效率有效性尤其适合数据仓库中的高维数据集。

    The effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithms have been shown by experimental results, especially for the high dimension data warehouses.


  • 实验证明一系列算法效率有效性尤其适合数据仓库中的高维数据集。

    The effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithms have been shown by experimental results, especially for the high dimension data warehouses.


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