• 如今联邦法律保护国家环境政策法案濒危物种》,阻碍建坝。

    Today a rampart of federal legislation, such as the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, would block the way.


  • 参与制定了董事会决策,即高等法院提交了一份非常出名的倾斜政策法案

    It also contributed to his part in the regents' decision to take a celebrated affirmative-action case to the Supreme Court.


  • 源于世界一端几十年前颁布关于撤销管制规定的文件:美国1978年的天然气政策法案

    They are to be found in a piece of deregulation enacted decades ago on the other side of the world: America's Natural Gas Policy act of 1978.


  • 纽约市公布了一项联邦纳税人权利法案范本而制定10点政策

    New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers.


  • 参议院法案计划设立一个独立委员会监督试点项目修改医疗保险支付政策提出建议敦促医疗机构进行有效的改革

    The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work.


  • 如果考虑到那么长时间解释为什么否决这样法案,你就会明白禁止这样政策多么可怕

    If you consider how long it took me to explain why I vetoed the bill, you understand why it was terrible politics to do so.


  • 然而美参议院七月已将环境政策能源法案移除奥巴马逐步解决美国能源政策希望构成了威胁

    But Obama's hopes to tackle national energy policy bit by bit after the Senate removed climate measures from the energy bill in July may also be threatened.


  • 接受调查半数美国人赞成政策,也赞成企业支付排放费——也是参议院限额交易法案基本要素

    Half of Americans polled remain in favour of putting limits and carbon emissions and making companies pay for their emissionsthe basics of the cap and trade bill now before the Senate.


  • 人们往往忘了罗纳德·里根经常实质政策上面和反对者们达成妥协——尤其是最终颁布多重法案

    People tend to forget that Ronald Reagan often gave ground on policy substance - most notably, he ended up enacting multiple tax increases.


  • 法案布什时代的减税政策延长

    The bill will extend Bush-era tax cuts for another two years.


  • 绝大多数情况下通过政策方案来解决数字鸿沟问题然而一些法案一主题有着直接关系。

    Mostly, digital divide issues are dealt in policy programmes but some legal ACTS bear direct relevancy to the topic.


  • 同时法案首次买房者提供税收抵免以及为研发岗位留在美国而提供减税政策

    There are also provisions in this legislation that would extend the tax credit for first-time homebuyers, as well as tax cuts to keep research and development jobs here in the United States.


  • 1978年选民投票通过以来,由于13号法案触及到政策金融各个方面经常新闻

    Since voters passed it in 1978, it has remained in the news constantly because it touches every aspect of state policy and finance.


  • 现在所有排量限制交易法案或是碳排放以及其他抗击全球气候变化机制基础国家能源政策肯定全都泡了汤。

    Certainly, any national energy policy that's built on cap and trade or a carbon tax or any other mechanism for fighting global climate change is now dead.


  • 就是为什么采取行政裁定监管行动确保濒危物种法案被滥用制定全球变暖政策

    That is why I am taking administrative and regulatory action to make certain the ESA isn't abused to make global warming policies.


  • 接下来大半个世纪中,南方白人不遗余力地背弃内战修正法案给出的承诺制定种族隔离政策有名的吉姆·克劳

    For most of the next hundred years, white southerners ardently subverted the promises of the civil-war amendments by enacting the segregationist policies that came to be known as Jim Crow laws.


  • 我们工作场所关键政策1993年家庭医疗请假法案

    Our key workplace policy is the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act.


  • 命途多舛的克里·格雷厄姆·利伯曼气候变化法案得到了两党的支持在就该法案进行协商美国石油生产商发出信号,对类似于增收燃油税的政策表示愿意接受。

    America's big oil producers signalled openness to a similar policy during negotiations over the ill-fated but bipartisan Kerry-Graham-Lieberman climate bill.


  • 意味着五角大楼不会每年写入法案中的一系列相关要求政策规定感到满意。

    That would mean the Pentagon would not be beholden to a long list of reporting requirements and policy provisions that each year are packed into the authorization bill.


  • 回顾一生,我不会想到通过任何法案提倡政策

    When I look back on my life, I won't be thinking about any particular legislation I passed or policy I promoted.


  • 口头批评不利于弱势群体政策议会通过的妨碍难民重建家园的税务法案

    He was vocally critical of policies that targeted the downtrodden, such as a Senate-approved transit tax that made it difficult for refugees to resettle.


  • 旨在保护动物生活场所法案以及一些保护土地森林政策经济利益抵触

    The act, designed to protect species' living areas, and policies that preserve land and forests compete with economic interests.


  • 分离主义危机期间贝尔·伊布利斯没有让科雷利亚参加建军法案投票,而是实行孤立主义政策,防止科雷利亚卷入不可避免的冲突。

    During the Separatist crisis, Bel Iblis removed Corellia from the Military Creation act vote, and enacted a policy of isolationism to protect Corellia from the inevitable conflict.


  • 哈金发言人汤姆·雷诺兹道琼斯社说,会谈期间,哈金希望讨论农业政策未来走向,“为农业法案制定一个框架。”

    Harkin wants to discuss the future of agriculture policy and "shaping a bold farm bill" during the meeting, Harkin spokesman Tom Reynolds told Dow Jones Newswires.


  • 然而欧盟共同农业政策美国农业法案富裕世界眼中仍然是神圣不可侵犯的。

    Yet still the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and the United States' Farm Bill remain sacrosanct in the eyes of the rich world.


  • 然而欧盟共同农业政策美国农业法案富裕世界眼中仍然是神圣不可侵犯的。

    Yet still the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and the United States' Farm Bill remain sacrosanct in the eyes of the rich world.


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