• 所用的参数所期望内爆效果

    The argument is the amount of implosion effect you desire.


  • 评估试验设计(包括RCT和观察性试验设计)估计效果影响

    To assess the impact of study design (including RCTs versus observational study designs) on the effect measures estimated.


  • 讨论了显著性、效果原因研究设计统计分析中的意义作用

    The meaning and function of significance, effect size and cause size in research design and statistical analysis were discussed.


  • 效果反映之间差异大小联系巩固程度,是标志研究结果重要指标,日益受到研究者的重视。

    Effect size, an important index indicating results of a study, reflects the differences or the relation between variables. Researchers have been increasingly attaching importance to it.


  • 最终效果非常明显许多情况下,在学到相同内容的情况下,学生星期的工作要小于普通的结构化课程

    The net result is pretty clear at this point: in many cases, students are doing less per week on this course than they would on a more structured course that had exactly the same content.


  • 觉得有趣我们生活经历喜悦可归结为我们经常经历的事的效果

    The interesting thing to me is that the amount of joy we experience in this life comes down to what effects we experience on a regular basis.


  • 研究结果显示如果卡路里消耗太过剧烈身体会抵消掉节食效果

    But studies suggest that if you cut calorie consumption too drastically, your body counteracts the effect of dieting.


  • 但是吝啬财政补助提高必须征税利润那么总体上这些政策对公司没有什么效果的。

    Stingier capital allowances, however, will raise the amount of profit subject to the tax, so the overall effect on companies will be neutral.


  • 所以可以看到我们许多人摄入低于能收到保护效果阈值水平,”阿里达什

    "So you can see that many of us are below that threshold level that we believe confers protective benefits," says Arendash.


  • 如果我们还有那些曾经有的所有鲸鱼,它们年内消除相当于200次有效的铁质施肥所产生的效果

    If we had all the whales we used to have, they would remove the same amount of carbon in a year as 200 of the most efficient iron fertilization events.


  • 里面化学成分仅很少长期每天涂抹我们头上脸上身体上效果却是不可估的。

    The chemicals are present in small amounts, but the long term effects of smearing them on our heads, faces, and bodies every day are unknown.


  • 令人惊奇每天减少3的摄入对于降低高血压死亡率效果药物控制血压效果一样的。

    Even more surprising, cutting salt by 3 g per day was as effective in reducing death rates among people with hypertension as taking medication to control blood pressure.


  • 啤酒倒入酒杯,在完整保留碳化作用恰当泡沫同时还要获得良好视觉效果需要经过一番实践才能练就的艺术

    Getting beer into its glass with its carbonation intact and the correct volume of foam while achieving a nice visual presentation is an art form that takes some practice.


  • 电视影响效果仍然存在但是在逐渐减小因为投票人所获信息增加了。

    The effect of television is still present, but diminishing, as voters' information levels rise.


  • 需要一定光线进入你相机但是手动模式之下你得你想要的其他效果出发来决定这个多少

    You need a certain amount of light to get into the camera, but in manual mode you choose how to get that amount based on the other things you want for the shot.


  • 这种做法带来的真正效果我们获得一个更长的临界可能导致其他线程受到拖延从而降低吞吐

    Then net effect is that we will end up with a longer critical section which may result in other threads stalling and reduced throughput.


  • 当时评论家们没有多少词汇方式来播出这种特别英语绝不会有什么效果美国一些驻外大使要求取消这个节目

    Critics at the time said the Special English method of broadcasting at a slower rate with a limited vocabulary would never work. American embassies demanded that the program be cancelled.


  • 所以,只要简简单单马铃薯改成有机马铃薯,就能产生很大潜在效果——因为用于商业出售的马铃薯农药残留最高的蔬菜之一。

    A simple switch to organic potatoes has the potential to have a big impact because commercially-farmed potatoes are some of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables.


  • 举例来说,新型高吞吐测序片段DNA测序效果最好,而从受损古生代样本提取出的正是这种小片段。

    For example, new high-throughput sequencers turned out to work best with small fragments of dna-just what degraded ancient samples yield.


  • 为了达到最佳运作效果我们大脑需要保持这个水平脂肪

    To function optimally, our brains need to maintain this level of fat.


  • 在重庆市公共安全方面,黑的效果立竿见影例如报警急速下降了40%,不过属于临时性的,效果可能持续长久

    The crackdown has had an immediate impact on public safety in Chongqing - calls to police are down 40%, for instance - but its temporary nature means that the results are unlikely to be permanent.


  • 快速自然的3d特效支持就能轻松地产生动画效果,而之前只能通过那些专业用户提供大众。

    Fast, lightweight, and native 3d effects make motion that was previously reserved for expert users available to everyone.


  • 因为油炸时候加入大蒜能够减缓油脂降解(洋葱有同样的效果),因而降低摄入食品中的对自由基吸收

    The garlic slows the degradation of the oil during cooking (ginger and Onions also do this), and thus reduces the intake of free radicals from your food.


  • 饮料中只要每天减少饮用,可以有6之内减少1.1(0.49千克体重18月内减少1.4磅(0.65千克)的效果

    Among sugar-sweetened beverages, cutting out just 1 serving daily was associated with a weight loss of 1.1 pounds (0.49 kg) at 6 months and 1.4 pounds (0.65 kg) at 18 months.


  • 大蒜浓,含硫越多医疗效果越大

    The stronger the taste of the garlic, the more sulfur content it has and therefore the greater are the medicinal benefits.


  • 因此for循环每次呈现时减少阿尔法混合程序退出创建有效淡出效果

    The for loop, therefore, reduces the alpha-blending amount in each pass to create an effective fade-out before the program exits.


  • 因此for循环每次呈现时减少阿尔法混合程序退出创建有效淡出效果

    The for loop, therefore, reduces the alpha-blending amount in each pass to create an effective fade-out before the program exits.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定