• 行政机关赔偿损失应当责令故意或者重大过失行政机关工作人员承担部分或者全部赔偿费用。

    After paying the compensation, the administrative organ shall instruct those members of its personnel who have committed intentional or gross mistakes in the case to bear part or all of the damages.


  • 第十六条行为客观上虽然造成损害结果,但是不是出于故意或者过失,而是由于不能抗拒或者不能预见原因所引起的,不是犯罪

    Article 16 If an act in fact results in harmful consequences due to unavoidable or unforeseeable causes rather than intent or negligence, it shall not be a crime.


  • 第十六行为客观上虽然造成了损害结果,但是不是出于故意或者过失,而是由于不能抗拒或者不能预见原因所引起的,不是犯罪

    Article 16 an act is not a crime if it objectively results in harmful consequences due to irresistible or unforeseeable causes rather than intent or negligence.


  • 故意重大过失造成的重大损失

    One party caused great loss to the other party due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence.


  • 应仅限于故意恶意行为严重不负责的行为重大过失行为,更好保障公民生命健康权

    But it is only used in the intentional or spiteful behavior, serious irresponsible behavior and behavior of great fault in order to guarantee citizen's rights of life and health.


  • 公证机构赔偿可以故意或者重大过失公证员追偿

    After the notarial office makes a compensation, it may demand the notary with intentional or serious mistake to make a repayment.


  • 故意或者重大过失致使遗失物毁损、灭失的,应当承担民事责任

    If, the thing in his or its safekeeping is damaged, destroyed or lost intentionally or through gross negligence, he or it shall bear civil liability therefor.


  • 主观方面表现故意过失构成酷刑犯罪的。

    The subjective aspects's performance is intentional, negligence is not constitute torture crime.


  • 原因自由行为行为人故意过失使自己陷于责任能力限制责任能力状态此状态充足犯罪构成要件犯罪行为。

    The action libera in cause is a crime that a behavior intentionally or faultily makes himself into no legal competence or limit legal competence and satisfies the constitution of crime under thereof.


  • 公证机构赔偿可以向有故意或者重大过失的公证员追偿。

    After making the compensation, it may claim repayment from the notary who intentionally commits the fault or commits a serious fault.


  • 重点探讨了告知义务的履行,以界定过失故意不如实告知的产生原因,针对理赔原因提出对策

    It defines fault and intentional failure to inform as it is and puts forward countermeasures for difficulty in settling claims.


  • 监督人因为故意或者重大过失造成债务人或者债权人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。

    The supervisor shall be liable for compensation where damage is caused to the debtor or the creditor due to its purposeful act or material negligence.


  • 抢劫重伤死亡的,包括行为人故意致人重伤、死亡过失致人重伤、死亡的情形在内。

    Robbery causing severe injury or death should include both perpetrator's intentional and negligent act which lead to the result.


  • 侵权根据侵权责任的不同分为三类故意侵权责任,过失侵权责任,绝对侵权责任过错严格侵权责任。

    Torts scan be divided into three categories depending on whether liability is based on intent, on negligence, or is absolute or strict without either intent or negligence.


  • 侵权根据侵权责任的不同分为三类故意侵权责任,过失侵权责任,绝对侵权责任过错严格侵权责任。

    Torts can be divided into three categories depending on whether liability is based on intent, on negligence, or is absolute or strict without either intent or negligence.


  • 公民故意过失拍摄不当视频片段或图文,通过大众媒体传播侵害他人合法权益构成侵权

    But the video clip or script which is intentionally or negligently shot and transmitted by mass media will prejudice the lawful rights of others and constitute an infringement.


  • 根据侵权责任的不同分为三类故意侵权责任,过失侵权责任,绝对侵权责任过错严格侵权责任。

    Torts can be divided into three categories depending on whether liability is based on intent, on negligence, or is absolute or strict without either intent or negligence.


  • 主观方面表现直接故意包括间接故意过失的心理态度。

    The subjective aspect of the crime is shown as on direct purpose, not on indirect purpose or negligence.


  • 所谓主观罪过是指行为人自己危害社会行为及其危害社会的结果所持的故意或者过失心理态度

    So-called subjective guilt, means the behavior person to own an intentional or perhaps faulty mental attitude to his endangering result of social and his behavior.


  • 任何人基于过错故意过失违反被要求行为标准都要负责任。

    A person is liable on the basis of fault for intentional or negligent violation of the required standard of conduct.


  • 律师事务所赔偿可以向有故意或者重大过失行为律师追偿。

    After paying compensation, the law firm may claim recovery from the lawyer who acted intentionally or out of gross negligence.


  • 防卫过当的罪过形式不仅包括间接故意、过于自信的过失疏忽大意的过失不能排除直接故意

    Forms of sin not only include indirect intention, fault resulted from overconfidence and fault caused by negligence, but also direct intention as well.


  • 水污染损失第三者故意或者过失引起的,第三者应当承担责任。

    If the loss from water pollution is caused by a third party intentionally or negligently, the third party shall be liable to make compensation.


  • 水污染损失第三者故意或者过失引起的,第三者应当承担责任。

    If the loss from water pollution is caused by a third party intentionally or negligently, the third party shall be liable to make compensation.


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